Reniaa: You either didn't look into the history of the watchtower publications or you are in self denial or both! Even if one can agree to most doctrines taught by watchtower it's perfectly obvious from research that 1914 is a LIE! Not only is it a lie it's a deception that governing body uses to snare unknowing public which most of its followers would fall under the category. There was no sign in 1914 since Russell didn't teach 1914 as anything common to watchtower witnesses today other than end of gentile times! Even that date he seemed to waver as to 1914,1915. Obviously Christ didn't return then and it's obvious that 1919 is a lie! If Christ didn't return and didn't appoint faithful and discreet slave in 1919 then who are these men sitting claiming to be appointed? Are they not the men of lawlessness? Just because they may use the bible and may teach good things and yet when the teachings that they feed their flock is poinsoned what benefit is this spiritual food? The chronology is false and the governing body knows it or they must be totally be dumb which I doubt that they can be that ignorant. You can hold on to the belief that Jehovah will correct things in due time but when this organization was a business venture from the start what makes you think that when Christ does return, he won't start cleansing those that by word and action were proving to be false prophets? How ever you may spin it, they taught which later they claimed they only thought that 1914 was going to be the end, or that 1925 would see resurrection of ancient worthies or that 1975 was going to very possibly be the end. I guess I should have included 1874 in the above nonsense dates! Your reasoning could have been applied to the false prophets in Jewish era and they could have argued in a similar manner that they weren't prophets but that they didn't have a full understanding of what they were saying. Facts are that governing body including Rutherford and Russell spoke of dates and events as if bible pointed to these events thus saying that they had knowledge that others didn't or couldn't discern. If these actions were to occur during the Israel Kingdom these similar teachers would be considered prophets and when these teachings would have been proven false these would have been stoned to death as being false! I can understand you defending some aspects or teachings but defending governing body or a watchtower as a whole is ridiculous! Satan decieved and so do these men, just because there is some truth doesn't mean the food given to the flock isn't rotten or unhealthy for eating.
JoinedPosts by diamondiiz
so they never claimed to be an inspired prophet?
by ninja in*** si p. 9 all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial ***.
line of communication.
16 someone may ask, what has been the means of communication?
Austria recognizes WT
by diamondiiz in
austria recognizes jehovah's witnessesassociated press .
2009-05-07 10:16 pm fonts size:e-mail this printer-friendly austria on thursday officially recognized the jehovah's witnesses as the country's 14th official religion, ending a decades-long struggle over its status.
Austria recognizes Jehovah's Witnesses Associated Press
2009-05-07 10:16 PMFonts Size: E-Mail This Printer-Friendly Austria on Thursday officially recognized the Jehovah's Witnesses as the country's 14th official religion, ending a decades-long struggle over its status. The decision gives the Jehovah's Witnesses the right to offer religion classes at schools, although the head of the Austrian branch of the sect said it no immediate plans to do so.
More than 20,000 Austrians are part of the global movement, which has been pushing for recognition in the Alpine republic since 1978. Its followers are known for distributing religious literature door-to-door.
Austria's Jehovah's Witnesses said the move sent a positive signal about religious freedom and the rights of minorities in the country. "We are very happy about this decision after our decades-long effort," said spokesman Johann Zimmermann.
Nikolaus Pelinka, a spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Art and Culture, said legal issues had caused delays and the group had taken years to meet requirements for recognition.
Does anyone know what those legal issues may be???
The hidden message in the June 15 2009 watchtower.
by Hobo Ken inthis study will set the tone for future-proofing the watchtower society doctrine that their governing body is "the faithful slave" mentioned in parable by jesus in matthew24.. i thought as i read the study article starting on p.20 that the most important thing about this piece is what is missing, what is not said.. the first paragraph sets the tone of what they are trying to convey.. "while giving the composite sign of the last days jesus said, who really is the faithful and discreet slave?".
i believe what they are doing with the opening paragraph is placing the authority and position of "the slave" within the context of the signs of the times thus attempting to validate it.
without mentioning when they became such.. they then say that jesus would "reward" and appoint this slave over all his belongings.
Good points mentioned. I too think they will have to slowly and carefully move away from their BS dates. This way they will claim the light was starting to shine a while back and as they finally tell watchtower witnesses that 1914 is not applicable it will be some years from now and witnesses will be used to the fact that 1914 hasn't been mentioned for a time. If they do it gradually they may only loose a small number of followers who will have their mind open to the deception whereas the rest will just view this as a new light that the useless gb just revealed to them and they will rejoice.
But a problem is they will have to replace 1914 with something else otherwise if that's not the start of the end - what is? Why go out and preach for the leaders? Will they feel that they have enough of the membership that their funds will continue to support them without the need to grow? Without a date implanted how many will feel the need to go and preach? Maybe they will continue saying that the end is near but the date is gone just as there really wasn't a starting date for first century fulfillment of last days of the Jewsih state.
They have to decieve the rank and file in a manner of most turning the lie into a positive spin, pointing to those of us who know better and saying "see, our gb corrects the mistakes unlike other religions, Jehovah corrects things in his due time!" How will gb spin the doctrine to get witnesses to contribute more if the growth won't be occurring and especially if they start getting taxed on their sales or properties?
Frustrated - This is not going well!!
by heybaby ini haven't posted in a while, so i'm glad to be back.
my husband and i got into another fruitless discussion last night.
it actually turned out to be more of a fight than a discussion.
I'm in the same spot with my wife. She can handle a bit of controversy but then the wall goes up and either tears or she needs to leave the room. With her, it's her heritage and doesn't want to let go just like every other FN religion! As I'm giving in my DA letter this month I'm guessing the elders will push her out as they will surely question her if she believes anything that I write in the letter or will view her as one to keep an eye on. One elder already gave her hard time about not going out preaching so it's just a matter of time before she realizes it. Hopefully it won't be 10 years :(
Seems that there are a lot of us in as similar situation here. Passage of time may be the best medicine possibly study the bible together but openly instead of using WTS publications for answers.
a way to contact jim penton??
by diamondiiz indoes anyone know how to contact jim?
email would be fine, i would like to find some references and maybe he can help since he used these in his book apocalypse delayed.. i'm looking for court transcrips of:.
russell vs ross.
Does anyone know how to contact Jim? email would be fine, I would like to find some references and maybe he can help since he used these in his book Apocalypse Delayed.
I'm looking for court transcrips of:
Russell vs Ross
Russell vs Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Russell vs Russell
No One Should Be Made to Choose ..LIES from July 09 Awake
by Hopscotch inthe following quote is taken from the article is it wrong to change your religion?
in the july 2009 awake p29:
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
WOW, I just made exact same point couple hours ago on another board! Didn't know about the Awake article, I will have to find it :) How ironic is that they will tell others that others shouldn't have to be forced to between a religion and family when WTS does exactly that! What f@!%#n hypocrates!! They must be right because as todays WT points out, GB is trusted by Jehovah and Jesus. lol
Elder Accused of Rape
by Kenneson infrom sierra leone:.
"pastor rapes eleven year old girl in kailahun.".
Could it be pidgin english and that's why this article is so poorly written? I've checked out couple other articles there and the writing style is definitly not from US or UK. Since it's Sierra Leone news site one can say it's 50-50 chance the article is true.
never before date or period for the end...we are in uncharted waters
by oompa inright now.......and since 1995.....wt has no real teaching to show how close we are to the end......none......most dubs prob dont even know......but wt has always been about dates.....and how close the end is to those dates......but now.....since we unplugged the generation of 1914 to the end of the world.......and now that we are still recruiting the anointed for heaven......the last days can last and last and last......duh...that is why they are called the last days!!
!........and so do they still teach it is "very, very near" (only used one time in wt)....or "imminent" ??
?......just a year ago i think? how close do they say we are now and why?.........damm the bible is soooo clear that nobody knows the day or hour...yet i bet they still say is just around the corner (based on what scripture!?!??!?!?!)..........
IMO they will fade 1914 out slowly and before witnesses know it, it will be new light that never existed! 1914 what? Never heard of it, oh ya I faintly remember it, wasn't the date that Russell fortold World War 1? god's organization naver set any dates for Christ's return we're patiently waiting for that event to still occur.
Can Anyone Answer this Guy about JWs Asking Personal Questions?
by jamiebowers in
sounds fake to me. JWs don't need any of that info for silant bad association list - seems like this guy didn't know much about verbal bad association lists which he would have if he's been a JW. So called bad association individuals don't get invited anywheres and that's supposed to push them to be more active in WT BS religion, other than that there is no lists and elders wouldn't be collecting any info like that. The clip is a fake IMO
Russell's original teaching
by diamondiiz indid russell have any original teachings that he actually came up with all on his own????
Did Russell have ANY original teachings that he actually came up with all on his own?????