Fantastic story thankyou for writing it all! I'm so glad you've been able to link up with real family. Good luck with your degree.
JoinedPosts by Sapphy
Intro - First time Post- Ventilation (it's a good read actually)
by BLWashington incurrently from houston, tx, but spent most of my life in chicago.
i've never had an opportunity to just get this out... so i apologize for the long-windedness in advance... .
i spent the first 17 years of my life in a jw home, then the real world caught up to me.
How To Be Subversive While Knowing TTATT And Stuck Inside The Watchtower Corporation Confines?
by frankiespeakin inso you found out it is all bs but due to family and friends you don't want to be disfellowshipped and shunned.
you have to go to these rediculous meetings maybe even engage in corporation sponsored magazine drives to get the propaganda into the homes of your neighbor in hopes of making another corporation zombie mystified by childish magical thinking, of a jealous deity that wants you to work for the corporation finacial interest or else die for your lack of corporation loyalty.. it is a stressful sitiuation with all kinds of trip wires one has to beware of in order not to be heading into some back room kangaroo court where obediance to the almighty corporation is the bottom line, and a fair hearing of the facts is last on the list of importance.. one consolation is that one may eventually get friends and family out of this demanding and destructive cult with patients and passage of time.. so what ideas would you like to pass on to readers?
what are some of subversive activities one can engage in while stuck in this nasty bit of mandatory corporation exercises of preaching, selling, and building?.
You can also be a fake hardliner, going beyond even the stupidity in the magazines.
"I can't believe the society has to warn us away from vampire based entertainment, a true Christian would never watch anything with magical themes"
Said while noticing the family has all of disney's movies, or the parents are LOTR fans.
This attitude is also useful if you want to do an immediate fade (if that's not an oxymoron).
"I'm so stumbled, there's no love in this congregation, it's bad for my relationship with jehovah to associate with ones who would freely watch a 15 (or NC-17) rated movie"
13 bloodlines of the illuminati
by truthhurts13 inthis may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
I hope this doesn't sound insulting, I dabled with investigating some of this stuff myself and it is fascinating on the surface, but believing any of the bloodlines of the illuminati, freemasonry and general David Icke conspiracy stories is the quickest way to full blown insanity.
Through business I bump into members of the top 1% and have lost count of how many freemasons I've met, but basically all freemasonry is is an overgrown boys club with boys club rituals - and I include skull and bones in this. They may do each other favours, and through networking exclude people who aren't part of the club, but that's common or garden corruption.
The Bilderburger mob is just a fairly informal grouping of politicians and business leaders who want to have discussions and arguments away from the media. I don't like it, but it might be valuable.
The sinister trappings and undertones Icke writes about are pure fantasy.
When did the Last Days start in the first century
by wizzstick ini've been reading coc and rf highlights that luke 21:28 says: "but as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.".
i'm thinking on how no one who saw the start of these things is alive from 1914. as a comparison point, does anyone know when the wt suggests the last days started in the first century?.
was it when jesus said the above?.
abbasgreta - written " by Luke, an educated Greek and a major historian in his own right"
A major historian in his own right? Where is the evidence for this?
Even as source as basic as wiki shows that evidence to authorship is still inconclusive.
When did the Last Days start in the first century
by wizzstick ini've been reading coc and rf highlights that luke 21:28 says: "but as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.".
i'm thinking on how no one who saw the start of these things is alive from 1914. as a comparison point, does anyone know when the wt suggests the last days started in the first century?.
was it when jesus said the above?.
QC - That graph, if accurate, shows a greater frquency of major deadly earthquakes (how is that defined BTW) from about 1970. What point are you making re earthquakes?
Totally corrupt website?
by Terry ina website defending two major stories connected with watchtower corruption is found here:.
there is no way to identify, rebut or reach the creator of this website to offer counter-argument.. it exist solely as propaganda as far as i can determine.
Seraphim has it right, the arguments on that website are from Thirdwitness.
So sad and so true.
When did the Last Days start in the first century
by wizzstick ini've been reading coc and rf highlights that luke 21:28 says: "but as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.".
i'm thinking on how no one who saw the start of these things is alive from 1914. as a comparison point, does anyone know when the wt suggests the last days started in the first century?.
was it when jesus said the above?.
It's also interesting to speculate that the gospel of Mark was written around 65-70ce so the events allegedly spoken of by Jesus were happening at the time. Mathew, written 10 or 20 years later needed to explain the delay between the destruction of Jerusalem and the final "end", so he has Jesus speak of worldwide preaching. This could be the first "this is why it hasn't happened yet" theological revision in Christian history.
This also explains why Mark's prophecy is fairly simple and straightforward but Matthew's is multilayered and confusing.
Leolaia's post here touches on some of this, her post on the second page is very interesting too.
Daniel Made Simple!
by Leolaia inthe large horn on the goat is the first king of greece (8:21), obviously alexander the great.
after his death, alexander?s kingdom was divided among four of his generals (8:22).
the high priest), and further causes the daily sacrifices to cease, and the sanctuary to be defiled (8:11).
Best comments on Daniel I've read.
Abram - change for change's sake?
by slimboyfat ini notice in the new "imitate their faith" book that the watchtower writer has taken pedantically to referring to abraham as abram throughout.
does this now aply to all new publications that refer to abraham?
is there any particular reason for the change?
"Having known a member of the Writing Committee, I would say, that although this writer may be careful to be technically correct in his usage, he is doing it to be a smart-arse."
It also calls Sarah "Sarai" throughout. The whole story is about them leaving Ur so it's technically correct, although exceedingly pedantic.