I wonder if the super-fine brothers who fill in at short notice for the speakers who don't turn up know just how disliked they are...!
JoinedPosts by Sapphy
Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings
by LittleSister intoday i was remembering how angry i used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:.
prayers that go on foreverstudy or wt conductors still taking comments when its clear that the point has been covered 20 times alreadymeetings over running by more than 5 minsmy favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point i am thinking of.
he would keep rephrasing the question from the wt until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of.
Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings
by LittleSister intoday i was remembering how angry i used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:.
prayers that go on foreverstudy or wt conductors still taking comments when its clear that the point has been covered 20 times alreadymeetings over running by more than 5 minsmy favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point i am thinking of.
he would keep rephrasing the question from the wt until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of.
Conductor - "So what year did the last days begin?... Young Brother Prompted Kid"
Prompted Kid - "1914"
Conductor - "Sister-must-answer... anything to add?"
Sister-must-answer "Just following on from Young Brother Prompted Kid, we know, and it is self-evident that the last days began, as our Young brother commented, in 1914, however it is important to note that 1914, was not only preceded by 1913 but followed by 1915. So we know the gentile times ended in 1914, and the last days began IN THAT SAME YEAR (pauses for dramatic effect) , so as the paragraph states, the last days began in 1914.
Me - in my head " F'n nut-house" .
Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs
by Mad Sweeney inthe watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
1 Thess 4 v 11 "and make it your aim to live quietly and mind your own business..."
God's Love book - Prologue examined
by Mad Sweeney ineventually i would like to do a deconstruction on the entire book but for now, lets start with the prologue, which claims to be written by the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
if anyone feels this is useful, please let me know.
] in your life and thus keep yourself in gods love .
I've often thought the book should be called "Remain in God's Love - by Obeying Leviticus".
Interesting project Mad Sweeny
As a Witness were you allowed to eat Easter eggs AFTER Easter and only if smashed up first??
by Witness 007 inmy favourite was a humpty dumpty full of mm's....but we could only buy them after easter and if we broke them up....my mothers orders.....tonnes of half price eggs after easter..
Yup, easter eggs after easter and only if they were broken up. Some 'naughty' worldly aunts and uncles used to buy them for us.
Memorial 2010 Your Experiences
by scotinsw injust got back from memorial.
only went so that i could say to my parents that i had gone and to remind myself why i left.. oh my word!!!
it was sooooo painful.. got there a bit late - it was a couple of minutes into the talk.
and I quote "It is HIGHLY LIKELY that NO-ONE here will partake" blah blah 144k, there are two hopes... etc etc
IT'S OFFICIAL - New Elder's Manual by end of 2010
by sir82 inper a "top secret, confidential, burn this after you read it" letter to all boes, dated march 2, 2010, but not read in our congregation until this past week:.
new "kingdom ministry" school for all elders and ministerial servants, to be held (in the us anyway) between november 2010 and january 2011.. 6 hours of jaw dropping tedium instruction for ms, 9 for elders.
ms session to be held on a sunday, elders on friday and saturday.. the "super secret surprise", for elders only: a new textbook will be released to be studied at this "school".
Non-committal in the book, extra wide margins for elders to write dictation down.
I imagine in the book or the verbal instructions (Torah and Talmud eh) there will be instructions about closing loopholes for fading.
What is the main issue you have with this religion?
by Quillsky infor me there are many obvious issues, but the big one is......... the big daddy of the universe, the father of all this incredible creation, is not about to annihilate everybody who is not a member of this late 1800's american religion, jehovah's witnesses.. that's it for me.. what is your big issue?.
That "the truth" isn't true.
What was your initial reaction to finding out the religion is a cult?
by make yourself inmine was filled with shock and anger but mostly anger.
it made me feel that way because i have never been lied to like that growing up in the religion with it being all you know.
Cried, cried and cried some more. As a born in, the realisation of what it's going to cost me to leave is scary. Is it really worth losing all my friends just because I don't believe in the religion anymore? And yet I resent every single second wasted at the KH. I feel broken.
Robert King
by PublishingCult ingreetings, this is my first post here on jwn .
i came across mr. king's youtube channel, ewatchamacallitman.com, and i was speechless and ill at the same time.. .
i went to his website and tried to do some reading, but my head started hurting and my vision blurred.
Hi & Welcome!,
Just speaking from my own experience Robert King functions as a kind of halfway-house. Some JWs who have questions and concerns around doctrine will read his stuff, but would never dream of comming here... Yet.
It's so divisive from the rest of humanity, you start off as a member of a religion e.g. as a Catholic, where you think approx 1 billion people believe the right things, become a Witness & believe only 7 million believe the right things, to a witness dissenter where you think maybe only hundreds of people believe the right things.