Mine was filled with shock and anger but mostly anger. It made me feel that way because I have never been lied to like that growing up in the religion with it being all you know.
What was your initial reaction to finding out the religion is a cult?
by make yourself 59 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Mickey mouse
Denial, then rage.
White Dove
disbelief as in WOW!, Relief, anger, anchorlessness, relief, FREEDOM!
troubled mind
I couldn't believe it at first ....then just very hurt and angry for being duped .
man in black
basically the feeling you get when you drink some milk and suddenly realize that it is spoiled.
no more worry about being vadoomed or worry that my children were going to be vaddoommed in a worldwide mass murder spree by some boogeyman god so a bunch of magazine pushers could live in paradise.
White Dove
I was born-in. I don't think I was duped because I wasn't allowed to check anything out. Did you see their explanation on what the reasoning of the Bereans really was? It wasn't to check to see if Paul was telling the truth. No. It was to find support for what Paul was saying. Like doing research on something you know is right but you need proof to show someone else. The Bereans were checking to see if Paul was right or wrong, period. They didn't want to be duped. I was held in spiritual darkness until I broke out of that prison and saw what really was.
I was really disappointed with myself for not seeing before.
1st relief, then I was upset with myself for not acting on my inner-voice after 1975 that told me to "leave", then I looked around behind myself and saw I was wearing a kick me sign all along! I understood why I was having such a hard time in my life as a JW. Some of my most productive income producing years were wasted as a WT stooge.
I REALLY wanted to contact ANYONE who I might have shunned or treated with disrespect in the name of Jehovah and sincerely appologize.