"When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” (Zion's Watch Tower, August 1879)
No wonder they are trying to bury the past and Russell
Posts by wozza
Our hall is asking for money...
by thedepressedsoul ini guess the branch isn't happy with the amount being sent each month since we are way lower than our loan amount.
we now have to another financial survey to see the max amount that can be given.
it is "encouraged" for all to be in attendance and give much forethought and consideration to the amount you can donate each month.
Lies, decete or misinterpretations
by Crazyguy ini know one of the former members of the writing department and i think he believe the people at the writing department and the gb are just ignorant of what the bible really teaches.
but i say that someone knows better and they are just liars.
here is just one example of why i can confidently state this.
I think it is a calculated move to excite the publishers and then disceetly hide the evidence ,very effective as most mags get thrown out or placed for they order the volumes later for thier library. -
Why I remain one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Brother Jeramy inallow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Jeez ....if you are in the company of criminals at the scene of a crime you suffer the hand of the law. -
The elders came to talk about my facebook comment
by cookiemaster inso, not long ago i've told you guys how one of my only two jw friends saw my comment against the borg and called me about it.
well, the little fraker also called the elders to tell on me.
i know i've been a huge idiot for posting a comment about jw's on facebook, but nonetheless i did it and what's happened, happened.. two idiot elders came all the way from the nearest congo, 30 miles away to talk to me about it.
Put a stone in their hand and ask ..................
chances are they have sinned more than you and continue to treat people badly .like the ones they are supposed to shepherd.
I asked some elders "why should I trust you? .....most molesters I've known in the org have been elders so where's your credibility?
So who's going to the meeting in Baltimore tonght?
by ShirleyW ini'm sure some kind of arrangement was made, some of the uber dubs in a panic as to what they would do if the couldn't get to their meeting tonight.
probably bumped it up a few hours so they wouldn't be out at night for those that live in the middle of what's going on..
Remember the time when the GB said we must go to the book study and support the arrangement as it was a protection to have it in brothers and sisters homes.
When tribulation comes that's where the strong bonds forged in these groups would protect the brothers and the spirit of jehovah would be there.............well what happened to that ,who got it wrong god or the GB?
Funny -
1975 failed prediction?
by Garrett inheyo,.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
I did my first study with an elder from the Woodville congregation in Australia in 74/75 and I don't agree that it was the weak or ones being too keen to teach the 75 armaggeddon story for when Ipushed the elder for when would the end come ,he said around October 75.
Though there was a bit of timidity to say this date (perhaps by some who knew of the failed WTS predictions before) but generally many were keen to agree with what my bible study conductor told me with enthusiasm.
I challenged him with the little knowlege I had at that time which my soon to be mother-in-law (a weak witness) shared with me that " nobody knows the hour ,not even the son " and this troubled him a bit and soon after I stopped my first study.
It was a time of high expectation in Adelaide South Australia at the time and the expectations were actually promulgated more so by the "spiritually mature " more than anyone by my observation.
When years later I started another study many tried to say that was'nt the expectations of the WTS at all but then I met many that had radically changed thier lives to pioneer in 74/75 ,borrowed money to buy cars and houses ,as they thought they would never have to pay it back ,amongst those were pioneers and elders. It seems different people handled the 75 fiasco in different ways.
Mystery Letters of "Human Apostate" talk 2013 summer convention and its connection to Lev.5:1
by Bill Covert ingreetings from redding calif. my name is bill covert.
i am one of those viet nam war felons for having to refuse communtiy service in lieu of military induction per direct instructions from ny, so i have been around for a while.
i am the writer of the letters mentioned in the human apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.
Welcome and thank you for your post ,interesting stuff but seems to be not a lot different from the corruption and intrigues I've seen here in Australia when I was in. Love to hear more.
A rarest of rare inventions made—it is better to remain open-minded!
by economy init seems even the famous scientific laws such as the law of conservation of energy (and lenz's law, which forms the basis of mechanics and thermodynamics laws that suggests machines cannot attain over a 100% efficiency) are all not ultimate.
someone has already succeeded in developing a space generator, a super high-efficiency machine that produces power from vacuum.
the thing is going commercial now with a famous electric company purchasing its the patent.
Gods looking down right now and says "these people have found out my secret to create power from a vaccuum ,I now must bring Armaggedon to destroy them !"
The Governing body look heavenward and say " We have been doing this for years with our teachings ,why have'nt you brought Armaggedon earlier in 1975 ?"
God finally responds " Well the vaccuum between your ears is large but the power you produce is so small"
Yahweh and Jesus Lose the Quickbuild Crown
by fulltimestudent inquickbuild's are something the jws crow about a lot as evidence of yahweh's "spirit" working on them, but amongst the puffery' there was a solid fact that the buildings were often the result of good planning rather than divine assistance.. and, in most cases the buildings were seldom built in a weekend.
a concrete slab foundation needed time to dry out before walls could be built.
and before the slab could be poured, the ground had to be levelled and services like plumbing and drainage roughed in.
I worked on many QB's in the eightees ,one stands out in my mind where they organised the media to come ,"3 days is'nt it amazing etc? " ,well they should have hung around to see the injuries that are hushed up ,but the best was on the third day when it became apparent the bricks were running out ,well that sent the organisers into a panick and we were directed to make sure that the place to run out of bricks should be on the rear wall where noone could see it from the street. We thought Jehovah would provide more bricks but they could'nt be gotten from anywhere.
It is an aging building now ,where are the promises of the people coming to fill these halls we built ? Some have been sold off to other religions and they never did fill those seats ,once I was privvy to an elders conversation and they were discussing whether to shift some of the seats to storge and spread out the remaining ones so the brothers would still feel that jahs promise would be fulfilled in filling the seats ...where was there faith ?