Great book, really enlightening. I especially liked the bits where he illustrated his point by highlighting the different author voices within the same passage using different fonts.
JoinedPosts by Sapphy
Book: Who Wrote The Bible - Have you read it?
by mentallyfree31 ini started reading the book "who wrote the bible" by richard elliot friedman this week.
i'm a little over halfway through it today, and have found it to be quite informative and enlightening.
with every page i read, i realize again what a tiny jw bubble i have spent my life inside.. have you read this book?
World Cup 2010 - I cant wait!
by lepermessiah ini am so excited for this weekend...... any predictions on winners, players to watch, etc?.
the usa/england match will be interesting.. the media in the states is trying to rile up people by showing the liverpool fans who burned the us flag..
frankly, from what i can tell, american ownership has been a bad thing in the premiership.
Argentinas year I think, although Brazil maybe? If England get to the semis I'l be happy.
Inanna of the Sumerians/Akkadians, and the bible...
by ziddina inthe following excerpts are from the book, "inanna, queen of heaven and earth - her stories and hymns from sumer"... published by harper & row, copyright 1983, by diane wolkstein and samuel noah kramer.... text from the book and general, explanatory commentary will be in black; quotes from the bible will be inblue - the holman christian standard bible; my personal comments will be in dark red to make them easy to distinguish from text.... a bit of background on the two authors.... diane wolkstein: .
samuel noah kramer's biography can be found at this link - and you will notice that he was a world-renowned expert on sumerian culture, history and language:
to give you an idea of the antiquity of these songs, the culture of sumer dates back around 5,000 years - to approximately 3,000 b.c.
Thanks ziddina, I find this really interesting. Ancient history and folklore is facsinating. Do you think there's any read across with Yggdrasil of the Norse mythology? Yggrasil had serpents nesting at its roots I think.
Court orders Jehovah's Witness boy be given blood transfusion
by purplesofa incourt orders jehovah's witness boy be given blood transfusionsean fewster from:adelaidenow june 04, 2010 7:12pma hospital has won the right to give a child potentially life-saving blood transfusions despite the religious objections of the boy and his family.. in a south australian legal first, the supreme court this afternoon gave the women's and children's hospital the right to give a 10-year-old boy - a member of the jehovah's witness faith - transfusions as part of his cancer treatment.. the decision, in line with similar rulings from around the world, paves the way for hospitals to take action in future debates with religious parents.. the boy is suffering from an aggressive form of cancer that doctors fear will spread throughout his entire body if not treated with an intense 39-week regime of chemotherapy and surgery,adelaide now reported.. .
the speed of that process will not allow his blood cells time to regenerate, meaning he will require transfusions so that the chemotherapy can continue unabated.. in a statement read to the court, the boy said transfusions carried spiritual consequences.. "the doctors have told me i might die and i don't want to - but i don't want blood," he said.. "the blood will change me... when you take blood, you are taking someone else's life.. "i really don't want this and my heart is ripping apart.".
read more about the court's blood transfusion order at adelaide now.. .
I give myself a 'G' for illustrations.
Court orders Jehovah's Witness boy be given blood transfusion
by purplesofa incourt orders jehovah's witness boy be given blood transfusionsean fewster from:adelaidenow june 04, 2010 7:12pma hospital has won the right to give a child potentially life-saving blood transfusions despite the religious objections of the boy and his family.. in a south australian legal first, the supreme court this afternoon gave the women's and children's hospital the right to give a 10-year-old boy - a member of the jehovah's witness faith - transfusions as part of his cancer treatment.. the decision, in line with similar rulings from around the world, paves the way for hospitals to take action in future debates with religious parents.. the boy is suffering from an aggressive form of cancer that doctors fear will spread throughout his entire body if not treated with an intense 39-week regime of chemotherapy and surgery,adelaide now reported.. .
the speed of that process will not allow his blood cells time to regenerate, meaning he will require transfusions so that the chemotherapy can continue unabated.. in a statement read to the court, the boy said transfusions carried spiritual consequences.. "the doctors have told me i might die and i don't want to - but i don't want blood," he said.. "the blood will change me... when you take blood, you are taking someone else's life.. "i really don't want this and my heart is ripping apart.".
read more about the court's blood transfusion order at adelaide now.. .
It's so misguided - JWs view the symbol of life as more important than actual life.
In effect it's like this, your house is burning down, and you can save your child or a picture of your child.
JWs chose to save the picture.
Am I the only one who thought the GB was 100% correct when they were a JW?
by NiceDream ina few months ago i began researching my doubts on the internet about the wtbts and i came across a bunch of crazy facts.
this helped me realize this isn't "the truth.".
when i was growing up, i believed the society was always right, and we needed to obey what was in the publications.
Nicedream - Yes I thought they were always right. Then I read crisis of conscience and realised that the GB is just the senior body of elders of the society. That's all.
The new light of late has been self-serving for them. Need some younger members? All of a sudden 1935 isn't the cut off for the heavenly calling. Need 1914 to keep some relevence? Overlapping generation doctrine where 1+1=1, oh and we'll bounce that through while Ted is unwell...
I'd be very tempted to ask your husband what the difference between 'Inspired' and 'Spirit directed' is.
As someone here said, it's a distinction without a difference.
A Responsible Discussion on Ray Franz's Role in the Lives of Former JW's
by AllTimeJeff insince it was learned that ray franz went to the hospital and then passed away, most threads have in my opinion, correctly tried to give some honor and respect to a courageous, honest, and principled man.. some borderline trolls, who know many former jw's are easily upset (and they know this.
i know this...) try to take advantage by hitting on a hot button.
in this case, its to call you a follower of ray franz.. we all know that isn't true.. but i think that a legitimate discussion on this is in order.
I could do a long and meaningful reply on exactly how Ray Franz' books helped me, but I think a simple tribute is best.
He aided my mind to break free.
My life is better because he lived.
What happened to all the JW talk about the King of the North and Peace & Security?
by Think About It inwhen i left the jw's in 95', talk of the king of the north and peace & security was still big close to the end items.
haven't seen them mentioned much since i've been coming here.
what's the latest from the wts on these 2 subjects?.
Apparently, the Kings now overlap each other. when one world power falls, and another takes their place, the prophecy now applies to the new world powers. So you see brothers and sisters, in this way, the faithful slave is never wrong, and this aptly typifies and foreshadows the overlapping generations that saw the generation that saw 1914. Isn't that happifying?
HA! You could have fun with this overlapping business, world powers overlap, so evidently the generation of Queen Zenobia is still in power.
I'm so miserable since leaving the JWs
by keyser soze ini can barely stand it.
does anyone else feel this way?.
for instance, i have a four-day weekend from work, which means i had today off(with pay, thank you very much).
I am always so miserable when I skip meetings to watch football and drink beer. Of course I use the word 'misery' in the sense of 'feeling relief, joy and freedom'.
Does anyone else find the whole Jah V Satan universal issue absurd?
by Aussie Oz inwhen i was 'in', that of course was a big thing, and i well knew all the scriptures and resonings behind it.. not long ago i saw a u tube video that took me into deepest space from the hymalian mountains and back in again.
what struck me was the shear immensity of just our own universe, let alone the rest of the known one.
i realized how tiny tiny nothing this little planet is.
The whole concept of God and Satan conducting an 6,000 year + experiment with humans over 'God's right to rule' is not found in the Bible anyway. The nearest thing to it is the Book of Job which is about the integrity of a single man, not God's sovereignty.