hello (you know who you are), if you see this thread!
we chatted after he was finished with work.
apparently, i gave away far too many details in the last thread i started.
i am.. the jehovah's witnesses religion sucks.. that's all i have to say..
hello (you know who you are), if you see this thread!
we chatted after he was finished with work.
apparently, i gave away far too many details in the last thread i started.
@snap: some advise
Just be objective( as if you're a visitor on this site, who doesn't know anything about the WTS), and read all above!
Don't you think by yourselff what the f*ck kind of organisation am I involved with, beeing this scared over getting caught.
So forget all your so called JWfriends or family. They are brainwashed or evil or both!!! You can't help them now, only yourself by getting out!
Be free and fly away!
i've been away from the borg for many years now.
the only information i have about new light/doctrine change/flip flops is from this board.
so i'm hoping you can help me with a couple of questions i've had since i was a kid.. does the wtbts have a plan for what the jws are supposed to do while the battle of armaggedon is being fought?.
I think if the big day somehow would happen( I don't believe that bs anymore).
No JW would believe it! It was supose to happen so many times(in 18hundred something and 1914, 1918, 1975, somewere between 75 and 94 and somewere between my greatgrandma was born and my greatgrandchildren will bbe born), that that they think that this time it's also not true and they probably go on knocking on doors to tell people the end is near......
i never understood why df'd ones would treat other df'd ones like crap.
(after all, they could talk to each other).
but many would "treat" other disfellowshipped just like the witnesses would.
It Can be differend!!!!!\
My mum also got df'd after a year and a half when I was df'd
She had contact with me, more after she becam df'd too. because she than realised how hard it is to suddenly loose all your friends and family and how unfair.....
She is back with te borg now( unfortenately), I think the only reason because all her friends are in, evendough she denies it, but she still have good contact with me, and she now recrets shunning people before. nowedays she greets df'd people. respect...
most of us here know what a hypocritical, backstabbing bunch of gossips many of the jw's tend to be.
far too often, a jw wont tell you to your face what's eating them, but they'll sure tell others.
when i started waking up (the second time around) this made me very paranoid.
My evil stephmother who is a JW and I hate her told the biggest lie about me.
A few years ago I needed some administrational papers from me , who were still in my fathers possesion.
I called him ans made a appointment to pick them up. But when I came by. My dad wasn't at home and only my stephmom was there.
She did not want to let me in and said she didn't knew anything about a appointment. After a while it became into a verbale fight and I left.
But she told other JW's that I came to the house and demolished things in the house! I found out by my real mother.
hi all,.
i'm thinking about pioneer service...... would anyone happen to have the manual - shining as illuminators in the world, in pdf format that they can send me please to have a look at.. many thanks!!.
naeuca .
hi everyone, have a question:.
in your experience, which side figured out that the wt wasn't really "the truth" first?.
the right side of the brain is generally considered to be the "artistic, emotional, 'all at once', sub-conscious, dreaming" side of your brain, while the left being the "logical, procedural, step 1 then step 2" side of your brain.. for me it was clearly the right side - my left side had been well trained to ignore or weasel around the logical problems with the wt.
I think it was a combination, but maybe it started with my left(ratio) side.
I was born into the borg, but it was always like the the prinses on the pea. The matrasses were comfortable but something was poking in my back.
Those little things like nobody could give me a good reason for me not celebrating birthdays while it was okay to celebrate weddingdates and other stuff.
Then when I was thirteen I discoffered that I was gay and that also started to get my emotional part thinking. And that was the beginning of me opening my eyes and I'm so glad I'm out of there now!!!!!
if i were to accept jesus as my personal savior, what would i have to do?.
this is a serious question.
would i have to think or read something first?
please share your thoughts.
there are many things in the bible that sound like greek mythologies.
i will start and you can add to the list.. a talking walking snake.. immaculate conception.. angels having sex with women creating nephilim.. a dove descending upon jesus after he was babtized.. the transfiguration.. some dude wrestling with an angel all night.. jonah being swallowed by a whale and living inside for three days.. a talking burning bush.