They don't take part in them lest they find out how truely their religion is messed up.
Ignored One.
i understand that when david tried 2 take a census,a plague broke out.. when a similiar census took place,a massacre of children took place,there4 should a christian take part in censuses
They don't take part in them lest they find out how truely their religion is messed up.
Ignored One.
i hate the idea of someone decided what i can and can't read.
Here's some links to the mags in question:
Ignored One.
i hate the idea of someone decided what i can and can't read.
Try now.
Ignored One.
i hate the idea of someone decided what i can and can't read.
Eugh. I hate the idea of someone decided what I can and can't read. Reminds me too much of the WT.
Does it mean in some parts of the US men will have to go without the '100 hottest women" issue?
Ignored One.
(Sorry couldn't get the page to embed)
well, how's the weekend going?
grey skies and strong bitterly cold winds over the highlands of new south wales have made for a gloomy old day here.
still the warm thoughts of friends and lovely phone calls certainly brighten our day.
5 that I know of, all raised at JWs.
2 are on this board, MattNoel and Chevysntats.
There were quite a few friends that were on their way out last time I heard from them so I dunno about them. Perhaps I'll have to do some snooping.
Ignored One.
i hope this is a belated april fool.. .
ignored one.
I hope this is a belated april fool.
Ignored One.
happy st georges day to all forum members in england, i am a little early in posting this 20 mins before midnight but i hope all enjoy this special day in english history..
Oh is that tommorow?
Better get down the pub then.
Ignored One.
there has been a lot of patriotic talk going on which has caused a lot of arguments, i figured instead of all this badness it would be cool if we could share with each other why we love where we are and what we are part of so much and what causes us to be patriotic.. i love where i live so much so i wanted to share with you all a bit of my life.
ok so you will all probably find this boring but hey ho:.
here is the link to a short tourist film to my home county and my everyday surroundings, please have a look:.
have been using morpheus for a couple of years now, and hasn't been too bad at all, got about 400 tracks download.
since gettiing aol broadband, the diversity seems to have diminished a bit, either i'm on the wrong dsl provider or morpheus isn't as good as it used to be.
the one i was on previous (can't remember the name now) went totally pearshaped after it got served a writ for using copyrighted material.....anyway, know of any other good music file sharing sites?
Personally I wouldn't have heard of a lot of great bands if it hadn't been for file sharing.
I usually download stuff I have on tape or old dance records that were only available on vinyl (usually extremely rare nowadays).
If I buy cds it's usually from the cheapest vendor if possible, I don't think £16 for a cd is cheap, if I can get it for £9 then i'll buy it from there.
Oh and if you're after older albums try They have a big selection of cds from £4.99 (decent ones).
Ignored One.
for those of you residing in the northern hemisphere, there's nothing more satisfying than the onset of spring.
this a.m., after working a long shift at work, i arrive home after 5 a.m., and it's pleasantly mild (i live in toronto) and the sky is partly cloudy.
the moon is no longer full, but still very bright.
Well I've decided to paint the bathroom. Something a bit brighter as it has no windows.
Wish I had balcony or patio. Would be nice for sitting outside drinking a nice cool beer or twelve.
Ignored One.