I know that the society's idea is enough time had to elapse to prove that mankind was not able to govern on their own without God's input.
I've never seen that idea in the Bible though.
Even if you accept that idea, there's so many contradictions since if you believe the Bible, God never stops intervening.
Adam & Eve disobey & God says "you're on your own, see if you can do better"
God then springs into leaving them alone by kicking them out of the Garden of Eden, giving them a death sentence, cursing the ground and making childbirth more painful.
God further leaves them alone by letting his rebelious angelic sons prey upon them.
Continues leaving them alone by killing 99.9% of them in a global flood.
Ignors them completely by confusing their languages at Babel.
etc etc etc.
Job proved imperfect people could be faithful to God. Jesus proved perfect people could be faithful. What is the point of allowing another 2000 years of death & pain if the 'issue' has already been solved?
There are so many holes in JW theology, as a born in I'm ashamed of not seeing them earlier.