So, I'm totally confused about the whole 1914 thing. Maybe I missed out on hearing the new line of thinking regarding it, I don't know. So what is the latest thinking regarding it? Is it that those of the remnant will not die? Some will see Armageddon? Or that they will all be 'taken' just before it? What is the 'generation' thing? Sorry for the questions if it's already been answered. Just trying to piece the puzzle together :)
JoinedPosts by wantstoleave
1914 - what is the gist?
by wantstoleave inso, i'm totally confused about the whole 1914 thing.
maybe i missed out on hearing the new line of thinking regarding it, i don't know.
so what is the latest thinking regarding it?
Garrido was a "very absorbed" Jehovah's Witness
by skeeter1 inthe most disturbed people flock to the most demanding religions..... this article gives me yet another perspective as to why the jehovah's witnesses attract and retain child abusers and molestors..
garrido's twisted path led often to god.
by the associated press .
I heard his mother is still a witness (she was living with him but bedridden) but that he no longer belonged to the faith.
I know this because I know someone who lived in the same town (some time ago), and knew the mother personally. She hadn't had anything to do with her for a long time however, since she became bedridden. I presume the elders visited her though, right?
Do you play the lottery?
by asilentone inif you do, would you let me choose the numbers for you, if we win, we can split the money.
This is where I dont agree with the whole JW lottery ticket buying no no. To me, its no different then going into a store, buying a particular product because you can 'win' on it. Often, you dont even need or want the item you're buying, but only do so in hopes you may win a prize. Im sure most witnesses do that, yet to me, its like a lottery. There are no guarantees you'll win anything. I think I'll buy a lottery ticket one of these days :)
My First Kingdom Hall Wedding
by garyneal induring our last "bible study" session with the elder and his wife, we were invited to attend a wedding of a dear and close 'brother' and 'sister' of thiers at their hall.
my wife made me where a suit .
the wedding overall was nice.
Lol....Ive learnt, only go to weddings that invite you to the reception...hehe
How Did You Handle Sitting At The Meetings?
by minimus indid you pretend to listen?
did you actually follow along, listening intently?.
at the end i was listening more intently and getting more irritated by the whole sham..
The Sunday meeting is much shorter these days. Goes for about an hour and a half now. Still hard to sit through though...LOL!
Watchtower Quotes on Mind-control
by OnTheWayOut inmany are not sure or deny that wts is a dangerous mind-control cult.
here is some food for thought on the "dangerous mind-control" part of that.
(cut and pasted from jehovah's disfellowshipped witnesses/facebook).
Are there any more recent articles? I notice alot of those mentioned date way back. I wonder if they have changed their stance on some of those things since?
How Did You Handle Sitting At The Meetings?
by minimus indid you pretend to listen?
did you actually follow along, listening intently?.
at the end i was listening more intently and getting more irritated by the whole sham..
Speaking of elders being so busy at the KH to be bored sitting down, there have been a few talks over the years regarding mothers. I've heard many a time a brother from the stage berate mothers, saying in most cases they choose to have children so they don't have to sit and pay attention at the meeting. How rude! Forget the fact that most KH's now have a 'parents room', which caters to moms and dads caring for kids, but also that there's usually a switch you can turn on to listen to the talks. They implied that while the mother is up and about with the child, she's not listening to instruction and having fun. Whatever!
As for me, I used to listen intently, take lots of notes. Once I had kids, that went out the Not by choice but because it's a very busy time being a mom, at the KH or not. I had no time to look up every scripture mentioned, or take down notes. Nowadays I sit there like a zombie. Nothing goes in. I mostly can't help but silently huff and puff at certain comments from the stage. I don't mean to be disrespectful, I just don't tolerate ignorance very well.
My First Kingdom Hall Wedding
by garyneal induring our last "bible study" session with the elder and his wife, we were invited to attend a wedding of a dear and close 'brother' and 'sister' of thiers at their hall.
my wife made me where a suit .
the wedding overall was nice.
If the Df person is living under your roof, then yes, they are not to be shunned as typically normal. That is the only instance where you do not have to shun someone. You still wouldn't talk about spiritual matters with them, but you can treat them as normal. If they do not live under your roof, then the shunning takes place.
Btw, not all witnesses have long, drawn out wedding talks. Some are so quick you could blink an eye and they'd be It depends on who you get to do your talk, and what you'd like to include.
Even in their prayers they prove that they are a cult.
by Sour Grapes inat the meeting sunday the brother giving one of the prayers said.
"that we than you for your organization because people who are outside.
of the congregation are corrupt and wicked.".
When my father prays, he still mentions my brother, who has been inactive many years. He says 'please bring him back'. He's learnt to accept that my brother isn't in the truth (even though he doesn't celebrate birthdays or holidays) but still holds out hope. There was a time there when my brother would visit and as he was leaving dad would always yell out 'think theocratic'. It used to make me feel awful. Eventually my brother told my dad nicely to stop saying it. So he would occasionally say 'T T' as brother left. My brother again asked him please, don't say anything like that. My dad took that as my brothers conscience working, and felt good about it. He did respect my brother though and dropped it altogether.
The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses
by jambon1 ini have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
I heard a similar statement after 9/11 in my area. There was a brother we knew, who was supposed to attend a board meeting on whatever floor it was of the wtc that day, but he decided not to go into work. The brothers were saying how it was Jehovah intervening etc. I could never get my head around that. Why 'intervene' in that, why not save the other witnesses who died too. Were they not as important in his eyes as this one brother? Why not intervene in rapes, molestation, car get the picture. And from all we've been taught, we are supposed to believe Jehovah doesn't intervene anyway. Though we are also taught that he can direct our actions if we've prayed on something. It's all twisted.
I knew of aquaintances that died in that tragedy. Though I wasn't a personal friend as such, it still upset me. I remember waking that morning to the news and thinking the tribulation had started. I will never forget the terror I felt. Though I've been brought up a witness, I have always feared what's to come, even though I had always been a good witness.
I remember when I was little and a friend at school invited me to a party. My parents never let me associate with worldly people, yet they knew this friend meant alot to me. So after much discussion, they decided I could go. I was jubilent! Yet the night before the party, I was really sick throwing up, so my parents wouldn't let me go to the party :( I was devastated. Their reasoning? Jehovah must think you shouldn't go and that's why he's made you throw up. I was about 7yrs old. It crushed me thinking Jehovah had made me sick! Of course now I know that wasn't the case and it's even been said from the platform how Jah can't make you sick, or punish you for things in present time. I think my parents have adjusted their thinking since then, thank goodness.
(Edited for spelling mistake)