"JW" are Christians just like all other religions who claim to be Christian. They follow a group of men just like all other religions follow a leader(s).
New Testament or Greek Scriptures teach heaven and just as many parts of the bible, the writings are not very clear on the subject as to all going there, all having that hope, or few going there - thus Watch Tower uses their interpretation to fit their leader's agenda and the rest follow that line. It's no different from other religions teaching their own interpretations of heaven, hell, purgatory and all the other unknown.
Now for Holy Spirit claim. Who has received holy spirit in our time? I don't believe anyone has. One can claim to have recieved it but I don't buy into these bogus claims. If God did act through a group where He used Holy Spirit to guide and direct them, there would be signs of it. The bible says what the outcome was in the first century of activities of Holy Spirit and these were to cease. I don't see any true prophesing, healing or raising of the dead in our time. To claim that "I have a holy spirit because I go out and preach" is totally bogus just as those claiming to have the spirit who mumble unknown jibrish where no one benefits. When bible speaks of holy spirit it always points to a benefit and a reason for the spirit to be aquired by the individual for the time being. No where does it say that the individuals were full of spirit their entire lives as if the spirit was part of them or part of their personality.
Basically most "Christians" are followers of an individual(s) interpretation of scripture who claims better understanding than that of another "Chrisitian" leader. "JW"s for most part live their lives closer to the scriptual Christian moral code than other religious followers even though they believe in bogus beliefs taught by governing body which is not as if other religions don't sell their own versions of bogus beliefs to their followers.