I've been reading this board for almost a decade. A rumour like this pops up every 12-18 months.
JoinedPosts by Sapphy
Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones
by bytheirworks inthe word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
Do You Think The Witnesses Actually Know What They Believe In?
by minimus ini think they know what they don't believe in, like no blood, no hellfire, no trinity....but they really couldn't explain what their beliefs are and why they believe as they do.
do you agree?
The only non-changable. non-negotiable thing JWs believe is that "This is God's Organisation, therfore we must obey".
Everything else is subject to noo lite.
The reason why Jehovah's Witnesses are not false prophets
by 70wksfyrs inthis weeks km disscusses the topic of why jehovah's witnesses are not false prophets.. on page 136 and 137 of the reasoning book, it asks and answers the following question:.
have not jehovahs witnesses made errors in their teachings?.
jehovahs witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets.
"... It is true that the Witnesses have made mistakes in their understanding of what would occur at the end of certain time periods..."
Mendacious claptrap. When the society talks about mistakes it's like they're pointing to those people over there, they write: "Jehovah's people", "witnesses" or "some have believed" never "we were wrong" or "we misled our fellow christians".
But as soon as it's a "do more" article suddenly we're all in it together. "We would do well to ask ourselves and we do more ministry, contribute more" etc etc.
The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inyears ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
Bubblegum Apotheosis - I'm so sorry this is happening. If you want to organise letter writing campaigns or anything else, just let us know.
by The Searcher inthe following is part of an email from a retired district overseer in the states.
(source private).
"the new bible will be released at the agm and i understand only two versions will be printed from now on.
So is it going to be called "The revised New World Translation"?
I'd prefer "NWT Reloaded" or "NWT 2.0"
NWT 1914 - 2014 (Last days centinial edition)
An Open Letter to all Armageddon Believers
by CyrusThePersian indear misguided people,.
here we are in the midst of 2013, only one year from the 100th anniversary of 1914. since i have many family members who are still jehovah's witnesses, and who still believe that the end of the world is coming any minute now, i thought i would post a little list of events, a timetable if you will, of some end-time prophesies and how long ago they were.. around 2,600 years ago zephaniah promised: "near is the great day of the lord, near and coming very quickly; listen, the day of the lord!
around 1,980 years ago jesus promised,"...this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
I wish every JW true believer or concious class would read this. Well written, thank you!
The final chapter in the confusedandalone story...
by confusedandalone inthis morning i get a frantic call from my sister (who has been baptized 1 year and one month and never attends meetings anymore).
in tears she tells me that this morning my father picked her up in the car and told her that i was am apostate.
that i no longer loved jehovah and that i was going to be disfellowshipped.
Good for you CAA, it just proves that in their view there is no honourable way to exit the religion. I'm so sorry your brother is such a piece of work but good luck to you & your wife.
What was YOUR wake-up call before you left the JW´s organization?
by Mr Fool inwhat was your wake-up call(s) before you left the jw s organization?
I had loads of doctrinal issues that I was 'waiting on Jehovah' for. But when I saw the elders tell a mother she could not attend the wedding of her own daughter if she wished to remain a regular pioneer it was as if a light switched on. I ordered crisis of conscience within a week.
w2013-07-15 fallacy temple clean
by trackregister99 ini read in the watchtower 2013-07-15 simplified page 11 paragraph 5 this:.
he cleansed the temple in jerusalem twice.
the first time was at the start of his ministry, and the second was at the end of his ministry.
Hi trackregister99 - yes you make an interesting point.
According to the watchtower cleansing the temple twice, once at the start and once at the end of Jesus's ministry, means there was a continual cleansing. You are right, there was no 'cleansing over a period of time'.
Even more interesting is that each of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John only describes one cleansing. So to say there were two cleansings you have to effectively 'write your own' gospel!
by The Searcher inthe following is part of an email from a retired district overseer in the states.
(source private).
"the new bible will be released at the agm and i understand only two versions will be printed from now on.
Also I bet the new "Bible sponsored by Watchtower" contains the word organisation somewhere.