I suppose you could just bury them in the garden and never inform the police.
I mean, what's their family going to say. "Oh he was supposed to be robbing this really nice house this afternoon and hasn't returned."
they have just awarded themselves a 15% pay rise ... for nonsense like this !
i hope someone breaks into his house and beats the living shit out of him.
maybe he'll think better of wasting parlimentary time over what is an important issue to people living the real world.. what a toss bag.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4492688.stm.
I suppose you could just bury them in the garden and never inform the police.
I mean, what's their family going to say. "Oh he was supposed to be robbing this really nice house this afternoon and hasn't returned."
http://www.postchronicle.com/news/entertainment/article_2121522.shtml .
michael jackson = anti-jew muslim.
by j. grant swank, jr.. nov 27, 2005. .
What Jackson does not fully realize is that Allah is Lucifer, the Koran has been scribed by demons, the mosque cleric is an agent of world destruction, and eternity is one debauched affair like unto the dark corridors of hell.
Sounds like the author has a few screws missing himself.
can you help me build a glossary of elder-speak?
you know, those phrases and arguments designed to appease, coerce, or guilt congregation members in to a desired course.
by exposing elder-speak, i hope to reduce the power of the words.
Don't mind DIM he's always been one to play devil's advocate. Not sure why he still likes to hang here if we're just a bunch of exjw cult members.
Will it be as easy to mod as the original?
It's the only reason most of my friends have them.
firstly, it is not my intention here to offend anyone so if you are likely to get upset at reading 'blasphemous' statements or criticism of jesus then perhaps you should go to another topic.
also, i am not in the habit of making personal attacks on other posters, if you decide to stay and read this - don't attack me!
by all means rip my post to pieces and explain where i got it all wrong, but don't shoot the messenger.. and remember, i come from the same place as most of you, i was one of jehovah's witnesses for over thirty years.
Poor Nikolau. I didn't think Atheists could get so bitter and twisted. First God is a wicked child abuser, now Jesus is a liar. What next? Why don't u just go join a devil worshipping forum.
So God didn't tell his people to kill women and children and take girls as sex slaves?
Would be nice if you could actually debate with Nicolau instead of just throwing ad homiems around.
Please spare us this obnoxious stuff - it's merely the other end of the spectrum from bible-thumping Jesus fundies .Hey he did warn you fundies that you might not like what he had to say. So quit complaining.
let's say it plainly, for once.
jehovah's witnesses deserve to be persecuted.. at one time, jehovah's witnesses suffered terribly in germany and communist countries - but that was a long time ago.. right now, the watchtower's minions are slyly preaching to circuit assemblies about the importance of shunning their ex-witness.
I just want to see them lose their charity/tax-free status that they hold in various countries. Then it would get interesting.
i just read this http://www.thejournalnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20051104/news04/511040390/1027/news11 and was suprised to learn there's an indoor pool up there.
are there tennis courts, too?
although they don't suspect the parasite of spreading to other pools, health department officials said as a precaution, they contacted the county's five other indoor swimming facilities green chimneys in patterson, carmel fitness and racquet club in carmel, jehovah's witnesses' watchtower educational center in patterson, arms acres in carmel and st. basil's academy in garrison to recommend that they superchlorinate their pools.
The Surrey Assembley Hall in Haysbridge was recently refurninshed. Quite a few have been mumbling about the cost too. I think it included adding a large plasma screen.
You really should have use a WT CD-Rom.
does anyone have any experience regarding anonymously registering a new domain name?
there are a number of us registrars offering anonymous, or private, domain name registration, where the registrar registers the new domain name in their own name but the customer has full rights to use, trade, sell the name, etc.
they usually charge an additional $5 to $10 per month for the service.
I went to the Q+A section but don't see that question. Does it not appear until he answers it?
If that's not the case then I think someone tipped him off or he lurks here himself.
It's crazy. You hear about these really dumb ASBOs being put on people for really minor things. Yet you can visit the biggest NFH (neighbour from hell) forum for britain and read about 100s of people who've had to put up with threatening behaviour and harrassment for years with nothing being done.
A lot of these problems with noisy neighbours could be fixed if landlords were forced to adequately soundproof their properties. I'm not surprised people are stressed if the can't even get to sleep at night due to being able to hear their upstairs neighbour stomping about. I know this from experience.