Hahaha thanks purplesofa. That's exactly what my friend at work said to do, dress like Elvira!! (non-witness, being a great friend through the whole nasty process. I have some great non-witness friends who get to listen to my issues and general unhappiness with things). Good to know there's others out there with a sense of humor, slightly twisted! :)
I could just wear white contact lenses, or insert false vampire teeth, to flash at inappropriate moments... but I think I might just wear all black and lots of eyeliner, and lunge suggestively at my husband's neck throughout the talk.
BabaYaga: I like to think that I'm THAT special ;P. I also make an real effort to wear skirts just above my knee, after we had the special needs on modesty where they specified that you shouldn't be able to see sister's knees. Apparently you shouldn't be able to see cleavage either, but seeing as I am 'smaller breasted' there really isn't any cleavage. I just endeavour to show chest skin...at all times. That will learn them :)
I'm still technically in, for family in that my husband is still in and is making no moves to leave as he's quite content to plod along doing the bare minimum. He's a believer, not a questioner like myself, but by no means the attention seeking type.
We are getting to the stage where he is ok with me wanting and eventually being out. Half his family aren't/have left JWs, and they aren't the shunning type. So his side would be ok with me being out. My family on the other hand are a real piece of work (refer to previous posts!). They would write me off and tell me that they can no longer have anything to do with me unless I drag my sorry repentant wreck of a being back to God's precious truth (if I DA'd or got DF'd). So I'm TRYING to do the slow fade thing. Although now that the elders are noticing me...grr. And are doing the whole 'it would be great to see you out.. blah bla blha' thing, 'you are a real asset' BLAH BLAH.
Dinah: how do I access that quiz? I have tried through links on here but it said that it was restricted...