Did you 'break the rules' full force? Did you go celebrate a birthday? Buy xmas decorations? Have a smoke? Maybe you got a tatoo? Had a one night stand perhaps?
What did you do? If anything.....
did you 'break the rules' full force?
did you go celebrate a birthday?
buy xmas decorations?
Did you 'break the rules' full force? Did you go celebrate a birthday? Buy xmas decorations? Have a smoke? Maybe you got a tatoo? Had a one night stand perhaps?
What did you do? If anything.....
having got married at only 19 myself first time around i worry it wont work out for her , but at the same time hope it dosnt as it may help her escape eventually from the cult she was born into , i very much doubt whether her brother (my husband )and i will get a invite or her neice will be asked to be bridesmaid , she also has another disfellowshipped sis who would love to get to know her better as contact has been minimal sice she was disfellowshipped when my sis inlaw was very small , my sis in law is a pioneer and appears quite dedicated but struggles with ignoring her bro and sis , she also went to greece on a girly hol with a friend recently ,which im suprised is allowed in jw land , did any of you who were very dedicated as youngsters start to see things differently after getting married to a "strong in the truth" type i cant imagine her coping with being submissive as she is quite strong minded i believe she dumped a previous boyfriend for telling her what she could and could not do .
i would not have thought getting married at 18 would be considered a good idea, or do they prefer the females to marry young to keep control of them ?.
We never studied the family book - ever....oops!
having got married at only 19 myself first time around i worry it wont work out for her , but at the same time hope it dosnt as it may help her escape eventually from the cult she was born into , i very much doubt whether her brother (my husband )and i will get a invite or her neice will be asked to be bridesmaid , she also has another disfellowshipped sis who would love to get to know her better as contact has been minimal sice she was disfellowshipped when my sis inlaw was very small , my sis in law is a pioneer and appears quite dedicated but struggles with ignoring her bro and sis , she also went to greece on a girly hol with a friend recently ,which im suprised is allowed in jw land , did any of you who were very dedicated as youngsters start to see things differently after getting married to a "strong in the truth" type i cant imagine her coping with being submissive as she is quite strong minded i believe she dumped a previous boyfriend for telling her what she could and could not do .
i would not have thought getting married at 18 would be considered a good idea, or do they prefer the females to marry young to keep control of them ?.
Yes, unfortunately most JWs marry young in order to have sex. Ive known many marriages that work from this age, and many more that dont. Some enjoy the exhilaration of dating, getting the engagement ring - then reality sets in and its too late to back out. I remember a 17yr old getting engaged, and being at her e/ment party. I was outside with some kids and heard some 'words'. I peeked around the corner, and there was the not so happy couple, her head to the ground, him standing over her, berating her, really talking down to her and 'you'll do as I say' type things. I was horrified. I went back inside and told my parents. Not seconds later they walked back in, not together, and then rejoined and acted like nothing had happened. They married the day she turned 18. He is now an elder and a right pompous one!
when i was a kid, i'm guessing 5 or 6 years old.
the "smurfs are demonized" rumors started spreading around.
after a few weeks of hearing that and having to throw away all my smurf toys, i was at the kingdom hall and a sister came in with a bookbag with a big picture of a smurf on it!
Josh, I think the fear drummed into you about the Smurfs may have led you to think you saw one. I really doubt you did see one...that it was an overactive imagination from something you were taught to fear. For instance, I remember being that scared of Armageddon, that as a 3yr old, I would hear wind howl, and have all sorts of visions of things happening outside my bedroom window! I honestly thought they were real. Only as I got older did I realise I was just imagining it and just scared about something I didnt understand.
this is no way a lie, i'm sitting here typing on my laptop, and a big group of smurfs walked through my garden, over the fence into the next garden all speaking in a demonic way, anyone else seen this phenonima?.
Gnomes perhaps? LOL!
i've noticed we have a few male posters here with wives who are still in the jws.
and i can think of one female poster (cognac) with a husband in the jws (although things are looking up for her).
of course we have a few spouses that came out together.. is it me, or does it seem like the women here are more likely to have divorced their jw husband--even before leaving--whereas the men are more likely to stay with their wives?
Aspeherisnotacircle my husband was the same....clever put downs, manipulative, sly.....emotionally abusive. I didnt realise it until he left. We will be divorced shortly, and I have not told the elders. I figure he will, or, when they find out - it may be the big 'show down' for me to tell them to stick it once and for all. While they have been loving and helpful with me, I cannot get out of my head the 'you are not scripturally free, you cannot remarry'. Nevermind that he near enough DID sleep with women, and who knows, maybe actually did - but because there are not witnesses and he has denied it, I am not free.
While we were together, there was a time there where he didnt want the truth and it was me who said we shouldnt leave, that we had to think of the children. Nevermind that he never worked, didnt provide for us, didnt support me in any way whatsoever. I could have had him on that earlier on, but not wanting to involve the elders, didnt say a word.
I was a good wife right down to the end. Flyinghigh, I think my situation will be like yours....he may eventually come to respect me because he lost something good, something he wont find again.
when i was a kid, i'm guessing 5 or 6 years old.
the "smurfs are demonized" rumors started spreading around.
after a few weeks of hearing that and having to throw away all my smurf toys, i was at the kingdom hall and a sister came in with a bookbag with a big picture of a smurf on it!
Josh, I remember the Smurf story too! We heard the same as you, Smurfs being demonised, along with the tv show Bewitched. Dad never let us watch that show or many others for fear it would invite demons into the house. There were a few other tv shows we werent allowed to watch for similar reasons. I definitely remember the Smurf story though. I was devastated, as I loved them! I was a kid, and crushed I could no longer sing the Smurf song!!
especially those that no longer go to any meetings, but even those that still go- how much wt literature do you read or scan over?.
blondie does her weekly study article comments.
flipper started commenting on articles in upcoming issues.
I have been inactive for the best part of 5yrs...but I still have some literature lying around. I saying lying around, because I dont read it, or look at it. For many years now, just knowing its there, seeing it - makes me feel mixed emotions. Anger, frustration, sick...you get the picture. Last year an elders wife offered me some older books, as she was doing a clean out. I didnt want to say yes, but felt pressured. She called me over to collect it, and me thinking it would be a few books turned into literally 100 ! Boxes full. So into my car they went, and when I got home, straight into the trash!
I havent read a WT or Awake all the way through in at least 5yrs. Ive maybe scanned some articles here and there.
or did you remain in the same one since childhood?.
I've been in 8 congregations. All due to moving territories. Though the second to last one I was in was just about killing me! The hypocrisy, the leaving me and my family out, the harassment....and the slander! It was almost enough to drive me out back then.
right.....many of you have said certain things would get people infront of a jc but ive thought different, mainly because i know of similar cases that havent gone before jc...but whats your view on jw and finding a jw partner on the internet???
i thought it was wrong???.
apparently not!!!!!!!
Have known a few that have done it. One moved countries to be with her man, they are around the same age. What she didnt know was how controlling he was, and how abusive he was to his ex wife. Obviously, he had kept that to himself. Had we of met her in person beforehand, someone could have warned her. BUT, we did not meet her until they were already married. They met in person for the first time on their wedding day. He brought her to the next meeting and everyone was really shocked. In the 6yrs they've been married, she's moved back home once, for a year or so. Then he went over there for a year. Then he came back for a year. And now he's back with her, in her country. From what I hear, she is VERY miserable.
The other one I know about, they seem to be very happy. Married about 5yrs, expecting first baby, been back and forth between countries over the years. They shared a neighbouring hall with us, and were allowed to marry in the KH.