Instead of asking baited questions with loaded cultish language as a feebled attempt to witness, why don't your address your question to the subject of concern directly YoYoMamma?
Posts by ianao
What is Jehovah's Will Today?
by SexyTeen ini have a quick question: what is jehovah's will today and who is doing it?
What is Jehovah's Will Today?
by SexyTeen ini have a quick question: what is jehovah's will today and who is doing it?
A more important question: Who is Michael Malin, and what happened to the face on Mars?
You MIGHT be in a cult if:
You ask everyone else what is on God's mind instead of asking him yourself.
Anti-Aging Update #2
by metatron inscientists have cloned a working kidney in cows.. this comes after regrowing bladders in dogs..
I can't wait for those folks to advance. I need a new penis.
Please form a judicial committee...
by SexyTeen inseeing that most of those on this forum love to judge others (although the complaint is that jws do the same thing), i am willing to go through a judicial committee.. if you see fit not to forgive, please disfellowship me and shun me.
Everyone please note the modus operendi (sp?) of YoYo at this point. Notice how he attempts to use reverse psychology to manipulate flower into inaction.
yoyo says:
flower: My point was that if I accuse JWs of something and then I do the same thing, what does that make me?
then later yoyo presses the point in another response to flower's request for clarification:Yes that's what I meant, sorry it hurts you, but its true.
Notice how flower, if he/she follows yoyo's logic, should conclude hypocracy on both sides of the proverbial "coin" between JW's and EX-JW's.Sounds logical, right? No doubt Yoyo hopes that flower forgets that she is not the one who is claiming to be special in God's eyes and above most of humanity alive today (i.e. an authority).
Most likely the preferred outcome by yoyo would be for flower to think twice and possibly never throw accusations at witnesses again, despite his/her strong convictions against them.
This would have an end-result of 'gagging' another 'apostate' so that the WT/CCJWs will have less opposition to contend with. Flower stops complaining, witness continue deceiving. Down goes another bit of potentially damaging testimony, etc. etc.
Also notice yoyo completely skirting AlanF's requests for validation. if 'she' is indeed a SexyTeen and not a yoyo, 'she' would make a simple phone call and put and end to any doubts. Instead, the yoyo responds with more attempts at reverse psychology and dodging.
YoYo-Sexy could be a bethel plant, or at least a witness with a unique approach to the ministry.
She Lives In "Shameless Luxury" -- Re...
by MDS in"...clearly now, it says `kings of the earth.
however notice this comment from the same publication on page 609 par.
and yet they also say that the "kings of the earth" are `weeping' because of her destruction.
I see the (M)odern (D)ay (S)hithead is at it again. What's wrong, can't get any converts to JW 2.0?
A (possibly dumb) question for AlanF...
by ianao inalanf, in a previous post in the 'alanf et al, a little help please!...
' thread said:.
in order to protect itself from legal repercussions, the society has to maintain the fiction that it is not involved in df'ings and such, that such things are done purely at the local level.
Simply Amazing.
I think you've covered everything I was curious about. I guess the only thing holding back folks for holding the society responsible for certain damaging policies is knowledge, money, and time.
A (possibly dumb) question for AlanF...
by ianao inalanf, in a previous post in the 'alanf et al, a little help please!...
' thread said:.
in order to protect itself from legal repercussions, the society has to maintain the fiction that it is not involved in df'ings and such, that such things are done purely at the local level.
Thanks for the info JanH. I see how they can skirt liability by using simple bible scriptures.
So if the society prints these forms and not the local cong, and if they send the forms back to the society, doesn't that prove a connection between the two? I mean, there had to be an oral or written agreement somewhere that gets form A from hq to local cong, then local cong back to hq.
On the other hand, if the forms are printed up by the local congs, isn't their some procedure, rather written or oral that they are following to carry this out? Can this not be used as proof of a connection?
A (possibly dumb) question for AlanF...
by ianao inalanf, in a previous post in the 'alanf et al, a little help please!...
' thread said:.
in order to protect itself from legal repercussions, the society has to maintain the fiction that it is not involved in df'ings and such, that such things are done purely at the local level.
Hey BATHORY I was never a witness so cut me some slack. Or actually, kiss my ass.
Thank you orangefatcat on your thoughts re: disfellowshipping forms. It seems to me that they *are* libel. I'm no attorney though, so I don't know about any legal loopholes preventing a connection between WT and local congs.
A (possibly dumb) question for AlanF...
by ianao inalanf, in a previous post in the 'alanf et al, a little help please!...
' thread said:.
in order to protect itself from legal repercussions, the society has to maintain the fiction that it is not involved in df'ings and such, that such things are done purely at the local level.
AlanF, in a previous post in the 'AlanF et al, a little help please!...' thread said:
In order to protect itself from legal repercussions, the Society has to maintain the fiction that it is not involved in DF'ings and such, that such things are done purely at the local level. Therefore elders can expect no legal help from the Society if they're personally hit with a lawsuit. If anyone can prove a connection, the Society is toast, so unless the issue directly involves WTS interests, elders are on their own.
AlanF, I am curious to know how the society manages to involve itself with DF'ings, etc. besides the obvious mandadates set forth in the 'flock' book. Or, have I actually just answered the question myself?
Daniel 11:35 -- A text relevant to our day?
by Yadirf in
greg stafford is a jehovah's witness.... greg has recently said ... that he now believes that 1914 should not be a mandatory belief for jehovah's witnesses.
"Theist" defined: "Belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world."
"Belief" defined: "Assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge."