Posts by wozza
Italian Ex-JW website: Jehovah's Worshipers Organisation ( to come?
by Elisa1966 inany guess?.
german translation: .
mmm...quite feasable -
This is my story
by Funchback ina couple of people here asked, so, i would like to share my story.. i got baptized at the age of 14 (armageddon was coming any day).
to call keith to ask him to stop talking about me.
keith and mrs. keith denied they were talking about me.
Yhanks for your sharing brian hope things go well for you and your family
by DATA-DOG inbreaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
I guess "SimonSays" has a right to express his/her thinking here but when he/she writes it's a little like wanking's sex, .... but it does'nt make a baby. -
Evidence of God.
by Jaewook kim insugar water will show blue light over the sun.. salt water will show red light over the sun.. our body components, salt sugar water.. blue blood vein and red blood... definition of our body in his form.. this is the evidence, of our god..
I love this site for tolerating the nut jobs of this world .....well at least for a little while. -
by hawkaw inas of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
Good move ,as yet I've never been able to show a witness a copy as they think I'm showing them something appostate even elders I've known and worked with for years blinded ,guess they have to find their own road to truth. -
JW's came to my door 6 weeks ago. I told them I was inactive.......
by Alchemist in6 weeks ago some jws came to my door.
i've been inactive for 8 years.
after they gave their presentation i told them i was inactive.
I don't think that them not coming back to see you is local thing ,when I was on a servant body it was the same everywhere you went .
Yep what does that say about this religion?
It was always a matter of putting on a big display of finding new people at the doors while ignoring the suffering ones IN the congregation .................please seriously consider going back .
Well isn't this a bunch of BS
by Doctor Who inwell, our sister congregation just had their co visit this past week.
on saturday afternoon, i was talking to a couple of ministerial servants in that congregation and they stated that an unmarried brother is not fulfilling to the max what jehovah wants of us.
they stated that the co went on a tirade that if you are unmarried you are being selfish and not following what jehovah wanted for mankind since he created eve as a compliment for the man.
Perhaps the WTS figures that single brothers are too able to be free and use their time as they wish.
But if they can coerce them into marraige the single men would have responsibilities thrust upon them and a nagging wife who will keep them busy in congregational activities and family things ........just saying
Massive Growth in Dub Numbers???
by 1rebelheart inso, i left about 5 years ago and at that time, the official ruling on number of members was a little over 6 million.
i google jw out of boredom the other day and find they are now claiming 8 million members.
sooooo.... hold on 2 million increase in 5 years?
Just because there's an increase in numbers over time it does'nt make what they teach " right" ,in my opinion -
pissed off my wife today at the assembly..I asked her why the bozo GB member lett has a pinky ring.
by goingthruthemotions inso at the assembly to day that nitwit lett gave a talk....i noticed right away he had a pinky ring.
i asked my wife what was the purpose of the pinky ring?
and then asked....would jesus wear a pinky?
Luke 14:25-26) . . . If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own soul, he cannot be my disciple.
Yeah I'll pass on the whole 'following Christ' thing, it's just too unloving and judgemental for my liking.
From memory The WTS used to say that the word "hate" used here meant to "love less" but not being a language expert I went along with it sort of but gradually over time saw they were just interpretting alot of things to suit thier BS
I had breakfast with 50+ JWs on Sunday
by zimunzucz inwe pulled into a hotel parking lot saturday around 6pm on the return leg of a wonderful family vacation to new england - an then fate stepped in---a man in a suit got out of a car with the rest of a picture perfect family.
i immediately noticed all the name tags--- and my blood pressure spiked 50pts- damn!!
i was booked in a 4 story hotel full of jws-- the only time they took off the name tags was in the swimming pool- they were so proud of themselves.. at 6:30 am the hot water went cold in the wife's shower- what do you expect on the 4th floor when a herd of jws is trying to get ready at the same time?