Thanks Wasanelder :)
Leavingwt, the only way to answer that is to say 'still waiting'.... :)
i'm a newbie as far as delving into information other than wt based, and have only just started posting on this maybe the following thought will be old hat to some of you, not a concern or perhaps something you occasionally think about.
but, are you scared to watch the news?
purely for the fact of seeing things go on in the world that would prompt you to think about your jw upbringing?
Thanks Wasanelder :)
Leavingwt, the only way to answer that is to say 'still waiting'.... :)
my dad brought out a good point today.
he said how can for example, a catholic in one country go to war against a catholic in another country and both claim to have god on their side?
for instance, the catholic priest on one side prays for that side, and the catholic priest on the other side prays for his side.
My dad brought out a good point today. He said how can for example, a catholic in one country go to war against a catholic in another country and both claim to have God on their side? For instance, the catholic priest on one side prays for that side, and the catholic priest on the other side prays for his side. Yet they're both the same religion. Jw's are the only religion that do not go to War. Does he have a point? What are your thoughts on this?
i'm a newbie as far as delving into information other than wt based, and have only just started posting on this maybe the following thought will be old hat to some of you, not a concern or perhaps something you occasionally think about.
but, are you scared to watch the news?
purely for the fact of seeing things go on in the world that would prompt you to think about your jw upbringing?
I'm a newbie as far as delving into information other than WT based, and have only just started posting on this maybe the following thought will be old hat to some of you, not a concern or perhaps something you occasionally think about. But, are you scared to watch the news? Purely for the fact of seeing things go on in the world that would prompt you to think about your Jw upbringing? For instance, the banning of religion, things to do with the UN and the list goes on.
When you see or hear things, do your ears prick up and a wave of fear ripple through you? Like 'maybe the witnesses were right'...?
I suppose the longer one is out of the organisation, the less these things are a focus. That's why I wondered if it's just a thing I'm experiencing because I'm new to leaving. If anyone else out there feels like I do, give us a
i've been lurking in the shadows of this forum for about 6 months or so.
i'll try to be brief here, but i apologize in advance if this is not "brief enough" for you.
anyways i'm a 27 year old african american young man, i was born and raised a jehovah's witness.
Your post sounds like alot of us here, love our family, don't want to lose them - but cant live the lie any longer. Its suffocating. Like you, I've gone back and forth over the years, thinking yes its the truth, to no its not. Tried throwing myself into it for almost a solid year, then became discouraged again. Its so easy to lose sight. Then I found this site. I had never before looked at anything remotely 'apostate'. Ive been active on this board a couple of weeks now, and the support has been amazing.
Your wife sounds really pushy, but maybe most Jw wives are like that? I'm not sure, because my ex husband never reached out, never took the lead and never bothered with 'the truth' much at all, so I never badgered him about anything spiritual. Then when I started to have doubts, he'd sit there preaching to me, yet never himself went to meetings or on the field. Hypocritical. It sounds like you dearly love your wife and parents, but you've reached a cross roads. You don't have to make a rash decision, but that all depends on your personality, and whether a quick cut and dry exit may be best for you, or the slow fade, with your wife on your back.
Spend some time here, giving your thoughts on topics and get to know everyone. There is a wealth of knowledge amongst friends here :)
today, i'm not quite sure how it started, but i voiced my concerns about the religion i've been brought up in since i was 3. my dad went straight on the offensive, though kept nice and polite.
i told them that someone can not be df for accepting a transfusion.
not sure why i started with that example, but nevertheless... dad said 'since when' and started pumping me for information, when, where, get the picture and biggest one of all 'how do you know this'.
Awsnap....about the xmas tree thing.... when my sister said what she said, it made me feel a little guilty actually, because days before, I'd stopped to look at xmas trees at the store. Something I'd never ever done before. So when she said she'd wondered if I'd hidden one somewhere, and she had NO Idea I'd been looking at made me feel rather guilty. So me thinking it was funny she mentioned it, I had to chuckle (on the inside) because unbeknown to her, I'd been contemplating getting one. The 'lol' was more of a sheepish chuckle for myself :) When I wrote the post, I almost added to the 'no I dont have one' a 'yet'...hehe. Jury is still out on that one, whether I get one or not. Will have to wait and see what the next 2mths bring regards dealings with my family. But no, I dont think xmas is ridiculous. I understand how most of society has moved away from the 'traditional' meaning of its celebration. Thanks for your kind words :)
I appreciate everyone's kind words and encouragement as I venture into this completely unknown realm! I have a mixture of feelings: apprehension, excitement, fear...
The biggest thing for me now is whether I start celebrating things with my preschoolers. One has a birthday coming up ~gulp~ obviously something I've never had to worry about before. The there is xmas. If I celebrate these, then I am truly turning my back on the organisation, and perhaps even Jehovah. That to me will be the final straw, the nail in the coffin so to speak. I can't start doing these things, then a year down the track decide that 'hey kids, no more birthdays, mummy is going back to be a Jw'. That wouldn't be fair on them. So whatever decision I make, I have to think about it really carefully.
I have a tendency to jump from the frying pan into the fire, impulse decisions. Interestingly, mum rang me tonight and asked how I was after todays talk with her and dad, if I was feeling better about things. I think they believe they have shaken me enough to knock some sense into me so to speak. I simply answered 'Im fine'. I dont want to give them false hope either. But I do have to say, Im feeling better than I did decision wise, because I feel its out in the open a little. And the more I move away from the religion, they wont be as shocked because they already know how Im doubting. It wont be any less heartbreaking for them, but they know to expect it.
in life, i usually trust new people, at least on face value, until i discover otherwise.
yet, my normal belief system is now in doubt.
i've just replied to a thread started by 'goldensky' - an alleged spanish lady with lots of history as an extremely devout jw in spain.
Seeing as this is now about asking meanings, lol, what does Borg mean? Ive seen it quite alot on here. Im presuming its 'org' as in organisation, but what does the B in front stand for? Thanks :)
i feel like i'm just begining to discover you i really am.
all that jw borg style programing is falling away and whats left is someone who keeps surprising me.
i'm alot happier in myself now, and alot more at ease.
found myself almost getting reassimilated as i listened to a public talk yesterday.
i was surprised at how much 'insider doctrine' was being spouted in a public talk--the need to obey the governing body (not god, the governing body), mentions of 1914 (though of course, explaining how the heck we arrive at that belief is not mentioned, the public would be mighty confused--oh, right, that's when they'll ask for a bible study), and the need to stay close to the organization (not god, but god's organization...), justification for the unscriptural practice of reporting field service time (in harmony with doublethink, god doesn't care how much time we spend, but the 'slave' just collects your time to keep an eye on your spirituality...oookay, so...if time isn't a measurement of our spirituality before god, then why are you keeping tabs on it?
Im so tired of being scared of earthquakes!
in life, i usually trust new people, at least on face value, until i discover otherwise.
yet, my normal belief system is now in doubt.
i've just replied to a thread started by 'goldensky' - an alleged spanish lady with lots of history as an extremely devout jw in spain.
Did they just have too much time on their hands? Lol..
this is only my second thread here on this forum, so forgive me if i put this on the wrong board.. i'm a jw on the way out....past few years and esp past few months of thinking have pretty much sealed the deal for me.
i'm done.. so anyway, as i allow myself to think more and more and question more and more of the bible, something i have always wondered about is the flood.
did god regret doing that, hence the rainbow promise??
The more I read on this site, the more I question myself and all I've ever known. For instance, the flood has been a question for me too. But, then I think of other religions/cultures and all of their religious stories. Take Australian Aboriginal people and their 'dreaming stories'. Just like other religions, they have a reason for how things come about, were created or designed. Just in a different manner to the more christian religions.
In fact before reading this, I today asked my dad about the animals going into the ark and how other religions have their take on this and my mom said that's because most religions date back to the basics of the bible, but over time it's kind of ben distorted, much like chinese whispers. You know, when something starts out as truth, but the more it gets passed along, things change.
I've always thought that with Jehovah God, anything is possible. Thus the nature of physics in the way we understand it today, was not even a point of contention for me. I just believed that Jehovah was the grand creator, so he could have changed the laws of physics (at that time) if he so wished.
Bluecanary, thanks for that link. Was a great read!