theres aLOT of love there, and for a long time i felt it.
but that dissolved pretty quickly when things got ugly..
other than feeling "love bombed" when you first started associating with the "brotherhood", did you experience the "love" in your years within the organization?.
if you felt truly loved, was it in reality, a "conditional love"?.
theres aLOT of love there, and for a long time i felt it.
but that dissolved pretty quickly when things got ugly..
youd be insane not to want to live forever. We dont even scratch the surface individually. thankfully, collectively we have gained more as a species :)
there is no agreed-upon coherent authoritative definition on which all who adhere to the label agree.. .
it's that simple.. .
it's also true that those who feel any of this is important are missing the bigger issues of why any diety would create anything and if it would why it would have seized upon making this particular incarnation a possibility..
you know its bullshit when all it does is force you to ask more questions
6 videospt.1 of 6 (#2 bible jim dismantles jehovah witnesses)6 videos(watch and learn as bible jim dismantles the false belief system of jehovah witnesses)play allshare
this moron needs to learn how to use a camera. so far he has a 2/3 failure rate for filming JWs.
either that, or he is a fucking liar. then again, anyone who believes in the tripe he does...
there have been a number of developments over the past few months and they paint an interesting picture.. witnesses can keep dragging themselves to meetings ad infinitum however, the future of the watchtower itself is another story.
the evidence of continuing cash flow problems is now overwhelming.
if you talk to well placed witnesses, most won't deny it but simply blame it on the publishers financial problems.. they have cut off loans to congregations many of whom genuinely need new kingdom halls.
the sooner the better.
ever have one of those days..when you go outside,and part of your dogs throat has been ripped out?...
that was the begining of my day... i have no idea what attacked him..whatever it was,was f*cking vicious!
!..there was a 2 inch hole of missing fur and skin on his neck.....and a severed artery......also a 2 inch hole of missing fur and skin on his leg.....and..another severed artery.....there was blood everywhere... the nearest vet is 1 1/2 hours away..i phoned in and told the doctor to be ready for me... i tied the dogs wounds up with tee-shirts to try to minimilize the bleeding..then put a 100 lb bleeding dog,in the back of the truck..........poor dog tried to stand up in the truck..his neck started to gush with blood..i got him to lie down..the bleeding slowed.....i jumped in the truck and drove..that was one long hour and a half... the doctor came out..looked at the dog,ran back in and brought out a took three of us to bring him in so he would`nt move around..that dog has spunk!!!.
did you find the JWs that did this to your dog?
dang, there's some names i didn't know died.. click above to catch up what some of you may have missed.. yiz.
as the years go on, more and more will be considered "celebrities".
how many celebrities were there in 1930?
compare that with 1950...
and then 1980...
its nothing strange.
i was at high school 1989 telling everyone....."yeah, harrison ford in "the last crusade"....he says jehovah!
" even though the movie really was not reccomended for die hard witnesses...anyone else remember?
was it a big deal?.
Jehovah is used everywhere. its not really an isolated incident.
article by zen habits contributor jonathan mead; follow him on twitter.if we really want to be happy, why do we act like such babies?.
we can claim to be proactive in our life by settings goals and going after what we want.
too long; didnt read
ever hold a peaceful protest outside a convention, kingdom hall, or otherwise, that had any serious positive outcome?.
what have you found effective in reaching your former brothers and sisters, without coming off as a nafarious 'opposer of jehovah'?.
this is asked in all seriousness, as my opinion is that most efforts fail nearly 100%.
"read the bible not the watchtower"
= impotent
not nearly good enough.