I've said the same things that you said and I believe it. The organization for the most part is made up of well meaning but (in my opinion of course) misled people. I was one of them once, and made some of the same mistakes that they make now. It is a mistake to generalise and call all witnesses "stupid" "heartless" "cruel" because it simply isn't true. One of my former best friends is one of the smartest people I know, a great writer, sharp wit, and great sense of humour. He just happens to believe that the end of the world is coming. However, it is easy to fall into that victim mode when people that you know are essentially good people are behaving so poorly. It's hard to remember that you were just like them when family is excluding you from weddings. It's hard to think to yourself that they are being misled, when former best friends walk by you in the mall while glancing at you and laughing amongst themselves. The point is, yes we know that all Witnesses are not evil, I don't think that even the most hard core apostate really believes taht, but when you're dealing with wounded and hurt people, somewhats what you "think" and what you say are different things. Show some of the patience for apostates that you want us to show for the witnesses. And as a closing point, may I say... Down with Canada. Thank you.