I don't think the message has ever reached these people in all the years they and their ancestors have lived on this Earth:
Amazon Tribe discovered in 2008
when you ask a jw why hasn't god brought an end to the old system it is because he is being patient and he wants everyone to have the opportunity for everlasting life.
they will say that every year over 200,000 become jw's (most of whom are born ins).
the problem that i have is that every year over 130,000,000 people are born which means that every year he delays in destroying the nations there will be 130,000,000 more people to murder and bury.
I don't think the message has ever reached these people in all the years they and their ancestors have lived on this Earth:
Amazon Tribe discovered in 2008
romans 13 : 1-7 "let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities" etc,"the existing authourities stand placed in their relative positions by god" 2".therefore he who opposers the authourity has taken a stand against the arrangement of god ,those who have taken a stand against it will recieve judgement to themselves "etc,etc,.."..to him who calls for honour such honour.".
isnt this plainly stating that christians should be supporting and playing along with the governments of this sytem of things ?
that it is in fact an arrangement of god ?
Witness My Fury said: Because the imaginary sky daddy is a douche.
Witness My Fury beat me to it.
if scriptures are written by people who have no sense of justice, it is natural that god would be misrepresented—something that happened to the biblical god.
to mention a few:.
1) david, murderer of the innocent and faithful, wrote portions of the bible.. 2) paul who set in opposition to genuine apostles who were directly trained by jesus himself sarcastically describing them as “superfine apostles” openly declared in some places that it was not spirit, but he was writing.
The ancients created the gods to help them define the natural world. They thought the Earth was the center of the universe.
Luckily, we have various disciplines now such as Science, Archeology, Biology, Geology, Mathematics, Genetics, to name a few, that have lifted us out of the superstitious realm of 'god did it' to show that natural processes are just that. There is no spirit being behind volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, leprosy, epilepsy, HIV, ebola etc, etc. as the ancients all thought. Knowing that there are at least 12 other planets in our Universe that all reside in the habitable zones of stars and that the building blocks of life have been found in meteors means that life could very well exist on other planets. Suddenly, Earth and it's species are not so 'special' as the religionists want mankind to believe.
The Hebrews believed Yahweh to be all things, both good and evil. But there is a huge issue trying to sell one's god as "all-loving" when he condones and perpetuates mass genocide, infanticide, rape, slavery, misogyny, and a multitude of other ugly, nasty things that people in authoritarian positions have wrought on the rest of the human race for thousands of years.
Even religion evolves. One only has to research where their current beliefs came from to realize this. One day the human race will no longer need the gods. They are almost there now.
i have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
Why do you feel that Watchtower is responsible for that person's actions against the child?
just wondering if anyone else has noticed that this forum site listing in google has dropped to number 6?.
two days ago it was number 3.. i wonder why all the jay double u dot org listings are so rapidly moving up the list?.
even noticed one that said something about jay double u dot org donations link..
It's me. I don't use the Google much anymore. I use DuckDuckGo now. ;0)
okay, i posted this in a thread that got locked and buried.
since then i've been really busy and have overdosed on christmas music in the past week.
so, i'm resurrecting this "holy day" holiday that most people will unknowingly be celebrating tomorrow.
Well I see I've already posted those Fairy Light leggings like 2 pages back. Time for something a little different then. How about mixing Hallowe'en and Christmas for another double whammy of Pagan? Nightmare Before Christmas Leggings! Yeah.
okay, i posted this in a thread that got locked and buried.
since then i've been really busy and have overdosed on christmas music in the past week.
so, i'm resurrecting this "holy day" holiday that most people will unknowingly be celebrating tomorrow.
Well it's once again that time of the year. And to celebrate, here are some more tight pants with Christmas designs. These are called Fairy Lights Leggings so a double wammo with the pagan fairy theme. Merry Pantsmas Everyone!
listener on here started a cool thread about the april 2017 wt which can be found here.... https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4881380162928640/watchtower-april-2017-overview.
it got me to look at it closer and in the opening study they use terminology i've never heard used before namely, "vow of obedience and poverty".... 19 currently, there are some 67,000 members of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses.
some perform bethel service, others engage in construction or in circuit work, serve as field instructors or special pioneers or missionaries or as assembly hall or bible school facility servants.
There is nothing good about poverty. Not one thing.
l don't visit very often now , but l wanted to drop in to wish all you folks a merry christmas and happy new year .
as l cannot find a thread already started for this l have started one !
in the immortal words of chuck berry ( l think ) " come on everybody " join in wishing your fellow posters a merry christmas , happy holidays etc .
Found this online and it made me chuckle:
if that's true then you can't say such and such is no longer aa jehovahs witnesses .
now i'm not very educated but is this like contradictory..
Crazyguy said: What if the Jehovah is just a myth?
There really isn't an easy way to tell people that they've dedicated their life to a folly.