The ancients created the gods to help them define the natural world. They thought the Earth was the center of the universe.
Luckily, we have various disciplines now such as Science, Archeology, Biology, Geology, Mathematics, Genetics, to name a few, that have lifted us out of the superstitious realm of 'god did it' to show that natural processes are just that. There is no spirit being behind volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, leprosy, epilepsy, HIV, ebola etc, etc. as the ancients all thought. Knowing that there are at least 12 other planets in our Universe that all reside in the habitable zones of stars and that the building blocks of life have been found in meteors means that life could very well exist on other planets. Suddenly, Earth and it's species are not so 'special' as the religionists want mankind to believe.
The Hebrews believed Yahweh to be all things, both good and evil. But there is a huge issue trying to sell one's god as "all-loving" when he condones and perpetuates mass genocide, infanticide, rape, slavery, misogyny, and a multitude of other ugly, nasty things that people in authoritarian positions have wrought on the rest of the human race for thousands of years.
Even religion evolves. One only has to research where their current beliefs came from to realize this. One day the human race will no longer need the gods. They are almost there now.