A speaker Ciro Aulicino
he thought he was so in the know,
but Bethel did call him
and gave him a warnin'
so out to the field he did go.
JoinedPosts by Sapphy
JW Limericsk - Add your own!
by pirata infeeling a bit silly tonight, so i thought i'd try my hand at some limericks.
feel free to add some more:.
two witnesses just newly wed. tried to get friskie in bed.
Multiply by a time, times, and half a time: What do you get?
by ThomasCovenant in1 time 8 = 8. .
2 times 8 = 16. .
half times 16 = 8. .
1 times 2 times a half = 1 and a half.
1*2*0.5 = 1.5
Was Jesus' sacrifice really necessary? Or even a sacrifice at all?
by AiAi indoes it make sense that after adam ate of the fruit god would condemn all of mankind until jesus sacrificed himself?
does 1 perfect person's sin really equal 1 perfect person's sacrifice plus billions of imperfect peoples death and suffering?.
jesus' sacrifice to save mankind really was not a sacrifice at all if he knew he would be raised up after 3 days.. .
AiAi - that thing about no sacrifice for Eve alwas bothered me too, I couldn't understand how the death of 1 pefect man equals the death of two perfect people. Never got a decent answer.
Yes, just not built on fault lines. I would be more than happy to live near a nuclear power plant.
What's the difference between the invisible enthroned Jesus and no Jesus?
by Terry inthe dragon in my garageby carl sagan.
"a fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage".
suppose (i'm following a group therapy approach by the psychologist richard franklin) i seriously make such an assertion to you.
Over the course of human history, what is the difference between God and no God?
New 'light' or flip flop on wild beast/image of the wild beast
by Anony Mous insomething that i noticed a couple of weeks ago regarding the identity of the wild beast.
the do said that the wild beast is the 'the world's failed political systems that do not acknowledge jehovah's authority.
i always understood that it was the un.
Wild beast, Image of the Wild beast, scarlett coloured wild beast. Stars fall from the heavens, sea turns to blood, baby eating dragon.
Someone had a doozy of a nightmare.
WT 15th Feb 2011;Treatment of DF'ed/DA'ed Family Members
by jookbeard inis this a newer hard line stance or has it been similar for the last couple of years?
there clearly must be a problem in this area in regards to nations that appear to have far stronger family units not adhering to the previous warnings, the wt article definitely has a barf alert comparing jeehobah's feelings when the angels rebelled in heaven!
well how the hell would they have know his feelings?.
Seems like Satan wasn't disfellowshiped. God talked to him in Job, and Jesus talked to him on earth.
So why are there earthquakes?
by trevorbv inthey cant be an accident, because everything god does is intended.. so, if god created everything perfect, there shouldn't be any disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis etc.
so either he didn't create them perfectly, because he couldnt therefore, he lacks some qualities: all-powerful, all-wise or because he didnt want to, therefore being malevolent (he knew that there will be life on earth, and those disasters could harm this life).
either way it doesnt look good for him.
One of the tectonic plates is the king of the north, and the other is the king of the south; and they are engaged in a pushing. It's in the Bible. Honest.
LOL. That's the best explanation I've seen. I'm going with that one.
Apostasy and Df question
by jam inspeaking hypothetically, a elder can not except the logic on the.
new understanding of the doctrine change (over lapping generation).. he voice his concern to his wife, she being a good jw , tell the elders.. the brother have not spoke to anyone in the cong.
about his doubt.. the elders question him, he remains firm, he tell the brothers, i have.
The killer question alwas seems to be 'do you believe the WTS is god's spirit directed organisation'?
What if someone was to say something like 'I have lost my faith in god and the bible'?
Is loss of faith a judicial matter?
Jesus between age 12 and 30. . .
by Mad Sweeney ini'm thinking he traveled east and learned the wisdom of the orient.
no way the watchtower line about him being a carpenter's assistant all that time is possibly true.
he was way too learned about the ways of people to not have been educated and his ideas seem very eastern to me.. anyone got any good books, articles, blogs, websites on the topic?.
There's a church in Glastonbury, South West England that legend has it was founded by Jesus when he accompanied his Uncle Joseph of Arithemea to trade tin.