She'll be back in an hour...
Posts by Imbue
Yea, Me too....
by flower ini'm grateful for the friends i've made here and hope to continue relationships with them however this board has reached the 'more harmful than good' stage for me as well so i'm going to have to move on.
i've recently began re-question my decision to leave the jw's and have been wondering if we arent all really screwed up as is believed to be the case by jw's.
i need to go back and re-read all the exjw literature to prove to myself all over again that we are normal and ok and victims of a fraudulent cult.
I'm With TR!
by LDH ini have really enjoyed getting to know so many of you.
don't consider this a permanent goodbye, as i'll most likely stop back every now and again to see how you are faring.
and to keep you updated with me and the family deal.. the reality is, this board was great for me while i was pregnant, i was so sick.
Wish you well Lisa.... Take Care!
Lisa what will you do in the mornings without your hobby of studying the patterns of the board? LOL
Edited by - Imbue on 3 July 2002 15:56:52
Cygnus is in bad shape
by Cygnus injust so i don't miss anybody who is interested.... my results from the ekg and the echogram showed a severe leak in a heart valve.
i am going for an angiogram on the 15th but the cardiologist says the liklihood is great that i will need open heart surgery.
rare for a 30 year old but if necessary, it is necessary.. no word yet on the results of the blood work for liver enzymes and hepatitis.
((((cyngus)))) sorry about your condition. It's good that you know about it and can have treatment. Did you have symtoms?
(Operating room talk is annoying!) true Joy..hehe Pts don't want to know what goes on in the OR!
Wholewheat please read.
by Pureheart inhi wholewheat,.
when i first came onto this board i was shocked at the language too.
please go to my member page and read starting on the second page, so there are rules of conduct, what rule of conduct exists here, too much hatred in here, get over it.
SYN Says: *in a masculine voice* What happens if the guys in charge are bad apples to begin with?
This is a quote from a book the WT has utilized for it's understandings.If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop
The BEST things about the USA
by OUTLAW inwe`ve seen some pretty mean usa it`s time for a new thread about the good things in the usa..first off they got coors beer,a dam fine beer i must say.disineyland,what kid dosen`t want to go to disineyland?been there more than a few times and i intend to go again.tex-mex food,i`ll be dammed if i can get a decent enchilada this side of the border.the oregon coast with the giant red wood forest,a beautiful drive on a holiday.the humungas servings when you go to a usa restaraunt,especialy the steakhouse` if you live in the usa,or go for a visit like i do,what are the things you enjoy in the usa?...outlaw edited by - outlaw on 2 july 2002 20:25:30.
I love the USA but, I'm sorry COORS BEER? Coors beer is terrible!
LMAO...OUTLAW... is a special so you have to give him a break. At least he knew COORS wasn't imported beer.... outlaw
Are all Men Bad?
by IslandWoman inare all men bad?
of course the answer is no!
it is also true that not all men who work at the watchtower are bad.
I agree with Naebs again...this is too scary! Of course, I've said this before here too and took the risk of stoning.
I believe that some here have enmeshed their family issues with their WT issues and this is why they react with rage toward JWs. It's not a healthy manner in which to recover IMO.
wwhy is wholewheat toast allowed on this board?
by dustrabbit inyeah, why is some dipf&&ck named whole wheat allowed on this board?
i say we toast it have it for breakfast
what would you do if a male board memeber called you a 'bitch' or a 'whore' for just expressing your feelings?
Pound them with replies until they crawl away saying they aren't strong enough for this place! ...LOL
Which is something I couldn't do in the org because they would DF me for even questioning their male authority to call me Jezzabel.
What do Americans actually really know about???
by invisible inwhat do americans in general actually really know about the big outside world outside of their own culture?.
it's certainly not just me, but for years since early childhood in fact, it has been commonly accepted by many, that americans in general are the biggest ignorant fools residing almost anywhere on the planet, yet they still do their damndest to have everyone believe what a great nation they are.
is it even beyond their comprehension how foolish they look often to the rest of the world, the fact that they have so little understanding of problems on the worldwide front?.
Your generalizations of Americans reminds me of a common generalization about Englishmen know how Englishmen have little ones. Of course, I'm not saying Englishmen have little penises but many do say so behind their backs. I would never think of saying this to an Englishmen because it would be very insulting.
Yeah, that's the same kind of generalization that I would never say to an Englishmen but only to an individual....*whistling*
Ask Expat he's half Italian so I could get away with it...LOL
Celty: Please just apologize for insulting some here and take your lumps...I know you can be proud sometimes but your usually a sweet heart.
Simon: I'm not issuing this insulting remark about Englishmen. I was only giving it as an example. *ducks and pleads * "please don't delete the only imbue left"... hmm... there is always imbues, imbued, or imbuing...LOL
Edited by - Imbue on 3 July 2002 1:7:24
wwhy is wholewheat toast allowed on this board?
by dustrabbit inyeah, why is some dipf&&ck named whole wheat allowed on this board?
i say we toast it have it for breakfast
dustrabbit : why are you so nasty to whole wheat? He's just a dub trying to figure things out. I've talked to him in chat and that's what he seems to be doing here whether he realizes it or not.
Why do some JWD posters try to chase away all the JWs?
Do you expect JWs to post fluffy sex threads or confrontational questions?
Why is 'women bashing' allowed on this board?
by wholewheat inthere is a poster on this board with the moniker 'd8ta' that has called a female poster a 'bitch' and another female poster a 'whore' and yet you men let him get away with it.
this is disgusting!
is this what leaving jehovah does to people?
In our culture assertive women are considered bitches. So, what's wrong with being a bitch?
I'm a bitch and noone would disagree with you here...LOL
btw better not to call me one or else I may have some information for you wife.