1) I can drive my car any where I want to go. If I don't break any laws there is little chance of being stopped and searched by the police. In many countries road blocks are set up for the police to receive bribes so you can pass on a road.
I don't know how much a drivers license is right now but I'm sure it's under $50.00 for 4 years or so. (I really can't remember.)
JanH told me it costs $2000.00 in Norway to get a drivers license.
I love the freedom of driving MY car, any where, any time I want without interference from the government. Americans have cheap gas and food which allows us to have money to buy all those products made in Mexico etc...This does provide a living for many in other countries. It may not be a great living but some consider it better than starving.( I'm all for improving working conditons for all before you all jump down my throat.)
2) Most of the museums of art in the US are private collections so the government cannot dictate what will be displayed. Freedom of expression means a great deal to me; especially after my JW experience. This is just an example of the freedom for artists in this country. It maybe challenged sometimes but the courts always up hold the artists right to express themselves without government interference.
3) I delight in the beauty and variety of landscape, seasons and climate that exist in the USA. I enjoy the option of living or visiting the mountains, deserts, farmland lands, tropical, and arctic climates. Then, there are the lakes, rivers, sea, and oceans to experince. I appreciate the choice of all these different types of climate that exist with in this countries boundaries. As a citizen I can live in anywhere I chose within in these borders and I don't need permission from the government to move around.
I also have so many different kinds of people to choose to live near. We are a mixed people and I love all the different cultures I can experience, if I choose.
I savor the of variety people that's why I fancy living in the center in the world. ( LOL Americans can guess where I'm talking about )
BTW.... JanH: can you live in a tropical location within Norway's borders if you wanted to move?... LOL... just giving you a hard time today..hehehe
Edited by - Imbue on 2 July 2002 22:6:48