There have been a number of developments over the past few months and they paint an interesting picture.
Witnesses can keep dragging themselves to meetings ad infinitum however, the future of the Watchtower itself is another story. The evidence of continuing cash flow problems is now overwhelming. If you talk to well placed Witnesses, most won't deny it but simply blame it on the publishers financial problems.
They have cut off loans to congregations many of whom genuinely need new Kingdom Halls. In particular, some foreign language congregations are being treated badly and these are their only hope for growth in many areas. They have elders stealing away bank accounts set aside for construction and selling off some Halls , in and outside of the US, with the cash sent to Headquarters.
They seem a little irked that their cruel plan to dump older Bethelites is meeting with negative reactions so they are putting some of them on stage as experiences, to choke back their tears ( like Communist 'show trials') while praising Our Glorious Leaders. And what long term effect is this likely to have on contributing? More than that, how can they layoff such numbers in various branches? What were they doing? Leaning against the wall all day? No useful work?
Meanwhile, a lousy real estate market may prevent them from selling off Brooklyn, leaving them with buildings to maintain. Sharp declines in magazine and newspaper circulation may prevent them from getting any value from printing equipment.
So, they want to build in Ramapo? For what, exactly? Paterson is looking more and more like a Bertesgarten for them to enjoy while their Reich collapses around them. If they shut down one European branch due to pension costs, how can the functions be transferred anywhere else with hope of not paying them? And they want to move some printing to Canada? For what lasting advantage? While junking what resources?
The world economy is going to be weak for many years and this will be reflected in their contribution boxes. I have no doubt that they are feeling pressure on continuing the Circuit Overseer arrangement, as well as their printing.
If they dumped half the issues of the Awake, why not cancel it completely? And the public Watchtower, also? Just use tracts door to door permanently. Dump the C.O's and run congregations locally. Dump Gilead and save even more.
If any of the above is unthinkable, ask yourself how 'unthinkable' the changes we've already seen were. It is very difficult for a small religion like the "truth" to maintain the huge amount of printing and worldwide management that they do. Keep cutting contributions and dumping loyal people and the Watchtower could virtually go out of existence.......and, given the economy, this may not be a distant event.