Posts by Imbue
Why Im ignoring my friends.
by refiners fire inive basically kept this under wraps in so far as this board is concerned, but ive decided to tell about it because, frankly, im under stress at the moment,am posting (when i post at all) a bit strangely and i wish to explain why im hardly posting, nor am i hardly responding to emails or chat requests from my friends here.
i apologize for the latter.
in a nutshell, my wife is sick, shes been sick a year now and the situation is getting worse.
Why Im ignoring my friends.
by refiners fire inive basically kept this under wraps in so far as this board is concerned, but ive decided to tell about it because, frankly, im under stress at the moment,am posting (when i post at all) a bit strangely and i wish to explain why im hardly posting, nor am i hardly responding to emails or chat requests from my friends here.
i apologize for the latter.
in a nutshell, my wife is sick, shes been sick a year now and the situation is getting worse.
I'm sorry to hear this about your wife. It must be very difficult you and your children to cope with her illness and all your fears.
To Lilacs
by BeautifulGarbage inshari, .
i just wanted to state this for all to see.
you are someone that i hold in very high esteem.
Wollersheim v. Scientology: Implications for WTS?
by expatbrit inwollersheim v. the church of scientology was a 22 year court case, finally settled in may of 2002 with the payment of $8.6 million by the church of scientology.
it raises interesting issues of freedom of religion, and how responsible cults must be for the results of their actions.
case history summary.. in 1980, lawrence wollersheim filed suit against the church of scientology of california (csc), claiming damages for intentional and negligent infliction of severe emotional distress.
The labelling of outsiders with pejorative labels such as "Suppresives" or "Worldly" or "Apostates" is another shared characteristic in the indoctrination process.
Every social group has code words signaling who is in the social group and who is out of the group. All Christian religions have words to signal whether or not you are in there group. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus then you are not Born Again. The JWs did not invent the term worldly they just apply it to everyone with a free thought in and out of the congregations. Even apostates have code words to signal whether you are in or out of the social group. I pity the poor soul here that dares to refer to JWs teaching as the truth, I mean troof.
Edited by - imbue on 10 October 2002 17:21:49
My church's policy on reporting abuse.
by JeffT inyesterday every body that volunteers in the nursery got a pamphlet on various policies that apply to us.
this is the complete text of the section on reporting abuse.. .
if a volunteer suspects a child has been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused or neglected, occ staff must be notified immediately.
There are special guidelines that schools must follow for there licensing. This seems to be the typical policy for most educational institutions. The WT's policies may seem reasonable to some but we know these polices contradict an unwritten code of conduct weaved into the social structure of the JWs. These codes of conduct contradicts their public statements. The reality of how these matters are handled and what policies exist are sometimes very different.
Edited by - imbue on 7 October 2002 13:17:42
One can be Jewish and a JW at the same time. I had also believed Billy Joel was Jewish but maybe some of his family members are JW as well.
What is the Watchtower Educational Center?
by Gerard inthe wtbts owns something called the watchtower educational center .
"putnam county - the town of patterson, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed watchtower amended site plan may have a significant adverse environmental impact and a draft eis must be prepared.
a public scoping session will be held on may 30, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at the patterson town hall, po box 470, 1142 route 311, patterson, ny 12563. written comments will be accepted until june 13, 2002. the action involves expansion of the existing watchtower educational center with the construction of two new residence buildings, an office building, additions to the audio/video building and a new maintenance building which total 172, 500 square feet.
The Watchtower Educational Center is about 600 acres of valuable real estate in Putnam County NY. It's about an hour and fifteen minutes to NYC so it's in a commuter location. They have the Gilead School, legal dept, estate planning dept, art dept, video Dept, questions from the readers dept and a nursing home in the health dept located there. They also have a hotel on the property for which they supposedly pay property taxes to the community. I'm sure there are several other departments, I've forgotten to mention, so maybe others can fill in the blanks.
Edited by - Imbue on 11 September 2002 20:54:59
airwlk149, where are you?
by Matty inkatie, where in the heck are you?
you haven't posted for ages, about a couple of months or so!
i worry about people that stop posting!
She was moving to a place without a computer. That's what she said the last time I saw her in chat.
Nitpickin' Moaners
by invisible inever since i came to this board i have been constantly amazed at the great propensity for bickering and moaning in this place by a certain minority of posters who might know better, you're so politically correct some of you.
you ruddy do me head in sometimes, i don't know what it is, maybe you think you are being clever, but it always seems to be the same ones that make the same disparaging remarks over and over again, not clever, just exceedingly boring.. so what if some posters get up your nose, what the blinkin' hec does it matter?
you know is attacked over and over again here, so is janh plus one or two others, so ruddy what?
Dubla have some patience and please tell me what is bigoted about this statement? Many of us make generalizations at times it doesn't prove the person is a bigot. I bet you have generalized about JWs many times yourself. Does that mean you are a bigot? Actually isn't you name Dubla a slight toward the name of Jehovah's Witnesses? I believe JWs would find your slighting their name to be bigoted and very offensive.
Emperor Class
Posts: 2395
Since: Mar 17, 2001Re: I see the US are still committing gross act... Jul 01, 200214:50
The Bush administration seems to thrive on a 'US vs them' paranoia. If their actions the last months have not been deliberate attempts to piss off the rest of the world, they have little idea about what goes on outside their country. While this latest disaster was undoubtedly an accident, it shows how little non-American lives matter. Ask any non-US gulf veteran.I actually suspect the Bush administration deliberately alienate the rest of the world because they hope it will help get Bush reelected. If some reactions from 'patriots' here are representative, this may well succeed.
The latest blackmail attempts that play with Bosnian civilian lives are detestable and will win no friends overseas. See http://europe.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/07/01/bosnia.peacekeeping/index.html
Too bad that the goodwill towards the US after 9/11 is being eroded. I guess it's true as they say, a 500 pound gorilla can sit anywhere it wants.
- Jan
Edited by - Imbue on 19 August 2002 17:31:27
Nitpickin' Moaners
by invisible inever since i came to this board i have been constantly amazed at the great propensity for bickering and moaning in this place by a certain minority of posters who might know better, you're so politically correct some of you.
you ruddy do me head in sometimes, i don't know what it is, maybe you think you are being clever, but it always seems to be the same ones that make the same disparaging remarks over and over again, not clever, just exceedingly boring.. so what if some posters get up your nose, what the blinkin' hec does it matter?
you know is attacked over and over again here, so is janh plus one or two others, so ruddy what?
Dubla is this a bigoted statement? It was the opening post to the link you provided as proof of Jan's bigotry. I believe you need to read it all in context.
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Since: Jan 4, 2002
Life in Biblical Israel (Library of Ancient Israel)
King, Philip J.$39.95$27.97