JoinedPosts by In_between_days
What religions are worse than JW's
by hippikon inno i hate all religion but i find the most odious those that use their interpretations to justify mass murder and suicide attacks (against people who couldnt give a dam about their silly religion) to acheive political goals
you know who im talking about.
ive probably just become the target of a fatwa or something
JWZone: Does The Bible Promote Homophobia?
by SYN infor the first time in nearly a month (gasp) my browser found itself sauntering over to the confines of jwzone, and found this thread, which is at once laughable and despicable:.
here are some "highlights":.
The thing that I find extremely funny is that if you live in Australia, the America's (R) rated movies are actually rated MA here, which basically means just a little bit worse than an M rated movie, kind of inbetween an M and an R; pretty much all dubs see MA movies without getting in trouble whatsover or even discussing or considering the "stumbling Block" I always thought this was really unfair for the Americans, we would get U.S dubs visiting, and they would always be absulutely shocked at all the Aussie dubs seeing these movies., and we would be like, what do you mean its rated R? Its an MA - its ok to see it!
Most Annoying "Kingdom song?"
by doodle-v inwhat's a kingdom song you can remember singing that gives you the creeps now?
mine is "move ahead" i think that was the title, anyway it has so much rhetoric... but the tune is so darn catchy.... darn.... in my opinion, those songs are the perfect example of mind control.
move ahead.. move ahead ... blah blah blah blah blah .
DARK TIMES ARE HERE .... bla bla bla" and then it transitions into this happy "everyone will die but we will live" tune.
LOL thats so true.. This is my most hated song, this and "We're Jehovahs Witnesses" - that one was so embarrasing, if there were any new people there.. it sounded like a football teams song.
It used to really irk me when the song left out the E's in everything, like Forgiv'n - what the hell was that????
My brother once drew a watermelon in between the hands of that geezer in the picture at the back of the book, and it looked like he was about to take a huge bite into the thing. . My mum then opened the book at the beginning of the song and had to go to the bathroom because she almost wet herself laughing when she saw it.
I need 10 quick anti 1914 arguments to print out.
by ColdRedRain inas i mentioned in another forum, i'm going to an aunt's wedding and i know my family's going to try to debate with me.
i thought a good way to win some debates was to debunk the 1914 teaching.
i have very little time these days because i work frequently and i can't get to the library to use the internet.
Farkel, that was a very cold hearted comment. I hope you just got out on the wrong side of bed and I hope that you apologise to the young man, who asked for the forums help with a genuine question. I also left the WT at a very young age, and at first got alot of help from this board, when I posted very similar questions. Sometimes it is nice to get a list or a summary, or even to be pointed in the right direction. It is sad to think that new ones cant even ask for some help on this board without being insulted.
by In_between_days inone of the funniest things i will ever remember as a jw are the "big dramas" at the assemblys.
it was amazing how everyone would sit through the torture of the infinate talks and "skits" with an incredibly bored look on their faces, yet when the drama got closer, the apathetic faces piped up, became animated, excited.
it was, as far as i could see the "best of the worst" piece of the programme, and by god, even though i spent almost the entire time at the assemblies outside feeding ducks, i was always in one of the front rows for the drama.
One of the funniest things I will ever remember as a JW are the "Big Dramas" at the assemblys. It was amazing how everyone would sit through the torture of the infinate talks and "Skits" with an incredibly bored look on their faces, yet when the drama got closer, the apathetic faces piped up, became animated, excited. It was, as far as I could see the "Best of the worst" piece of the programme, and by god, even though I spent almost the entire time at the assemblies outside feeding ducks, I was always in one of the front rows for the drama.
I always thought it was funny when a brother would first of all come out and give a little talk about the drama, and tell everyone not to take photos (LOL) And then the lights would dim, the excitement would rise, and then the focus is on a cheesy troubled family where the "Head of the house"" would directly relate their problem to some scriptual scenario (was it just me, or was it always about Rachel?) and then it starts: The tinky "Time warp" music, the paper mache rock, a couple of guys dressed in green drapes and some incredibly annoying sheep noises. Lots of really bad mouth synching to over pronouced American accents; the 165th JA HOOOOOOOOO VAH finally lulls you to sleep as you realise with a wave of dissapointment that it is exactly like last years drama, and the one before.
Now, what I noticed was that in the last say 10 years, the dramas have been a hell of alot worse than before, I remember back in the late eighties and mid nineties, the dramas were a hell of a lot better; better storyline, better cast, more realistic, hell, I remember one drama about youths and it was like watching Beverly Hills 90210 it was so entertaining. (Well, I liked the show at the time)
I always thought it was strange that no one could actually say that they didnt enjoy the drama, or were dissapointed in it. They alwasy skirted around the issue with "Didnt that drama have a great message"? No comments about the effort put into it, because everyone knew it sucked.
Why have dramas been getting slowly worse and worse in the last decade?
If you can, Describe the best and the worst dramas you have seen and what made them good or crap.
A cult thats worse than the dubs!!
by In_between_days ini dont know if anyone is interested in this, but i have been doing alot of research on popular cults.
my husband was a member of this religious group that i am about to display for 21 years.
his background is so similar to my own that it is bizarre..
Wonder how many members belong
Ken, it is quite a fast growing religion, its international obviously, but is quite big in Australia - on the surface they just look like an ordinary Born Again Christian goup, you slowly get indocrinated into the other stuff. They also require that you give 10% of your wage to the church every week.
Some dreams are too weird
by Brummie inworst dream i had (apart from armageddon ones) was when i stood up walked away from the sofa and when i looked back i could still see me sleeping on the sofa, that was shooooo weird.
so then i go up to me and grab me by the arm to wake me up, i could feel my arm as a seperate being....i woke up in a real sweat, totally freaked out.
whats your worst freakyish dream?.
I consistantly have disturbing nightmares about the organisation. I always dream that I am back living with my parents and am at a meeting or assembly - or witnessing, and I cant get out of it - I always dream that I am back under the control of my parents, and they are screaming at me because I am telling other witnesses about the negative aspects of the org when I am there. Funnily enough, I have never had any dreams about armageddon.
The weirdest dream I have ever had was about 3 weeks ago. I dreamt that I was at a book study house meeting and was sitting there with all the old dubs I used to know listening to the drivel, when there was a knock at the door, the elder, who I knew really well, went to the door and was talking to someone, I was craning my neck trying to see who it was but I couldn't. He then closed the door and went back to the study. At this point I woke up, and I got a drink and went back to sleep. In my next dream I was walking along the street, and knocked on the door of this house that I recognised. Who was to answer, but the elder I knew!! I was trying to push the door open and was craning to talk to someone I knew, trying to yell at them!! Who do you think that person was? Me How weird is that? You cant tell me dreams dont mean anything deeper than we think.
A cult thats worse than the dubs!!
by In_between_days ini dont know if anyone is interested in this, but i have been doing alot of research on popular cults.
my husband was a member of this religious group that i am about to display for 21 years.
his background is so similar to my own that it is bizarre..
Oops, I screwed up the link, here is the correct one:
A cult thats worse than the dubs!!
by In_between_days ini dont know if anyone is interested in this, but i have been doing alot of research on popular cults.
my husband was a member of this religious group that i am about to display for 21 years.
his background is so similar to my own that it is bizarre..
I dont know if anyone is interested in this, but I have been doing alot of research on popular cults. My husband was a member of this religious group that I am about to display for 21 years. His background is so similar to my own that it is bizarre. I guess thats why we understand each other so well His previous organizagion is .. well.. controling is an understatement. I guess I first started doubting my religion as a dub when I looked at this information. The similarities are remarkable, but I dare say - He was worse off. If anyone is interested, they can check this out
This cult actually had a list of rules that everyone HAD to follow - even adults. This is the only copy I can get - its kind of hard to read, but its worth it for a laugh.
RCI Guidelines
The Ultimate APOSTATE SURVEY!!! Check it out!! please respond!! ^_^
by NaruNaruChan inok, we all get them in the mail, but here's one geared towards us that i just wrote up.
feel free to add to it, as i'd love for it to go around a bit ^_^ .
copy and paste this into your response box because i just wrote it and i figure whattheheck, this could be good!!!
- What is your name? In_between_days!
- Where were you born? Australia
- Were u raised as a JW? Yes
- If you converted to JW later in life, why? n/a
- When were you baptized a JW? I was never baptised
- When were you disfellowshipped, or disassociated, and for what? n/a
- Are you Married? Yes
- Did you ever pioneer/aux pioneer? How long? Yes I was forced to in my school holidays sometimes
- If you are Dfed or D A ed, do any active witnesses still talk to you in secret? n/a
- Which teachings of the WTBTS do you disagree with the most? Shunning No blood, celebrating birthdays, intolerance of other religions and religious material, intolerance of critical material, smoking, importance on dress, structure of meetings, 144000, 1914, ect ect
- Which Teachings of the WTBTS do you agree with still? Sex after marriage, Drug use, Stand against war
- If you could take any of it back, would u? I would have gone to college against my parents wishes after high school - I would have read critical material - I would have left earlier
- What was your worst experience at the door in the field service? Calling on High school friends and having them mock me in groups as I witnessed with my family
- What was your best experience in field service? When I was about 10 a woman told me to have a good look at this religion when I get older, because I had been brainwashed - I always remembered that and I did what she suggested when I was 18
- What was the last memorial u attended? 2 Years ago
- What is one thing you wish you could say now that your eyes have been opened to an active witness? I know its a cliche but "Whatever doesnt kill me makes me stronger" is such a real statement to me
- Did you have to go through therapy after leaving? No, but I wish that I did
- how did you deprogram yourself from WT thinking? I occupied myself in other things like work and my marriage - this board helped alot to realise that the guilt I was feeling was normal, as well as alot of self help books for cult members
- Has anyone else quit the religion because you left? No
- What’s the craziest thing you ever heard at the kingdom hall? A Co who spent about 30 minutes telling the congregation a story about a little JW girl who was possessed by satan - it was just about one of the sickest things I had ever heard and I was terrified for months to follow.
- Have you spoken to any witnesses who came to your door after you were Dfed about what you know now? I have never had any JW's come to my door in 2 years - since I left
- What teachings do you think the society should throw out? 1914, 144000, all speculations for Armagedden, Only dubs will survive, all other religions are demonic, shuning, No blood, ect ect
- What did you do to your literature after you quit? I kept hold of some for a while, but last year I threw it all out even the NWT - i only wanted the King James Version - I didnt want anything that came from the WT
- Have you been to an APOSTAFEST, and was it fun? no - I nearly went a few times but chickened out (guilt)
- Did you go sex crazy when you left? I left at the same time that I had a serious boyfriend who was not a dub - i still did not have sex until I got married
- Did you dye your hair, get a tattoo, or pierce yourself? I actually did all this while a was a dub surprisingly - I was a very unhappy and rebellious dub and wanted to rebel against my parents, I had died black hair and wore black makeup and pierced myself - after I left the dubs I actually became more conventional and toned down.
- Have you picketed a convention yet, or will you? No. Maybe.
- Do you have any regrets? Yes, I wish I could have realised what I know now while I was in the dubs and helped a few people out of it
- Do you think you will ever recover fully? I do not think I will ever be completely free of my experience as a Jehovahs Witnesse.
- Would you ever go back?Never
IP: Q8gZzPSY1SVrBoXo RAYZORBLADE NCC: I don't see anything / Now I do