Financially speaking are non-JWs in any better situation??? I really doubt it. Generally people like to spend their money on crap they can't affort, be in debt and hope for the best. When times are good people spend more and get themselves in more debt, but a bigger home because homes will "never drop" and refinance the existing home because it needs to be renovated, but a bigger 4x4, etc.... Difference with "JW"s from others is that they think they won't have to pay off their debt because they will see Armageddon solve that problem. This is generally speaking of course. Sure there are those who gave up marriage because the end was near, or who gave up having kids because the end was close or those who sold everything and went pioneering because another dumb ass said the end was imminent - but these people are in the minority and these could be compared to people outside of WT$ who go and party or smoke away their lives. Debt problem is brought about bad education that has programmed people to believe that they can have everything today and pay for it tomorrow and "JW"s like majority of others have followed this road to poverty, sorry I won't blame Brooklyn for this.
I never followed the general rule and always had more than average person and I didn't go to collage which that I will blame for Brooklyn but financly I'm better than most people in or out of WTS. People need to get back to basics and learn to save before they go out and spend and maybe then not only "JW"s would fare better but society in general.
As for simpliflying BS - well that's just BS! We don't see WTS simplyfing so why should anyone else? It's just a good management of personal finances which may need simplyfication due to over abuse of spending habits but not simplification just because some door knob in Brooklyn says the end is near and R&F money could be better spend by being donated to WT$.