What reasons do you think he's gone back for? Is it purely to get a girlfriend? Or to please his family? Because if he's told you he's had doubts, then he isn't going back for the right reasons. I'd put my money on him wanting to find a girl. And all the inviting out, well, that will wear off. Doesn't he realise that? Silly boy. There will be some genuine people who are happy to see him, but the others, well, they think they're happy he's back - but it's all just part of ingrained behaviour. It's learnt and kind of like autopilot. Just wait and see what happens when the invitations fizzle out. I think you will have your friend back. But do you really want a person in your life who is so fickle?
JoinedPosts by wantstoleave
Convention 2009 - My best friend gets "love bombed" back in the "truth" and his sad SMS!!!!
by Witness 007 ini was so happy when my best friend {a witness} since childhood tells me he has doubts about the org.
and how brothers are "two faced" and the "false prophecies", and how he "needs a woman soon or he'll visit a brothel".... he had not gone to meetings for months and his mum blamed me although he didn't need much convincing.
well we went to the convention to please family and he enjoyed the lavish attention he got from so many "loving" brothers.
Teaching Position at a Catholic School
by wifekeepsmeinit inim looking to get a teaching position at a catholic school, part of the requirements for the.
application is to write an 200 word essay on why i desire to teach in a catholic school.
im almost completely lost as to what to say.
I am a teacher, and I have taught in catholic schools (as a Jw - it didn't go against my conscience), and the only emphasis and stipulation on doing so was that I supported the Catholic ethos. What is that? To behave like a Christian, allow the class to have their morning prayer, and take them to their religious lesson during the school week. Religion in the class context was not taught. The usual engish, maths, science topics were. The class went off to another teacher, the religious teacher, for their religious instruction.
Is this an elementary or highschool position? I taught elementary level, and as said above, no religious instruction in class. The children went to a separate teacher for that, much like they would do for music and PE lessons. What I'm getting at is that all they're really looking for is that you support their way of learning, teaching styles and the Christian emphasis.
Good luck :)
alone in the hse with opposite sex....is it crazy ??? or not??
by angel eyes inregarding being in the house with someone of opposite sex...thats a conscience thing too, the individual decides yet many claim that if they were seen in the house with someone of opposite sex they could stumble people..i think its them who have the problem, how can someone think the worse and make an accusation!?!?!
they are the ones with the problem and should be counselled, not the ones together.
its up to the individuals, we shouldnt have to take on other people consciences and be worried what others say...jehovah sees all things and at the end of the day we stand before jah's throne on judgment day not sister or brother so and so.
I think they go way overboard too. But in keeping with their guidelines of no sex before marriage, that's why they behave as they do and make rules such as opposite sex not allowed together alone. If there was no sex before marriage rule, they wouldn't make rules like this. (Hmm, just realised the word 'rules' appeared alot there, perhaps there are too many rules in the organisation!).
Flipper, how awful for you to listen to those kinds of questions. Interrogation more like! I think I would've told them 'this is a joke, I've done nothing wrong' and then walked off like you did.
I too have been in the back seat of a car when given a lift to a meeting by an older brother. It's as if noone trusts anyone to keep their hands to themselves. It's so sad. Sure we all have desires, but we also have self control!
Question on Divorce when NOT scrip free.
by wantstoleave inhope some light can be shed for me here :).
to cut a long story short, ex left me well over a year ago and filed divorce proceedings on me from another country.
was thrown out of court as the jurisdiction wasn't correct.
Apparently he still goes to meetings and field service, but how he can show his face I'll never know. (Side note, he lives with his witness parents).
A sincere question to active JW's
by feenx ina recent post displayed a letter written by a current elder.
it got me thinking about active jw's in general, and i am quite curious, in a genuine and sincere manner, how one deals with curiosity and sincere questions and/or concerns about the organization.
in my experience, as with the people i grew up with who now are also out of the organization, we experienced extreme supression while inside.
When I was very active and dilligently serving Jehovah and questions popped up in my head, I brushed them away immediately. Because I know within myself that if I get a bee in my bonnet, I can't let it go. So the only way I could cope without questioning everything, was to block the thought from my mind. You are right, ask a question and you are either looked at as an idiot for 'not knowing the answer' or looked at cross ways, to see if you're delving into apostasy.
Why Apostate?
by wantstoleave inthis may have been discussed elsewhere on this board but is something i've become increasingly aware of, and that's the apostasy issue.
growing up, i don't think anyone ever explained what it meant, nor did i ask - i just knew it was 'bad' and punishable by disfellowshipping.
therefore it is fairly embarrassing to say that until a few minutes ago and looking it up in a dictionary, i did not know what the meaning was.
Spot on!
What do you think about Revelation?
by wantstoleave inhow do you put the bible book of revelation into perspective?
do you see it as real?
How do you put the bible book of Revelation into perspective? Do you see it as real? Metaphorical? Just plain scary?
I remember going through the Revelation book (red one) as a child and being scared witless. The graphic pictures to a small child, with all doom and gloom were terrifying. I have never been much of a studier, always bucked against doing personal study when my dad asked, so I have to admit, I'm very rusty on alot of things. But Revelation is one of the books of the bible I avoid because it scares me!
What about you? What do you make of it?
JW since you were small....did your parents expect too much?
by wantstoleave ina couple of other threads made me think about this.. do you think that jw parents expect far more of their children than non-jw parents?
even if we discount the religious side of things, do you think you were more answerable to your parents?
you had fears of disappointing them?.
Farkel, more of wanting to hear if others felt the same is all
How Much Do WE Know About Africa
by snowbird ini realize that i run the risk of running this genre into the ground, but please indulge me this time.
what is the former name of these african countries?.
benin - .
Ivory Coast was Cote' d'Ivoire I think??
How Much Do WE Know About Africa
by snowbird ini realize that i run the risk of running this genre into the ground, but please indulge me this time.
what is the former name of these african countries?.
benin - .
When I saw the title I was going to answer 'there are lots of animals'....lol. Now you're making me do actual research..haha. I think Rhodesia was Zimbabwe?