Pint of Grolsch please.
Ignored One.
if i can just pretend you are all here for a minute.
come on... no excuses - it's my shout.. \_/.
Pint of Grolsch please.
Ignored One.
that's bethelite speak for "you're fired".
it's false advertising, that if you make it through your first year there, you're home-free or off probation.
you're being watched at all times, unless you're a heavy or have been there for years.
My sister not too long ago visited Bethel. She knows a few younger bros who are there.
Said that they were full of praise for the whole thing, how wonderful it was to serve there etc.
Did any of you ex-bethelites say stuff like that to non-bethelites even if the opposite was true?
Ignored One.
just got norah jones cd.... fantastic voice, "don't know why" and "come away with me" ....fantastic....... the new karen carpenter?
what you got playing?
I usually listen to Xfm or Radio1 online.
Gotta love Ricky Gervais on Sat 1-3pm and Mark and Lard.
CD wise, Guano Apes - Walking on a Thin Line and The Cinematic Orchestra - Remixes 98-2000.
Ignored One.
if you could walk into brooklyn and face the governing body, and ask one question for them to give a complete answer, what would you ask ??????
"So how many of you are paedofiles?"
Ignored One.
ok, here's the deal.. way back when i got df'd i kinda went wild.
started riding motorcycles, wore rock group t-shirts, got 3 earrings in my left ear, got a tattoo, and grew my hair long.
i had to cut it once back in '93 because my employer said to.
Go for a WildTurkey special.
Ignored One.
i saw a really great independent film over the weekend.
it is called "the eye"; it is a horror movie about a blind girl who gets a cornea transplant so she can gain her eyesight.. once she can see she starts to see dead people and those about to die.. check out the site:
Hi Sandy,
I saw that last year over here in the UK. Really enjoyed it. Shades of the Sixth Sense but that scene in the lift freaked me out.
A good new film just opened over here is Dark Water. It's directed by the same guy who did Ring (the jap version). Saw it last night. Starts off slow but scared me silly near the end.
Ignored One.
leave it to me to be clearing out my old cd collection.
lo and behold, i find a cd from 1994: elastica's cd (uk).. man, i don't know what the hell they're up to, but man i loved this chick-lead band.. of course, their hit: connection .
....still makes my nipples hard when i hear it.
Ah Elastica. I also liked Echobelly, Sleeper, Menswear, James, Mansun and a few others I can't think of now.
Edited to add:
Doh how I could forget bands like The Stone Roses, Happy Mondays and the Inspiral Carpets.
Ignored One.
our niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
Just thought i'd quote the latest Awake for all the JW lurkers out there.
"These examples illustrate the powerful influence that certain groups have had on the thinking of some people. Charismatic leaders have got people to do the "unthinkable" by tempting them with some supposed benefit".
Like influencing them to write the words found in the letter Inky received from her son.
Ignored One.
so far for album of the year 2003 is the white stripes "elephant".
using vintage instaments and laying them down on an old 8 track give this album an old school flavor.
with the energy of the buzzcocks with an instamental sound of vintage stones
Any of you heard The Darkness?
I love Get Your Hands Off My Woman.
Ignored One.
this was taken from the main article "why so many violent crimes now?".
hate groups and cults.
evidence suggests that some hate groups or cults have been a strong influence in the commission of certain crimes.
The only problem with linking the JW's to this article is that they have NO charismatic leaders!
Your right about lacking charismal. JWs still fawn over them though.
And yes, I do look a lot like Bill Bailey.
Ignored One.