I wrote to Angus Stewart, Senior Counsel on the ARC's Jehovah's Witnesses case regarding Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. I have posted my letter previously on this board. My summary in the letter:
" I wish you and the RC much success in bringing about positive change. When a group is based on outdated principles such as Patriarchy, various abuses seem to abound. If laws are not enacted, though, as a result of these investigations, The Watchtower will not adopt any changes. Their authority is their interpretation of the Bible unless there is a law which prohibits them from using the Bible literally. They will view this investigation as persecution by Satan."
I think the above says it all. Abuse will continue in this religion unless they reform. But reform means dropping much of what they cling to from the Bible. This will never happen unless it is made illegal. So it is up to the secular authorities to enact laws to force Watchtower to do the right thing if anything is going to change. We can only hope.