The ONLY thing that Russell got right (actually borrowed the idea) was the relocation of the Jews in their homeland, Israel, after 2000 years. Then Booze Jo came and changed that, claiming that the Bible verse was not a fulfillment for the natural Israel, but the "spiritual". In the confused mind of WT leaders everything has 2 meanings and fulfilments. So the entire idea changed and they tried to fullfil the scriptures upon them.
Unfortunately the State of Israel was formed, after the end of WWII, few years after the death of Jo. Since WT gave so much attention (that the Annointed class are the spiritual Israelites) they couldn't go back to their previous teaching, that eventually was correct. At the end of the day a false prophet is false, an evidence that they haven't got a future event correct yet, even though they had the change to show evidence of their "divine guidance", they failed once more by rejecting the relocation of Israel.