Could Watchtower Collapse Be Sooner Than You Think?

by metatron 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    There have been a number of developments over the past few months and they paint an interesting picture.

    Witnesses can keep dragging themselves to meetings ad infinitum however, the future of the Watchtower itself is another story. The evidence of continuing cash flow problems is now overwhelming. If you talk to well placed Witnesses, most won't deny it but simply blame it on the publishers financial problems.

    They have cut off loans to congregations many of whom genuinely need new Kingdom Halls. In particular, some foreign language congregations are being treated badly and these are their only hope for growth in many areas. They have elders stealing away bank accounts set aside for construction and selling off some Halls , in and outside of the US, with the cash sent to Headquarters.

    They seem a little irked that their cruel plan to dump older Bethelites is meeting with negative reactions so they are putting some of them on stage as experiences, to choke back their tears ( like Communist 'show trials') while praising Our Glorious Leaders. And what long term effect is this likely to have on contributing? More than that, how can they layoff such numbers in various branches? What were they doing? Leaning against the wall all day? No useful work?

    Meanwhile, a lousy real estate market may prevent them from selling off Brooklyn, leaving them with buildings to maintain. Sharp declines in magazine and newspaper circulation may prevent them from getting any value from printing equipment.

    So, they want to build in Ramapo? For what, exactly? Paterson is looking more and more like a Bertesgarten for them to enjoy while their Reich collapses around them. If they shut down one European branch due to pension costs, how can the functions be transferred anywhere else with hope of not paying them? And they want to move some printing to Canada? For what lasting advantage? While junking what resources?

    The world economy is going to be weak for many years and this will be reflected in their contribution boxes. I have no doubt that they are feeling pressure on continuing the Circuit Overseer arrangement, as well as their printing.

    If they dumped half the issues of the Awake, why not cancel it completely? And the public Watchtower, also? Just use tracts door to door permanently. Dump the C.O's and run congregations locally. Dump Gilead and save even more.

    If any of the above is unthinkable, ask yourself how 'unthinkable' the changes we've already seen were. It is very difficult for a small religion like the "truth" to maintain the huge amount of printing and worldwide management that they do. Keep cutting contributions and dumping loyal people and the Watchtower could virtually go out of existence.......and, given the economy, this may not be a distant event.


  • cameo-d

    Well, they knew the end was near. They should have planned for it better.

  • cattails

    Hey metatron.

    There's a post at

    titled "The latest for new Service Year 2009-2010"

    that talks about some of the things you said.

  • Mary
    They seem a little irked that their cruel plan to dump older Bethelites is meeting with negative reactions so they are putting some of them on stage as experiences, to choke back their tears ( like Communist 'show trials') while praising Our Glorious Leaders. And what long term effect is this likely to have on contributing? More than that, how can they layoff such numbers in various branches? What were they doing? Leaning against the wall all day? No useful work?

    The layoffs came for a couple of reasons:

    1) The 'contributions' have been going downhill ever since the idiots decided to make everything a "contribution" so they could avoid paying back Caesars things to Caesar. Growth in most developed lands is minimal if not in the negative and they obviously didn't need to make as many publications. Plus, with the advances of technology, you can now get one person to do what 3 were doing before.

    2) Health-care costs. In the USA, healthcare is very expensive and even though they've been getting free labour out of Bethelites for decades, they obviously did not want shell out any extra cha-ching for those getting older. After all, that would eat into their already diminishing profits.

    Meanwhile, a lousy real estate market may prevent them from selling off Brooklyn, leaving them with buildings to maintain. Sharp declines in magazine and newspaper circulation may prevent them from getting any value from printing equipment.

    Maybe, but their biggest advantage is still free labour which gives them a huge advantage over every other business where 60% of their costs are labour. That will enable them to continue on even with the economy in the toilet.

    And they want to move some printing to Canada? For what lasting advantage?

    I'm thinking the main reason they want to come up here is because not only will they continue to get all their labour done for free, but more importantly, they don't have to pay for anyone's healthcare----it's all publically funded. Everyone in Canada is entitled to health care---makes no difference if you're on Welfare or make a million dollars a year. That's got to be hugely attractive to these cheapstakes and will save them a bundle.

    I can't see them collapsing any time soon as they're still worth billions, don't pay any taxes and run their empire with free labour.

  • insearchoftruth

    Either a collapse or a pretty significant retooling......printed word is not effective anymore, and there has been such a significant blasting of the internet amongst the organization that they have poisoned (at least for the near term) the ability to go with a pretty much all electronic distribution of the mags...who knows what else the people would look at. Maybe they could launch an internet service provider, make it 'God's Official Channel', they could control the content then so the folks could only look at approved information.

    The printed material really is only going to have value in areas that are not blanketed by the internet, many of the global south communites, but in the more advance world, major newspapers filled with pertinent information can not make it anymore, how can one expect that a regurgitated bit of information along with an occasional nugget of nulite is going to do any good.

  • gubberningbody

    That would be great. They haven't had any new ideas in two decades. Every meeting is dumbed down and duller than watching paint dry. Then the constant hassling about time. Then the chronic and wholly useless larger meetings where meeting attendance is pushed and why? Because no one is getting anything other than some kind of regular social contact with a group of people and these are likewise uninspiring too because you're simply not allowed to introduce any thoughts so why bother coming to these? I remember shrieking internally at these conventions where were were told to "meditate" on the scriptures and I screamed inside "then why the hell don't we do that RIGHT NOW??? Why do you keep TALKING about it? We're here!! Do it! Say SOMETHING enlightening about the scriptures!!!"

    I can't remember the last time any meeting had "Informative material, clearly presented". The argument used to be "Oh but the new ones don't know this crap." Well, that argument doesn't work when no one is a study except someone's snarky teenager or some arthritic alzheimer's patient or head injured or retarded or non-english-speaking asian who just wants practice with english...

    Defenestrate the whore.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Hey metatron.

    There's a post at

    titled "The latest for new Service Year 2009-2010"

    that talks about some of the things you said.

    Interesting, thanks.

  • WTWizard

    It couldn't collapse soon enough for me--they create zero value. You go to the boasting sessions to be told to go to the boasting sessions and out in field circus, with a scripture or two thrown in to back it all up. You are taught a fiction story as if it were fact (I think it would have done much better had Russell wrote a fiction book instead of starting a religion). You are taught not to think. You are taught that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is to be obeyed--everything you do is what they tell you. They tell you that it is not all that way, but every time you express personal freedom, it is found in violation of some stupid line of reasoning.

    I can only hope their income implodes during the next several months--and that those who p*** away $20 bills into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes either stop on their own volition, run out of money to waste on that crap, or die off. There is no reason to donate to that cancer--it doesn't generate value, they are looking for opportunity to do what the early Catholic church succeeded in doing (another Dark Ages), and they violate the Master Law of not initiating force, threats of force, or fraud against others or their property. Any of which is enough for them to go belly up.

  • mraimondi

    the sooner the better.

  • wobble

    They are obviously trying cost cutting measures in a more and more desperate way, I simply hope that time is against them and that they will be bankrupt before they know it.They seem to be doing everything too slowly, "adjusting " the C.O arrangement etc. will only bring in cost savings slowly.

    Isn't it strange that Holy Spirit did not guide them to sell their Brooklyn properties at the height of prop. values? even humble little me suggested it some years ago, lets hope they have missed the boat.



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