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JoinedPosts by In_between_days
Your favorite Watchtower oddities
by logansrun inyou know, there are some things phrased that are just so, so....watchtoweresque.
what are some things you see that remind you of some wt foibles?
one thing that always cracks me up is when an article or book (or post) uses too many exclamation points.
Need Help and Advise
by In_between_days ini have an ex jw friend who has been out for about 3 years now, and has since been going to every memorial just to keep her family happy.
she is baptised, and so far has sucessfully done the fade, though she has never actually told her parents that she wants no part of the org.
now the memorial is coming up and her family expects her to go.
Hi all,
I have an ex JW friend who has been out for about 3 years now, and has since been going to every memorial just to keep her family happy. She is baptised, and so far has sucessfully done the fade, though she has never actually told her parents that she wants no part of the org. Now the memorial is coming up and her family expects her to go. She really does not want to go this year, but is worried if she does so her family may shun her because of this. I guess she is tired of living a lie, her parents have never once asked her why she does not go to meetings. I suggested docrinal reasons (144000 memorial) to argue with, but she does not wish to get in a docrinal argument about it - she is not in the org anymore because she is purely just not interested, but wonders whether this news, or the stand on not attending the memorial will damage her reputation with her family severely. What would you suggest she should do? Has anyone been in this position before? What is the most non confrontational way of rejecting the memorial?
Does anyone know current JW attitude to war, UN etc?
by termite 35 ini was just wondering what was being said at the meetings these days following the iraq/un situation.
are they trying to link the situation up to any 'prophesies' while getting their troops fired up and ready for the end?!
or is all this just seen as part of the last days generally.just curious as i don't get to hear the preseentations at the door and seem to be being shunned again , just wondered if this pointed to anything that's been advised from the platform lately.what's the mood like in the society in light of the conflict?
All I can say from what JW's I know, that they are VERY excited about this war. A friend came over after the last convention and said that he had never seen the society like this, I quote "They really think this is it" . Everytime I talk to my family, they are also very excited, they are waiting for the UN to be destroyed, then false religion. "All the prophesies are coming about" as quoted by another JW. My mother was going to a special talk the other day that would "Let us know what all these things mean in significance to bible prophesys".
So from what I can see from the JW's I know, they YET AGAIN think this is it.
What Are Your Goals For The Memorial Season?
by minimus inbe zealous for what is good!
is the article of the latest km.
there's a box in the article that has the following question---what are your goals for the memorial season?-----here are the check off points that should be answered to this question.
I actually have a ritual that I have been doing every single memorial night since I left.
I celebrate my own memorial by having some other ex dub friends over and drinking a cask of cheapass red wine while watching "Life of Brian" by Month Python. Thats a memorial the In_between_days way
What to do when your family DOESN'T shun you...
by logansrun inall right, i'm not dfd or dad; i just "walked away.
" all my friends, save one, completely ignore me and basically shun me (the word on the street is i'm an apostate :) ).
but my family, all hard-core jws except my more liberal mother, is causing some unsettling feelings.
Brad, I can certainly see where you are coming from, and can certainly understand the feelings you have about your family, as I feel exactly the same way. I want to move on, to forget about my past horrendous experience as a JW, but while my family are avids JW's, I know that I will never truly be free from it. Most times I am around my family, I feel uncomfortable, subtle hints are made towards me about "The time of the end" constantly, and at the end of the association I feel angered and weakened, as well as hurt by their comments.
I feel as if I am the "Black Sheep" of the family, and know that no matter what acomplishments I acheive throughout my life, they will never ever be proud of me, as all that is important to them is my personal affiliation with a printing corporation. It also hurts me to think that my family members see me as "doomed", most likely cry over me at night, think of me as "In satans grasp". Everytime I think I am free from the resentment I once felt towards the WT, after one visit from my family, it all comes flooding back again, and yes, it is very hard to have any deep conversation whatsoever, for the WT permeates all of their thinking and opinions on almost any subject.
I feel that you received some good advice here:
Why would you want to play the JWs' game by writing a letter of disassociation
.This is true, please dont sever your ties with your family. Not only for this reason, but your family will see it as you not only rejecting Jehovah, but rejecting them, as you are aware of the consequences that result from such a formal dissasociation.
I am in exactly the same boat as you, and can only suggest the cliche' advice that "Time heals all wounds" after a while your family will come to grips that you will most likely not be coming back to the fold. Live your life, be happy. Show your family that you are happier NOT being a JW. My family can argue anything with me, but they cannot, beyond a shadow of a doubt argue against the FACT that I was a miserable person while a JW, they would be lying if they tried. Your confidence, stability and contentment of your life outside the org my friend, is the biggest impression you can make on your family. Try to let it go. Enjoy your life. Think how lucky you are - hey, you got out! Maybe one day, they will too, you just never know what the future holds.
Christmas Traditions from "DownUnder"
by NewLight2 ini'm intersested in learning how all the folks from "down under" portray christmas being that it is a summer holiday there.
you can't have a christmas card displaying "frosty the snowman", a nice winter counry scene with snow falling, santa in a snow sled, or snow covered trees with snow falling.
i'd be interested in having some links posted that contain pics as well as some of the traditional ways that christmas has been celebrated in the past from all of those "down under".. ps - please post links, do not use the 'inframe feature' my browser can't see the inframes.
Yep, like everyone has already mentioned, it is quite traditional down here - egg nog, trees, fake snow, winter themes and so on.
Cant say I know many people who go for the turkey though, my non dub family members have a big xmas pool party with plenty of beer, prawns, moreton bay bugs and other chilled seafood. I went last year, but this year we have plenty of presents and my first xmas tree, my husbands family is joining us. We are also having a quite elaborate xmas eve martini party. Its going ot be my first official xmas, I cant wait!
I bought a Xmas Tree
by In_between_days inyesterday, i did something i would have never thought in a million years id be doing: my husband and i went out and bought a xmas tree!
we spent yesterday decorating it, and setting up the lights.
i t looks beautiful in our loungeroom and we are really proud of it!.
Please don't take your tree down. Please, please
Sorry guys. I hid it while they were here.
or are they going to keep their comments to themselves.
They would keep their comments to themselves ......... I just didnt want to see that look on their faces and make our get together awkward for all of us. Maybe next year. -
I bought a Xmas Tree
by In_between_days inyesterday, i did something i would have never thought in a million years id be doing: my husband and i went out and bought a xmas tree!
we spent yesterday decorating it, and setting up the lights.
i t looks beautiful in our loungeroom and we are really proud of it!.
Yesterday, I did something I would have never thought in a million years id be doing: My husband and I went out and bought a xmas tree! We spent yesterday decorating it, and setting up the lights. I t looks beautiful in our loungeroom and we are really proud of it!
I have not been to one single meeting in three years, and its my very first xmas. I spent all last night just looking at this tree, and thinking about how good it looks, how happy I am, and how much ive changed. I cant help but feel a little guilty about it though.
Next, I get a call from my JW parents, they are coming over to visit. I am faced with a dilemma; I dont want to cause another conflict over something like this, things are just getting good between us. At the moment I am inclined to put the tree in another room while they are here; hide it from them. But then I think, why? Its my house, my life, I am entitled to have an xmas tree in my home. Any advice on this situation?
Cult books for JWS
by In_between_days ini recently purchased "combatting cult mind control" the book by steve hassen and found it very enlightening.
upon the conclusion of that book i did realise once and for all that i was indeed a victim of mind control and that the organisation of jehovahs witnesses certainly qualifies as a "destructive cult" the book was of special interest to me, beacuse it was not written by an ex jw , but by an ex moonie, thus the information is not biased, being particularly written for ex jws.
the similarities of the dubs and the moonies are quite eerie, although there are some differences.
I got the book from a local book store in the sociology section, it has been really hard to find though, have a look in some shops but if not, you can definately get it from the net.
You guys are probably right about them not reading - it was such a revelation to me though.
subliminal pictures in WT publications
by In_between_days ina recent thread got me quite interested in this, as i was amazed to hear that some people have seen "demonic" looking picture in dub publications; i do remember being shown by a dub in the revelatiopn book a picture of jehovah (or jesus, i cant remember ) smashing something with a big rod, adn there is a hideous lloking claw, reaching up trying to grap the stick (or sceptre i cant remember what it was) sorry if this post is really incoherant, i just had two double vodkas with vanilla coke!!.
anyway, i was quite astonished ot read that others have seen other images.
what im after in this thread is a list of where people have seen these images and in what publications; i remember showing this certain picture to my family and them saying "are you really trying to tell me that jehovah would allow the demons to do this in his publications.
Thanks guys! The images presented were interesting, but I really didnt see anything close to the dreaded "claw" !!
Very interesting that people have dedicated entire websites to this, my lord.