If you care about them, then go to their wedding and wish them joy, love, and happiness together.
Posts by Heaven
Attending a same-sex wedding
by Samantharockeby33 inmy cousin, whom is not jw, but we have grown up together our whole lives has just gotten engaged to her same sex partner, i am very conflicted on wether i can/should attend the wedding or not.
i am very close with my cousin and her partner and they are very understanding to our beliefs and differences as she grew up with our whole family being jw.
some family members have already said they will definitely be attending and some definitely not attending so i just want some extra advice and guidance!
I finally tied the knot, or any advice for an old "sew-and-sew"?
by compound complex ini met up with many friends of 50-60 years over the last week.
these were friends from the neighborhood, school, and kh.
i renewed some really special attachments.
Coco, you had all of us going there. LOL!
Regarding hand sewing as we get older, a magnifying glass on a stand might help to thread the needle and tie the knot.
Do they know what 7.5 billion dead bodies look like?
by jambon1 inin their sick and twisted bubble that they live in, the jehovahs witnesses clearly have no idea about the logistical nightmare of disposing of 7.5 billion corpses.. when i heard an elder once say that it will be a joy to clear away the wicked from the earth, he actually had a smile on his face.. can they even begin to imagine what 7.5 billion dead men, women, children & babies looks like?.
"let the eye feel no sorrow".
sick bastards..
zeb said: heaven. My words exactly. Ever had anything to do with decaying animals?
Yes I have. Even a dead mouse stinks to the point of gagging. Billions of rotting corpses are going to cause, not only a stench that would be unbearable, but a rash of diseases that would kill more people.
Edited to add:
I found this baby raccoon dead beside my house 3 years ago. It had been deceased 1-2 days. It was already starting to reek.
LEAKED Talk - Depression Is A Part Of This Life
by pale.emperor inanother leak from my collection of talks that i was ordered not to share.
an elder gave me a ton of talks from bethel and special assembleys to put on his ipod.
of course i copied them to my computer and will share them for all of us.. depression is a part of this life by brother nathan fuel.. this talk also touches on the subject of family members being disfellowshipped, feel depressed?
A sign that a person or organization is abusive is when they point the finger outward and blame others for all their issues and shortcomings and do not accept feedback on things that need improvement.
Do they know what 7.5 billion dead bodies look like?
by jambon1 inin their sick and twisted bubble that they live in, the jehovahs witnesses clearly have no idea about the logistical nightmare of disposing of 7.5 billion corpses.. when i heard an elder once say that it will be a joy to clear away the wicked from the earth, he actually had a smile on his face.. can they even begin to imagine what 7.5 billion dead men, women, children & babies looks like?.
"let the eye feel no sorrow".
sick bastards..
The stench from that much rotting meat will be overwhelming.
JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
by Drifting Away ini would love to know the stats of how many hours were spent, standing by a cart, or sitting at a local town fair with jw table tent set up, compared to the number of bible studies started that led to baptism since the inception of the carts.
anyone have any idea?
if i had to guess i would say thousands of hours pent standing by a cart, and maybe less then 5 that actually got baptized.
These carts have been out for a while now. I have yet to see one of these in my neck of the woods.
The Writing Committee Needs Higher Education!!!
by The Searcher inwatchtower january 2017 - how was fire transported in ancient times?.
"the biblical account found at genesis 22:6 states that, in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location, abraham "took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son isaac.
then he took in his hands the fire and the knife, and the two of them walked on together.
Half banana said: The fungus apparently smoulders for a long period of time and with suitable kindling and blowing upon can be readily revived.
This is correct. They were able to transport fire for days. This will still work today too. The Amadou mushroom can also be used to create useful objects. Paul Stamets' hat is made from this mushroom.
Half banana said: BUT................. Abraham and Isaac are just fictional characters..................................
While this is quite likely, I, as I assume you do too, prefer to live in an evidence based world. I find it rather interesting to learn about ancient techniques and knowledge that are useful and that work. The Bible lacks a lot of this information.
Just curious - is apostasy grounds for divorce?
by LifesNotOver ini know only adultery is supposed to be grounds for "scriptural" divorce.
i'm a wicked apostate in their eyes, but my believing husband and i still can't get a divorce that would allow him to remarry.
we currently are separated - i have left him.
Apostasy... not grounds for divorce but definitely grounds for Botchtower making your life a living hell.
The Writing Committee Needs Higher Education!!!
by The Searcher inwatchtower january 2017 - how was fire transported in ancient times?.
"the biblical account found at genesis 22:6 states that, in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location, abraham "took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son isaac.
then he took in his hands the fire and the knife, and the two of them walked on together.
The Amadou mushroom was often used to transport fire in ancient times. Sadly, the bible doesn't mention that.
Edited to add a pic:
Fomes fomentarius aka Amadou mushroom
CO visit... Circuit is not growing at all, he said during midweek meeting
by StarTrekAngel inso that was a "shocker".
i was not able to attend the meeting.
i had a more important one with my other apostate friends in the area.
Six years ago my Dad's CO told him "The young ones are leaving in droves." Looks like nothing has changed. Awesome!
I have posted this before but I'll repeat what I've said... I work from home full time and they are NOT knocking on my door. Sparrowdown said they aren't knocking on their door either.
It has to be exhausting when no one is interested OR someone is informed and challenges you at the door. So they went to this litter-a-trash cart method and that doesn't seem to be reeling them in either.The further they get from reality, the less attractive they become.
I suggest they start offering freebies... like food/munchies and drinks at the meetings. It might get more to attend. Of course, that's what the churches of 'Christendom' do so they might not want to follow that lead.