I too, am of the skirt wearing class so I don't get asked to pray in front of others much.
I don't say Amen at the hall to the GB/FDS worshiping prayers, but I do assent to decent prayers by a few of the brothers.
it happened to me this weekend.
i'm curently "active" and had some long time friends from a different congregation over for dinner.. we went through the formality of praying before the meal.
normally or rather lately i've been passing it off to someone else.
I too, am of the skirt wearing class so I don't get asked to pray in front of others much.
I don't say Amen at the hall to the GB/FDS worshiping prayers, but I do assent to decent prayers by a few of the brothers.
for those who are interested, the following changes were announced yesterday at the agm.
1) mts school has been done away with.
a) in its place two new schools have been formed.
Chief Goombas! Excellent.
It used to be so simple in the old days.
POs reported to COs (Presiding to Circuit)
COs reportted to DOs (Circuit to District)
DOs reported to BOs (District to Branch - losely)
BOs reported to ZOs (Branch to Zone)
All things taking place decently and by arrangement (cough cough)
Now with one hand they are simplifing with the 30 min public talks - chopping 15 mins off the sunday meeting - & cancelling the book study, and with the other they're going hardline on education and elevating the GB to the representative of Christ on earth.
The leadership is lost - they need a new Freddy to give some impetus and a new Knorr to give direction. Here's hoping all they've got is inept corporate managers unable to manage the decline.
just wondering how many active pioneers, elders, ministerial servants, or perhaps even co's visit this forum.
no need to disclose any personal information just what you serve as.. i am sure other threads similar to this have existed but what the heck.... i'll start off.... i am currently serving as a ms in a congregation in the us.. .
so what your's rank?.
I'm reaching out for the priveledge of inactivity.
any body care to add their own ideas?
imagine if god gave the gb the authority to rule the whole earth and everyone in it, right now, the same way they govern jw's, what the heck would that be like?.
after the temporary euphoria wore off (should last a good two minutes or so), the gb (or whatever they're calling themselves now) would have much to do.
It would be "The Truman Show" with stonings.
i was wondering about this.. i'm doing a slow fade, i don't want to lose friends and family - but it's frustrating.
wasting time going to meetings etc when my heart and head isn't in it anymore.
it feels like a game played by everyone elses rules but mine.
I was wondering about this.
I'm doing a slow fade, I don't want to lose friends and family - but it's frustrating. Wasting time going to meetings etc when my heart and head isn't in it anymore. It feels like a game played by everyone elses rules but mine. I'm considering making a false confession about having committed fornication or something, on the basis that if I ever wanted to, it's easier to come back from a 'sex crime' than apostacy or a DA.
So, did you get tired with 'fading'? Or did you get disfellowshipped on purpose? Was it a relief?
if it were done by a group of children in school to another student the school would consider it a form of bullying.
are dubs bullying other dubs when they do this?
to me it seems like a form childish behavior that you would only expect to see in grade school..
It's emotional and spiritual abuse. It isolates the one shunned and it also causes the shunner to act as if they 'have no natural affection'. It's organisational control in its purest groupthink / cult mode.
may you all have peace!.
some years ago posters on a predecessor site to jwn put forth the allegation that i was starting my own church.
very recently, allegations have been made that i am forming a cult/trying to pull together an exclusive group.
Shelby - I don't know where whatever is motivating you is coming from, but I think you're a sweetheart.
let's see... .the sumerians existed 10000 years ago.. archaeologists have found a settlement in china with evidence of tools and agriculture that is over 1.36 million years old.
hmmm.. that's a big difference between 6000 and 1.36 million.... .
There's evidence that the Chinese were brewing beer 2000 years before Adam was created.
pondering over this dilemma:.
lets just say, for arguments sake, the report in genesis about the first humans is not an allegory, but a true event:.
watchtower teaches, that adam sinned, because he used his free will to disobey.. god grants free will to his human creation, because he wants them to serve him out of love.. ok, good, but i give an example: i meet a girl, tell her, she is free to love me, but if not, i kill her.. would you call this free will ?.
The whole story as written and interpreted assumes Satan is an idiot.
Eve & Adam are tempted first into eating of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, whereas, any creature with super human intellegence, would have got A&E to eat from the tree of life first! Then they live forever and also have knowledge of good and evil. God, in that case would have 'lost' 6000 years ago.
i love milk chocolate covered raisins and for a real dessert --bostom cream pie..
Cheesy puffs (cheetos / wotsits) and BEER!!!