Would this mean that the JWs wouldn't be able to wear their lapel cards.
Ignored One.
french headscarf ban recommended
muslim girls in france could be barred from wearing headscarves in schools after an expert commission recommended a ban on "conspicuous" religious signs.
Would this mean that the JWs wouldn't be able to wear their lapel cards.
Ignored One.
french headscarf ban recommended
muslim girls in france could be barred from wearing headscarves in schools after an expert commission recommended a ban on "conspicuous" religious signs.
French headscarf ban recommended Muslim girls in France could be barred from wearing headscarves in schools after an expert commission recommended a ban on "conspicuous" religious signs. The official commission headed by former minister Bernard Stasi is publishing its findings on issues relating to religion and the state.
French President Jacques Chirac will then have to decide whether to follow the commission's recommendation.
The ban would also include the Jewish skull-cap and large Christian crosses.
Mr Stasi consulted a wide cross-section of public opinion, including teachers, religious leaders, sociologists and politicians before handing in the report to the president on Thursday.
Secularism is the separation of church and state, but it is also the respect of differences
Bernard Stasi The ban would outlaw the Jewish kippa, large Christian crosses and the Islamic headscarf, which would be considered overt religious symbols."Discreet" medallions and pendants which merely confirm the person's religious faith would be allowed.
"Secularism is the separation of church and state, but it is also the respect of differences," Mr Stasi told a news conference on Thursday.
He added that the commission's proposed law was intended so people of all religions could "live together in public places".
Public holidays
The report also recommended that Yom Kippur - the Jewish Day of Atonement - and Eid al-Fitr - the Muslim day marking the end of Ramadan - be celebrated in state schools.
French public life has a strong secular tradition which has existed since the revolution, but the commission has now recommended that the plan be enshrined in law.
HAVE YOUR SAY Wearing a headscarf should be looked at as a personal freedom, not as a sign of fundamentalism
Fatina Halawani, Jordan Mr Chirac, who is expected to address the nation next week with his own conclusions, has hinted that he could back a formal ban.Last week he said France felt "in a certain way under attack as result of the display of ostentatious religious signs, which is totally contrary to its secular tradition".
He added: "We cannot accept ostentatious signs of religious proselytism, whatever the religion."
The issue has led to a number of celebrated cases where girls have been suspended or expelled for wearing headscarves to school.
Other schools do not act against pupils who come to class wearing headscarves.
France has the largest Muslim population in the European Union, with around five million people.
The BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Paris says the Islamic headscarf has become the focal point of an agonised national debate in France.
She said it reflects many of the nation's unspoken fears about its failure to fully integrate its Muslim immigrants or to give them a purely French cultural identity.
France's chief rabbi, Joseph Sitruk, has joined Christian churches in arguing against a ban.
"What an aberration it is to want to muzzle religion in the name of secularism," he said in a newspaper interview.
Some Muslims are also opposed to the wearing of headscarves, while others believe the debate has more to do with French concern over its growing Muslim population.
Two German states have begun moves to ban headscarves in schools, after a recent court ruling that current law meant women were free to wear them if they chose.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2003/12/11 11:50:26 GMT
Ignored One.
a few days ago it was asked how many people here work.
of the 44 people who posted, 37 responded.
of those who admitted
I also wanted to say that just because Joker is saying things that aren't entirely kind it doesn't mean he or she is a troll. Benefit of the doubt is a good idea sometimes eh?
Joker10 has been trolling with the last few posts/threads he/she's made.
There's a subtle difference between being a troll and trolling.
Ignored One.
anfield: alleged nepotism, greed, arrogance .
bletchley in milton keynes --- .
cambs: alleged arrogance of elders .
np = nancee park?
Ignored One.
a few days ago it was asked how many people here work.
of the 44 people who posted, 37 responded.
of those who admitted
I agree with Ray.
Joker, stop trolling.
Ingored One.
ok, this is just a funny thought.. it is noted that saint nicholas, who attended that first ecumenical council, got so upset with arius' insistence that jesus was only a man that he punched arius in the face (and got his bishop status revoked until several bishops reportedly had visions that he should be restored...).
i guess that could explain why jws (=arius) hate christmas (=st.
nick)-- a grudge?.
We know why they don't celebrate Christmas. It's not a celebration of Christ's birth. It's just an exuse to throw an animal party!
You're such a barrel of laughs aren't you Joker.
Ignored One.
my brother turned 21 on september 24th, a month later the doctor told him that his leukimia had returned and he had a 10% chance of surviving.
ten days before he died he spent four days at my house.
he had already made up his mind that he wasnt going to take blood.
Wishing you the strength to get through this.
Ignored One.
sorry if this has been posted already:.
doh.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/62927/1.ashx.
anyway, repitition for emphasis.
Sorry if this has been posted already:
Anyway, repitition for emphasis.
Congregations want court order
[email protected]Jehovah's Witnesses congregations in Amarillo and Dumas are seeking a court order protecting them from releasing documents in a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims a former church elder sexually abused her.
The negligence suit, filed earlier this year in 251st District Court, was filed by Amy B. against Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Larry Kelley and several other organizations, including the Dumas Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amarillo-Southwest Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
According to the suit:
- The Jehovah's Witnesses organization appointed Larry Kelley as a Dumas church elder sometime before 1988. Kelley, who performed a puppet show to instruct the congregation's children, used his post to sexually abuse children. In 1992, Kelley was convicted of indecency with a child.
- While Kelley was a Dumas elder, church officials learned he was sexually abusing children in the congregation but did not report the abuse to authorities or warn other church members.
Kelley later was transferred to the Amarillo congregation and abused other children, including the plaintiff, who was 8 at the time of the alleged sexual abuse.
Both congregations have filed court documents denying claims in the suit.
Kelley filed a response to the suit admitting that he committed indecency with a child but denied some of the suit's allegations. In court documents, Kelley said he completed 10 years in a sex offender program and has finished 10 years of shock probation.
"I don't intend to minimize my offense, however, plaintiff implies that abuse took place from 1988 through 1992 when, in fact, there were only two instances of sexual contact," Kelley's court response states.
In court records filed Tuesday, the Dumas and Amarillo congregations claim that producing various documents sought by the plaintiff would violate their constitutional rights.
"Jehovah's Witnesses have a constitutional right by and through the First and Fourteenth Amendments, respectively, to be free from a government order compelling the church to disclose its confidential and exclusive religious doctrines, teachings and beliefs," the motion states.
The motion says a court order compelling the church to produce some documents would violate the church's constitutional right to freely practice its faith.
The Dumas congregation also has asked the judge not to compel the church to produce letters written by elders of the Dumas congregation.
"Specifically, the letters contain information obtained by or fruits of confidential communication with elders of the Dumas congregation from Larry Kelley during the course of spiritual and scriptural counseling between Larry Kelley and elders of the Dumas congregation." according to court documents.
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Ignored One.
go to www.google.com, type in "miserable failure" and then click "i'm feeling lucky".. see what pops up.
Here's a link supplied by JanH to show how it was done.
Ignored One.
go to www.google.com, type in "miserable failure" and then click "i'm feeling lucky".. see what pops up.
Go to www.google.com, type in "miserable failure" and then click "I'm feeling Lucky".
See what pops up.
Ignored One.