it was either in Knoxville, Tennessee or Salisbury, NC....why you ask?
JoinedPosts by homeschool
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Thanks,Heaven. touche on the 'making promises' point. Point well taken. I felt like I redeemed myself by announcing that I will read the Bible cover to cover. That's a biggie, but I do plan on keeping my word on that one.
About your discussion on the name of God... here's a novel thought... why not call him 'Heavenly Father' like Jesus did when he prayed? Why did Jesus never use the name 'Jehovah'? As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the methods the WTS uses to try and 'prove' they are the one true religion. "See? We use his real name!" (What-Freakin'-Ever!) How many of us actually address our parents by their first names? When I use my father's first name, I feel totally weirded out (for some reason). I think it goes back to being taught that it isn't respectful. I couldn't agree more
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Chapter 3...
Sorry, nothing really to report. I watched my body language this time & had to quit twidling my hair when I felt annoyed or skeptical. We only got to paragraph 13...I got a tiny slap on the wrist because I'd promised her that I'd look up all the scriptures ahead of time but then I didn't .
About 2 times, she asked me stuff like "do you agree that Satan went through the serpent to deceive Eve?" to which I replied, "its just something I still need to wrap my head around. Its very weird to picture a spirit slithering into a snake to speak to a woman. I'm not saying I DON'T believe it, I'm just having a hard time wrapping my brain around it."
At this point, I decided that I will start reading the bible cover to cover. I don't believe the Bible right now. But how can I say that if I haven't actually read it? I'm also reading a book on Atheism. And I just emailed one of our local Methodist churches to ask them how they view tithing, and if they believe Satan is the "ruler of this world" (my sister said most churches do not believe this).
Besty, thanks for the advice. I have a notebook/journal and am writing the things down that have been unanswered. So far, what I've got is:
*Who 1st "discovered" that YHWH translated to Jehovah?
*Supposedly YHWH created everything, right? WHERE did "bad" & "deceipt" and "evil" come from? Yes, He created us with free will. Without BAD, there's still lots to be freewillin' about, no? You could choose red, orange, green, blue, purple, black, brown, hazelnut, chocolate, white chocolate, cups, glasses, round tablecloths or square ones. Free WILL. Why was badness created? She said Chapter 11 would cover this issue.
....Till next week!
just a moment to vent por favor
by homeschool ini'm having my sister over this weekend to hang out and bake (i know, i'm such a party animal .
i have nothing against this friend of my sisters, so i don't want to make a fuss.
i think what's pissing me off is the double standard that just happened.
Wow, would somebody please tell me I need to shut my yapper? Ok, no, don't. I don't even talk very much in real life . I usually just go with the flow, but I mentioned the above situation to my sis this morning. "Sis, I don't want to start an argument, I promise. I had a LOT of fun at the party, playing with _______ & ___________. Something kinda got under my skin and I wanted to just mention it. When that lady said she didn't need to guard her stuff since it was only jw's there', I just kinda felt offended. It kinda made me wanna snag her purse on the way out (to which we both chuckled) . Sis immediately started to defend the lady/'sister'. "Have you been with her to other parties? Maybe she's had a bad experience in the past". "You are totally right, sis. Would you ask her for me? I'm serious. PLEASE ask her and find out if she's ever had anything stolen at a previous engagement where there were non-jws there" . Then I asked "if I were molested by a black man five years ago, would it be appropriate for me to go to a party and say 'wow, its a good thing only white people are here'....esPECIALLY if there's a friggen milato (aka-ME) sitting right there???!" Ok, that last part I texted to her because we had to part ways. And I didnt even say "friggen" or use all the question marks & exclamation mark in the text....that's just how I'm feeling at the moment.
Wheee!!! spent a lovely evening with JW family *rolls eyes*
by Odrade inor not, as the case may be.
in-laws' family members were visiting from out of town so we went over for the evening.
my uncle-in-law is extremely religious.
Yowzas, sista. Well, please don't feel like you are alone. I'm cringing at your story, partly because I've experienced similar situations. Although, none quite THIS extreme
Birthday Celebrations & other shenanigans
by homeschool inwell, here's my latest "thing"...i plan on speaking with my siblings & their mates in the near future.
i have told them that i have questions regarding some doctrines, mainly stuff like birthdays, mother's day, father's day, etc.
my hubby has some questions for them regarding their wacky blood doctrine (but i wont cover that in this thread).
Well, here's my latest "thing"...I plan on speaking with my siblings & their mates in the near future. I have told them that I have questions regarding some doctrines, mainly stuff like birthdays, mother's day, father's day, etc. My hubby has some questions for them regarding their wacky blood doctrine (but I wont cover that in this thread).
I plan on asking about their views first. Why don't they celebrate birthdays? Then, here is my whole slew of points I want to bring out. Please add to it, or tell me of the things I should leave out. Either way, I feel like I should probably rehearse it so I don't get nervous or act pompous.
Of course they will bring up that the Bible mentions 2 birthday celebrations, in which people were killed at each. (Gen 40:20-21 & Mark 6:21-29 & Mathew 14:1-11)
However,is it POSSIBLE that birthdays were so common that the bible writers didn't feel the need to write about them? Regarding the Pharoah's birthday (Gen. 40:20-21), is it POSSIBLE that the account doesn't even have to do with his birthday, but rather the fact that YHWH was with Joseph and helped him interpret dreams? Since YHWH with with Joseph in this account, wouldn't he also forbid birthdays? It would help to read the ENTIRE chapter to see that the baker was a sinner....wasn't it the popular thing to do to kill sinners in that day? So wasn't it actually a scripture about GOOD things?
*Isn't bringing a newborn a gift a BIRTHDAY PRESENT???
*Let's look at Genesis 21:8. What's this about?! Abraham threw a party for Isaac on the day he was weaned. Next, look at 1 Samuel 1:22, there is a reference to Hannah weaning her son. (I have not discovered this on my own...check out my thread on studying "What Does the Bible Teach") Next to the word "weaned", notice the letter "q"...if you go to the middle section of the page, it refers you to 2 Chron 31:16. where it speaks of a child being 3 years old at the time of weaning. Hmmmmmm, interesting.
I googled this subject....Jews believe the boy was actually having his 13th birthday, while many other christians feel it was a 3rd birthday party. Whether Abraham was celebrating the boy's birthday or not, wasn't he celebrating something Isaac really didn't have control of?
If they bring up how they don't like to acknowlege things of pagan origin, that is hypocrisy at its best. Where shall I begin?
*Pinatas (check out their reasoning in the Awake 2003 9/22 pgs. 22-23)
*Anniversary parties (there is no place in the Bible that instructs people to celebrate their wedding anniversary)
*Wedding Rings
*Wedding Veil (used to be used to protect the bride from evil spirits)
*Wedding Party (used as a distraction for the evil spirits)
*Carrying the Bride over the threshhold
*Saving the top layer of the wedding cake for a year
*Make-up (a reference in 2 Kings 9:30 is made to Jezebel applying make-up shortly before she is thrown from the window....YHWH doesn't prohibit make-up, but according to their birthday reasoning, shouldn't make-up be banned as well?)
*Baby Showers
*Flying Kites
*Pot lucks
*laying flowers on someone's grave...refer to Watchtower 1991 Oct 15th, pgs. 30&31
If something was pagan thousands of years ago, should it be considered pagan today? Refer to Awake 1976 12/22 pg. 14
Birthdays mark each year of achievement. Is that wrong? It is celebrating a life that YHWH provided. And as a sidenote, I do not ever remember someone having their head chopped off or even murdered at any of the birthdays I've been to. You may have a different experience, please let me know if you've heard otherwise
Also, if they say the only two birthdays mentioned in the bible reflected negatively on them...can we check out all the horror stories mentioned regarding drinking? Yes, there were times when Christians were told to drink & have a grand ol' time, but what about that bad stuff that happened? Wouldn't Jehooba's people decide it's best to leave alcohol alone until the new system, where the temptations will be gone?
*Genesis 9:20-25 caused a whole group of people to be cursed as a result of alcohol
*Genesis 19:30-38 Lot ended up having sex & babies with his two daughters as a result of drinking wine
*2 Samuel 13:26-29 Absalom got his brother drunk and had him killed.
Most "worldly people drink"....shouldn't the jw's try to be "no part of the world"?
Alcohol is the cause of 60% of car accidents
Alcohol causes approiximately 50% of homes to be dysfunctional, including jw homes (whether they admit it or not)
It is the leading cause of spouse/child abuse.
Drink on!
Ok, please let me know what you think. I really think I should practice the important points before they come over. Whaddya think?
My Story: Part 9 Journeys End
by truthseeker inpart 1:
part 2:
part 3:
My heart breaks for you, probably because I can see myself in so many of your descriptions. My father actually told my boyfriends that they could/should do better than me. Everybody in school thought I was a jw snob and totally weird. They threw food on me in the cafeteria.
Thank you for sharing ...I recommend reading all 9 segments
just a moment to vent por favor
by homeschool ini'm having my sister over this weekend to hang out and bake (i know, i'm such a party animal .
i have nothing against this friend of my sisters, so i don't want to make a fuss.
i think what's pissing me off is the double standard that just happened.
We haven't even covered blood transfusions, christmas, or birthdays. Since our family has never known about pedophiles, I'd say their ears would totally be shut & label me as an apostate. My beef is not with anyone but the WTBTS...that dumb lady's comment is stereotypical JW talk. The only people I want to get out is my family, so I don't want to start trouble at a kid's party & be the 'wacko worldly venomous girl' allowed to be at the party.
I'm a bit aggrivated now at that 'sisters' comment from yesterday, so now is not the time to say anything. But I'm sure I will make some snidely joking comment to my sis (Oh! We went to a wedding last night & I forgot to guard my purse. you can imagine the pure shock when I came back and it was still there!)
Lurk3r: I like my new nickname
White Dove, my point exactly. I have been so a LOOOOOOOT of "worldly" functions over the past 12 years...ya know how many things have been stolen (to my knowledge, of course)? ZERO. ZILCH. NADA.
just a moment to vent por favor
by homeschool ini'm having my sister over this weekend to hang out and bake (i know, i'm such a party animal .
i have nothing against this friend of my sisters, so i don't want to make a fuss.
i think what's pissing me off is the double standard that just happened.
Six, that was an excellent suggestion! LoL....
The cupcakes were pure heaven.
just a moment to vent por favor
by homeschool ini'm having my sister over this weekend to hang out and bake (i know, i'm such a party animal .
i have nothing against this friend of my sisters, so i don't want to make a fuss.
i think what's pissing me off is the double standard that just happened.
Thanks Rebel...I needed that smile
Lurk3r, no, I don't think it'll be just one thing to make the lightbulb go off. She's not even Kinda seein' the light.
As a sidenote, the reason for the cupcakes were to hang with the sis but also to make something for a kid's party she was throwing for all the jw kids. she said she'd really love for me to come, so I did. It was a lil boring, but nice....UNTIL one of 'sisters' was talking to my sister and I overheard her say "yeah, I don't need to guard my stuff since this its just jw's here"....
I thought to myself "yeah, cuz there's aLways a robbery & theft at the other parties I attend" I just decided it was time to leave and let people enjoy the kickass cupcakes (which they did!)