Did'nt wear a badge last year. Wasn't there a direction some time back that they should only be available to publishers, and the young ones felt left out? If we are allowed to print our own how about a star wars 7 back ground? Subliminally like...
JoinedPosts by 1Averagejoe
Caleb & Sophia RC badges
by oppostate intake a look at this caleb & sophia rc badge for children.. .
what's the motivation to make special childrens' badges?
i smell indoctrination!.
JW's copied Mormons?
by purrpurr ini've been doing a lot of research about mind control, cults etc which led me to look into the world and beliefs of mormons.
the similarities between jw's and mormons are staggering!
it's almost a carbon copy which only a few differences.. did the jw's set out to copy them i wonder?
Unconfirmed rumour but was told one GB member was once a mormon and that's where the family worship evening came from? -
Power of music-alive inside documentary
by 1Averagejoe ini don't know if this subject has been discussed before since my search option on this forum does not work.
but it's been a year since the release of the film "alive inside-a story of music and memory.
" which follows social worker dan cohen as he demonstrates his findings on how a part of the brain usually remains unaffected by age and how music can be used to reach in and connect memory to things "forgotten" but are really still there.
I don't know if this subject has been discussed before since my search option on this forum does not work. But it's been a year since the release of the film "ALIVE INSIDE-A story of Music and Memory." which follows social worker Dan Cohen as he demonstrates his findings on how a part of the brain usually remains unaffected by age and how music can be used to reach in and connect memory to things "forgotten" but are really still there. Much more on the dvd. I think it's amazing!
I was wondering have any of you friends seen it and what you think of it?
We at times experience how the senses bring back memories with no conscious effort from us, usually by a smell of a dish we had when we were young or of a flower and music.
We enjoy listening to music as it is mood altering and can stir our emotions, sooth us (like when mum dear would sing you a lullaby) thus reducing stress. Music can also induce stress.
Speaking of which I am reminded of the alien character Boov from the movie "Home" scene with music....
"Driver gets to pick."
"This is not even music."
"This is just noise! "
Boov's body has involuntary physical response.
" You have tricked me into listening to a debilitating sonic weapon."
" If you want humans to not hate you... You could start by liking some of our stuff. "
" Confusion. What is happening to my body?! "
"It's called dancing! "
"Boov do not do dancing!"
"I can tell. But you're getting the hang of it!"
"How long before this kills me? I am not in control of my own extremities!"
"That's it! Work it!"
"I do not want it to work."
"Shake your boov thang."
"It is shaking in the most undignified way! Oh, no! My hands are in the air like I just do not care! This is not how a Boov behaves! I am overheated with shame!"n :DWhen I was a young' un, I remember being at a large family gathering and everyone was having fun when I burst out in tears! When asked why all I could do was point at the record playing Skeeter Davis' sad sounding songs.
I also read somewhere how music has been used in getting one into an hypnotic state. How about the sounds rituals we hear at the hall, dulling music and tone of voice from the speaker which may put the audience to sleep or worse reach that subconscious mind and plant suggestions in there before you can rationalised it? Just asking have you come across good research on this?
If anything please watch that documentary and see what you think.
Songs celebrating leaving the faith? Not being a puppet, mind controlled, living life, etc etc
by aley63 ini am looking for some songs that are in ref to celebrating leaving, seeing the light, realizing what you were told wasnt right, being happy w your life, etc etc.
all those emotions about being controlled and repressed, being told what you can feel or think or how to live, blindly following the "brotherhood ".
Try Billie Joel's "my life"
And how about Bon Jovi's "It's my life"
Helps when you sing along with Bon jovi and put" your hands up in the air like you just do not care!" - boov
Elders, disfellowshipping, & baseball umpires
by sir82 inok bear with me for second on this one..... i was just reading the other day about "pitchf/x", a type of technology that can accurately track whether a pitch in baseball is a ball or a strike.. a couple of analysts went over 6 years of baseball data.. it turns out that umpires are wrong about balls & strikes about 14% of the time.
what they call a "ball" is really a "strike" about 13% of the time, and what they call a "strike" is really a "ball" about 15% of the time.
here is the article.. that's at the major league level.. umpires have to work their way up to the major leagues, just as players do.
Oral Review for May-June
by James Jack inpixel, atlantis, anybody have the oral review for may-june 2015?.
thanks .
Why don't they just call it a review already!? What's with the "oral"? Stumbling.
Don't panic, Just don't participate. Easy!
One hope for ALL christians - interesting video on heavenly hope
by paradisebeauty inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n7qe6fqac4.
a short video with proof from the bible that the ones going to "heaven" are not meant to stay there forever, but just to meet jesus there (at the rapture) and be with him forever, on earth, not in heaven!.
As long as it's not "our" jdub annointed that will be coming down again! Can you imagine what a great disappointment for them heavenlies... and us earthlings? "We're baaack! And we were oh so wrong! Here's the new light. "
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Watchtower Society Recalls Demon-infested Literature
by maksutov inthe international bible students association has issued an urgent product recall for the october 2015 public edition of the watchtower magazine in the uk.
several copies of the magazine were found to contain demons, having been infected after a worker at the british branch office attended a yoga class.
the worker has now been disfellowshipped, but the ibsa reports that contaminated magazines had already been shipped to congregations across the uk.branch office spokesman andrew morris ivx said: "this product recall affects the printed public edition of the october 2015 watchtower only.
Stan livedeath.... No I wouldn't recommend it, stick to softer tissue if you can afford it. Even your toilet can't handled that kinda crap! Current Wt literature does not burn well as the older ones either.
Slow motion pioneers
by 1Averagejoe inobserving our local unemployed pioneers and how long they take to get to their first or next call, usually taking the longest route to get to one they know won't be there anyway.
along the way it's gossipy this and that.
Observing our local unemployed pioneers and how long they take to get to their first or next call, usually taking the longest route to get to one they know won't be there anyway. Along the way it's gossipy this and that.
Pioneers? Picture the early secular pioneers in their field whether it was search for gold (rush) or the J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie did they accomplish their goals with such slacking?
Back when I was a regular pioneer it was 90 hours all while holding a job. Okay, okay, I was that brainwashed. Moving on.. It was then stressed "don't count your time but make your time count." - groan!
Yet In my congregation none of them are reaching their targeted hours. One didn't even have a bible study after three years at it that she had to be given a "born in" to do the second book.
Circus Overseer didn't even mention their poor performance in his last visit, probably afraid they'll have to be stopped all together.
Any similar observations in your area? If so, what gives?! Give up already!
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Bethel Meeting at Regional Convention
by MrTheocratic ini decided to go to the bethel recruiting meeting yesterday to test out my theory that the organization is in decline.
i assumed that if there is a general feeling of apathy by many in the org, then certainly it would be shown up by the lack of enthusiasm or zeal by many to sign up for bethel service.
well let me say that based on what i observed, this organization is not going anywhere.
I guess I qualify as a zombie and spring chicken when I applied and joined Bethel and spent over 10 years there. My "intentions" were true, really believed I was serving the good lord. I even commuted for a whole year to work there, yes and enjoyed the lunch at the tables. This was way back then.
Recently, brothers have complained of how lazy bethelites are when ever they would go seeking some of their services. Even in the congregation their higher than thou attitude is clear.
Keep in mind that in many lands as is here Bethel life offers what most youths cannot get on their on their own efforts, it's the lazy generation right? In the third world it's next to easily the best choice. Immediate acceptance by the rest of the flock. Twisted huh?
As much as we'd like it all to crash 'n burn... There' s a spring chicken born everyday that can be turned into a zombie... That's over 360 a year...in one land..
It's a good life for bethelites here. When all this cutting back on Bethel was going on a brother confessed to me that he was terrified if he was thrown out of Bethel he wouldn't survive, even special pioneering terrified him "am just not cut out for that" he wouldn't know where to start his life. He is still in Bethel... and takes antidepressants.
If only Bethels would get more seriously "simplified"! Locally most even have cars after a few years while most of the hard working jw populace don't all their lives.