I only thought of this while reading another post ,actually when I was in I had my niggling doubts on this topic but it's funny how when you're a JW ,the brain is trained to discount reasoning on things as a dangerous thing.
Posts by wozza
Circle or Sphere ?
by wozza injw's teach that the bible is correct and scientific like when it uses the expression "the circle of the earth" ,and use this to prop their beliefs.. i wonder if in the original writings where this scripture is ,whether the term circle meant exactly that ,a flat object round in shape ,.
or if they meant a sphere .
surely the people around at the time of writing the scripture had the concept of the difference between a sphere and a circular flat object .. if that's the case and the language used meant only a flat round object and not a sphere ,why are the wts teaching that this is evidence that people can have confidence in the bible as gods word because it was scientifically correct thousands of years ago?
Circle or Sphere ?
by wozza injw's teach that the bible is correct and scientific like when it uses the expression "the circle of the earth" ,and use this to prop their beliefs.. i wonder if in the original writings where this scripture is ,whether the term circle meant exactly that ,a flat object round in shape ,.
or if they meant a sphere .
surely the people around at the time of writing the scripture had the concept of the difference between a sphere and a circular flat object .. if that's the case and the language used meant only a flat round object and not a sphere ,why are the wts teaching that this is evidence that people can have confidence in the bible as gods word because it was scientifically correct thousands of years ago?
JW's teach that the bible is correct and scientific like when it uses the expression "the CIRCLE of the earth" ,and use this to prop their beliefs.
I wonder if in the original writings where this scripture is ,whether the term circle meant exactly that ,a flat object round in shape ,
OR if they meant a SPHERE . Surely the people around at the time of writing the scripture had the concept of the difference between a sphere and a circular flat object .
If that's the case and the language used meant only a flat round object and not a sphere ,why are the WTS teaching that this is evidence that people can have confidence in the bible as gods word because it was scientifically correct thousands of years ago? Are they are no different then than the Catholic church in the days of Galileo refuting his observation ,and continued to do so after his death.
Evidence that God hates cats
by SweetBabyCheezits ini, for one, sensed that cats were from the devil ever since that demon-cat, toonces, was shown driving an automobile on live tv.. (orange feline, 2/3 of the way down on the right side, getting his.).
Oops sorry .....suppose I better say something now ,the trigger fingeralways gets twitchy when I think of cats.
Used to love teasing the sisters that were cat lovers by saying that the cat was the only creature that Satan was allowed to create. God sometimes I could just make the one here vanish if I had some of those apostate demonz powers
Evidence that God hates cats
by SweetBabyCheezits ini, for one, sensed that cats were from the devil ever since that demon-cat, toonces, was shown driving an automobile on live tv.. (orange feline, 2/3 of the way down on the right side, getting his.).
If the bible is god's handbook for man, why is it such gobbledegook?
by Aussie Oz ini don't mean the basic moral code of behavior (that many non biblical lands also just happen to have) that people use to model their lives, but the 'deeper' stuff.... assuming that god has had his divine plan for vindicating himself etc ever since he figured that adam may screw up, and he needed to let faithful mankind know the 'plan' and how to survive it all.... why is the important stuff all gobbledegook?.
the time frame, prophecy, signs and so on are all so obscure that even the cleverest theologians can't understand it or agree on it.
the 'truth' is so muddled and juggled up that every understanding can be logically challenged with an equally challengable one.
Hello Oz - on KI now ex southern vales and worn out from exposing the proliferation of pedophiles there ,happy where I am though and ready for when they come a knocking.
TEC - when is smugness not false? I'm sure theres plenty of christians who feel sincere about what they believe or feel , but like many of us that were JW's we felt the same but that did not make our sincerity truthful did it?
When Ozzie oz asks his question I feel he is looking for a truthful and factual answer to all mankind .
After all because the bible seems so full of gobbledegook that is why there are so many explanations , after all christians can't even agree on the essence of who god is !
If the bible is god's handbook for man, why is it such gobbledegook?
by Aussie Oz ini don't mean the basic moral code of behavior (that many non biblical lands also just happen to have) that people use to model their lives, but the 'deeper' stuff.... assuming that god has had his divine plan for vindicating himself etc ever since he figured that adam may screw up, and he needed to let faithful mankind know the 'plan' and how to survive it all.... why is the important stuff all gobbledegook?.
the time frame, prophecy, signs and so on are all so obscure that even the cleverest theologians can't understand it or agree on it.
the 'truth' is so muddled and juggled up that every understanding can be logically challenged with an equally challengable one.
Hi Ozzie Oz hope you survived the storm we're having ,and maybe we can meet one day.
I think Terry's post was excellent in that, point by point he establishes in my mind a case for showing that christians like Chalam have no case for boasting in their faith ,and their "blessed" priveleged and almost smug "gift" of the holy spirit they claim to ask for and be given .
Taking into account Terry's points one by one , and I can only conclude that over time there would eventually grow a multitude of faithful people who would claim god or Jesus or both blesses them , but over that time we would actually observe what we see today - a multitude of self proclaimed christians who say the holy spirit had revealed christ to them .
But the problem is with Chalam and others like Stephen is they have collected themselves into pockets of belief in their formula and contradict each others teachings yet claim the same leader and blessings ,how can this be ?
As pointed out we have ,what ,66 books as the canon ,other writings that some say should be included in the canon are classed as apochrypha?
And who decided on the 66? was it not the beginnings of the Catholic church in the 4th century ......is it then ok for protestants today to accept the findings of the catholic church back then ? We still have no harmony in a lot of belief areas as far as scripture is concerned let alone correct teaching which the holy spirit is supposed to be guiding.
In a nutshell do we have one true god ,and yet massive dis-harmony of teaching ?
Is there any wonder Ozzie Oz asks his question?
No Blessings but open mindedness
What Stupid Things Were You Counseled For?
by minimus ini've always been told that i have a very good personality, that i'm humorous, etc.. one elder called me over and said that i was "smiling too much".
the other elders talked to the elder who counseled me and he came back to say that i should be like i was .
A part on the service meeting that was to be 20 min long ,but because a brother before me went grossly overtime I had to trim my talk to about 13 minutes ,then this nasty elder that followed me tore strips off me for encroaching on his weeny little 5 minute talk.
They can be so "human" at times these "princes"
Been a while
by wozza inbeen a while and thought i'd say hi to all.
living on an island now ,with a kingdom hall in town for 18 months ,but have'nt been called on yet !!!.
funny thing is the mormons caught up with me and they have'nt been to the island for 3 years!!!!.
Been a while and thought I'd say hi to all
Living on an island now ,with a Kingdom Hall in town for 18 months ,but have'nt been called on yet !!!
Funny thing is the Mormons caught up with me and they have'nt been to the island for 3 years!!!!
What happened to the URGENCY of the Kingdom Preaching!
I think I may have to have an apostate visit on their home at the Kingdom hall
My Wife is demanding that I stop coming to this board.
by garyneal inokay, i am in a bit of a dilemma.
since i believe in honesty between marriage mates, i have been telling my wife about this board and my participation on it.
i feel it is only right so that she won't feel like i have anything to hide.
Well she is scared of truth!
As regards further education the society has no problem milking the rank and file for every ounce of what they can gain from their degrees at uni.
eg knew a young sister of 19 who put off baptism till she was sure it was the path she wanted to go ,but ,in the meantime her JW parents let her do a degree in engineering. When she got baptised Australian bethel fast-tracked her to a position there in the ongoing construction at Sydney Bethel (well engineers are'nt cheap eh?).
Of course she only had to do a short token period of pioneering to get in !! And when the extensions were finished guess who did'nt have a job any more ,but at least got a mate from the place and married.
How did they know if someone was Circumcised?
by RubaDub inso as not to hijack the current "paul" thread, i'll comment here.
paul spoke about circumcision numerous times and even circumcised timothy.. not to make light of the topic, but i have always wondered, how did anyone know if someone else was circumcised???
i have been a jw my entire life and will honestly tell you that i don't know which brothers are circumcised and which are not.. i mean, did guys back then watch each other at the urinals or peek in the windows when someone was getting dressed?
Perhaps they knew each others status by 1: greeting each other with a grope through the gown instead of handshake or
2: the spiritual sisters just did what they do today ....gossip about the mens status