Definitely look into scholarships and fee help. Alot of Universities have grants and financial assistance, especially to ones in need. I think given your age, and situation and having been discouraged all these years, the University would look upon you favourably and may go to extra lengths to assist you.
I have a degree, but wanted to do more study when my children were little. I applied for an online course, through a reputable university but once I saw the course load, couldn't commit. It was so much more than if I had gone to the lectures in person. So be wary of the load you take on. If I were you, given you have small children, I would take a part time course - but in person. Even if the degree takes 4yrs to complete because you do it part time, at least it's at a pace you can handle and you reap the benefits of talking to and seeing lecturers in person. You will also network, making new friends on campus.