Heard the line before by JW who studied with me - can't believe others used the same line :) lol Looking back it's totally stupid comment.
JoinedPosts by diamondiiz
Dumb Cult comment -"We are Brainwashed, are brains are washed from filth!"
by Witness 007 inhave you heard witnesses say this?
i was watching a doco.
on a cult in america who's "christian" leader slept with everyones wife...even his sons!
Mr. Flipper Talks with Bethel Legal Service Desk Rep About JW Child Abuse
by flipper inwell - i had been wanting to do this for a long time , to question a legal department representative at bethel about the child abuse settlements and jw child abuse, since last year when the news came out about it.
especially since my dad , an elder for years was never aware of it and has on his own taken steps to see that families with children are informed if a former pedophile is in their congregation.
i was curious as to what the current views and policies in place are .
Flipper, you got further with them then I did ;) I called them in June of 2007 a month or so after the news was reported and he said to write a letter to them if I wanted any answers. I kept asking about the molester database and he just kept telling me to write them a letter. At the time I was still going to meetings so that was a nice wake up call! Good to hear that some people actually call them and bug them about abuse victims. Good for you.
UN to destroy Religion like JW predict???
by asilentone inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aruoyudd74.
This looks like an old video, I wish they would hurry up and get rid of religion as it's just a big business.
April 15th WT- Satan = Apostates = Critical Towards Brothers = Shun Them
by flipper inwow.
and so the wt society tightens down the screwdriver a bit more !
one of my wife and my lurking jw friends sent us this article which has some very pointed words in it inciting all jehovah's witnesses to take an even harder line view of apostates in this recent april 15th wt.. on pg.
I like how they potray school kid not pledging allegiance to the country as supporting God's kingdom while what they dont' say is that WTS presidents and JW who applied for US passports between 1916-1970s had to all sign an oath of allegiance to obtain one!! Apostates? GB and the leaders follow angel of light while potraying themselves as innocent and rightious to their flock they are the ones that decieve the poor ignorant followers - it is they who are the true apostates!!
Thanks all who comment here
by excito-are ini would like to say a big thankyou to all that have commented here.
a really big thankyou.. as having being brought up as a jw, and believing all that sprouted from bethel as fact, there is no doubt this discussion board has speeded up my awakening as well as many other sources and experiances.
i have tended to take a lot from this site, and not give much feedback or my experiances as an jw, which i would like to change.
It's so sad that your perants are in WTS religion. If your perants are normal people with capability to reason, talk to them first and point out the history using WTS publications. Reason with them about WTS history and how could WTS have God's blessing when they lied their way through history and decieved so many. You can reason that the light that suppose to get brighter shouldn't bounce back and forth but enlighten the idea of understanding a subject. History of 1914 may help as so much of WTS dogma is based on it and now they're trying to bury the facts including eliminating the generation that would see the end. Try to make your peace with your perants first before you give wts you DA letter so when the news hits them they will understand where you stand and why you're doing what you've decided on. Maybe they will hear twisted lies about you from others in which they will see that is not what you believe and why you left WTS, that might also help them see what WTS really is. If your parents are heavily programmed by WTS so that they won't reason or will not even hear you, then you will have to choose your path which as some mentioned, fading may be your better option. All the best.
I am a Return Visit
by besty intwo nice middle aged ladies knocked the door this morning, panda tract in hand.. order of events was panda tract, scripture about each one residing under a fig tree, and then because i didn't object the feb 2009 awake!
'earth designed for life' <side point - note the magazine title is not in the form of a rhetorical question, but rather a statement of fact>.
a few questions about my belief in god and i'm in the book for an rv - cool.. so this is a great awake:.
if you mean Barbara Anderson's web site it's www.watchtowerdocuments.com
You can print out the "child abuse telememo" and ask them why would WTS need this form if child abuse was so rare within WTS world and also WTS own web site had a small article admitting to the settlements which they've burried deep enough for you not to find it unless you really know what to look for. Barbara Anderson's pdf has many pages from court trials that are quite incriminating and can be verified by the courts so any of that stuff would be good also it's good to tell "JW"s to contact the courts for actual documents if they don't believe you. Good luck
What Was The Very First Thing That Came Across Your Eyes That Lead You Down The Road To Doubt?
by Yizuman inany of you remember what was exactly the first thing that crossed your eyeballs to lead you into doubting the wts?.
UN scandel, pedophile scandelmade me think that there was something wrong with GB but the book Thy Kingdom Come opened my eyes to the entire deciet of WTS and since knowing it's history and the scam they're running I can't believe I followed their advise not to look at "apostate" sites! Bloody bastards they're the biggest fraud out there!
rest home for old brothers and sisters
by Motema Bolingo inwe have just seen a lettre sent by the bethel in holland (emmen) to the dutch elders.. the document is dated 14 april 20008. the society doesn't allow that a member of a congregation takes the initiative to open a rest home.
for old brothers and sisters.. we wonder if the instructions were local or spread worldwide.. thank you for your help.
Thanks Mickey mouse for the link. This link also helped me find some info on the Watch Tower financial in UK which I'l just starting to look at which is interesting - great addition to new finds related to WTS business.
Also the Jah-Jireh report points to building a Kingdom Hall as one of its objectives, I wonder if that space or money towars the building would be borrowed from WTS or would it be donated from Jah-Jireh charity and the KH could be set up as a seperate charity with funds being donated to WTS just like KMs run in Canada?
great link thank you very much ;)
Has anyone considered a joint effort to write a book about JWs?
by truthseeker inthere are plenty of books about the society out there but has anyone considered a joint venture - there's enough stories on here to fill a library.. a joint venture of several writers might be what we need to get the message out..
How about making a web site where you all the archival stuff is located from WTS publications to legal documents to WTS letters to elders and all that. Having a site with documents and photocopies detailing events of WTS leaders and having all these items available for all to see.
There are many sites that have some but not other details regarding WTS, but a joint effort would be great! Start with Russell or Millerite movement and go all the way to the latest's president. Could have a section also detailing GB member's acts.....
have you seen this jw apologist site?
by carla in.
I wouldlove to have WTS exposed too. There must be a time when FBI will raid the groupnds for something - I can't believe they haven't been cahrged with fraud over the years by the government. They do't pay taxes, they weasel themselves out of all the charges, hide behind religious imunity when they can and then they blame the followers instead of themselves. 130 years of lies and still haven't got caught. Too bad there is no one in Bethal that has any balls to release the database to the public and maybe do something decent in behalf of all those still following WTS!