Wow.. I got 578 pages of what looks like user instructions...
Pretty nice easteregg :)
Darth Fader
you may be surprised at what turns up!
just cut & paste that into a new microsoft word document and hit the return key.. spooky!
Wow.. I got 578 pages of what looks like user instructions...
Pretty nice easteregg :)
Darth Fader
do you still have the desire to live forever on a paradise earth?.
Live forever... yeah! But it isn’t real and wishing for some fantasy land doesn’t make it so.
I have always wondered what we would be doing on earth 1 billion years from now. We would have met everyone on the earth, learned countless professions, visited the most distant parts of the world, etc. I guess we would just sit around staring at the ever changing stars, wondering what constellations god would make for us next. It’s kind of arrogant to think that god would sustain/freeze the earth and sun and all the planets not to mention the Milky Way Galaxy and its neighboring galaxies, because, after 1 billion years, a lot can change from the galactic perspective. It was after contemplating these things and others, (like the great flood and the Exodus) I decided that these bible stories were just that... Stories... It was the only way a primitive culture could describe their world view and because there is ambiguity within its framework, cults and other "religious" groups will rise up over time and try to adopt it and use it for control, ultimately distorting it making it further unrealistic.
Wow, what a cynical and depressing paragraph.
Darth Fader
a former bethelite who served in the 70's said that bethel usa did pay social security for all the bethelites.
she would not give any details like, whether it was a tiny amount based on their stipend or what.
i mean, earning your quarters is still a great thing.
I wonder how minimum wage laws could effect this. $800 a year is way below the hourly rate for minimum wage, even if you only worked part time. Maybe as a "volunteer" you were exempt from the minimum wage law? I know that no matter what job or pay scale an employer uses, they must insure that the worker receives more then minimum wage (like base pay + tips or commission).
Darth Fader
in a time before many of you were born... assemblys had a great food... i left before the food started getting bad... .
i am totally amazed at reading... how food at assemblys got worse and worse... until finally food was`nt served at all... .
back in the day... food at assemblys was pretty dam good... there was quality cooking back then... jehovah`s witness`s actually looked forward to meals at assemblys... .
Oh blast! There are a few typos in my mast post... it's funny not fully and ... Maybe the sisnt should be Maybe they didnt..
Fingers think for themselves I guess.
Darth Fader
in a time before many of you were born... assemblys had a great food... i left before the food started getting bad... .
i am totally amazed at reading... how food at assemblys got worse and worse... until finally food was`nt served at all... .
back in the day... food at assemblys was pretty dam good... there was quality cooking back then... jehovah`s witness`s actually looked forward to meals at assemblys... .
wantstoleave: It's fully that they would want the script to be put in the contribution box... They already have the cash from the original sale. Maybe the sisnt want the publishers to see the "left over" cash and not purchase the same amount or more of script for the next assembly. Ok, maybe I'm overly paranoid :)
Darth Fader
in a time before many of you were born... assemblys had a great food... i left before the food started getting bad... .
i am totally amazed at reading... how food at assemblys got worse and worse... until finally food was`nt served at all... .
back in the day... food at assemblys was pretty dam good... there was quality cooking back then... jehovah`s witness`s actually looked forward to meals at assemblys... .
I'm sure that they made a profit on the food as no labor was involved and a lot of the food was donated. But we would always buy the books of script (I think that's what its' called) and have a few sheets left over at the end of the assembly. I remember collecting the script to play "food vendor" at home after the assembly.
I wonder just how much unredeemed script was floating around - that's pure profit there :)
Darth Fader.
i'm a newbie as far as delving into information other than wt based, and have only just started posting on this maybe the following thought will be old hat to some of you, not a concern or perhaps something you occasionally think about.
but, are you scared to watch the news?
purely for the fact of seeing things go on in the world that would prompt you to think about your jw upbringing?
I miss him as well.. I really enjoyed his youtube videos... well, in his absence I'll post some "V" words in his honor:
vaccary | dairy or cow pasture |
vaccimulgence | cow milking |
vaccine | of, like or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease |
vacillate | fluctuate in opinion or resolution |
vadelect | servant; serving-man |
vade-mecum | ready reference manual regularly carried about |
vadimony | bond or pledge given before a judge |
vadose | of, like or pertaining to underground water above the water table |
Darth Fader
i decided after much study and soul searching that i dont believe in god.
ive noticed recently (not on the forum but others) some people seem to think that if i dont believe in a god that im obviously morally bankrupt.
i dont feel this way as i give a portion of my income to charity and i have never set out to harm anyone else.
Are you looking for some "perfect standard" with which to judge others? I don’t believe that such a standard or guide exists. I’m pretty sure that the Bible or any other religious text can’t completely/accurately serve as a list of what is right and what is wrong. So without there being a definite/complete guide as to the rightness or wrongness of any activity, how can any deity judge us to be “bad” or “good”?
If we need the existence of a god or goddess to stimulate us to do good works, wouldn’t that be false – performing good works only out of fear of judgment? Maybe it’s better for us to be the best, in absence of any deity, and be judged on our own merits.
Darth Fader
this thing (along with jehovah's capability to know everything before, wich leads to predetermination) bothered me the most while i was a practicant jw, and the topic of jws mourning brought it back to me.
maybe someone could shed a light on how jws cope with this problem.
i've seen this mentioned at other places too, so it's not just me who thought of this problem.. as we all know, jw doctrine tells that absolutely nothing survives the death.
DD: "But you didn't stop being you when your last baby cell died."
Yes, but there is a flow of information passed on to the subsequent cells. When we die.. all this information degrades into protein goo.. You might be able to clone someone from the remaining DNA, but their appearance will likely be different. The growing process makes us who we are physically as well as the DNA. Even Identical twins have the same DNA, but their environment was different. They share DNA, but their finger prints are different.
Darth Fader