yep the same ole same it seems, I haven't read a WT since very early 2011, not really interested anymore, but sometimes think I should go and critically examine them, but just haven't had the motivation.
JoinedPosts by ssn587
August 15,2013 Watchtower same old, same old
by hoser indo more service.
don't drink too much booze.
don't watch porn on your computer we know you still do.
Texas tornadoes, please check in!
by talesin ini was just talking to a friend, and he is in the path right now.
the town where his daughter lives was hit hard, by a mile-wide tornado.. .
please check in, texas friends .... let us know you are okay!
so far good here in my part of texas
Were You Ever Interrogated By The Elders?
by minimus insome elders enjoy giving the business to the lowly flock thru intimidation.
some love to ask you to enter with them into the "backroom".. of course, there were many that never had run-ins with the shepherds because they were under the radar.. did you ever get interrogatted by the elders and if so, how did it go??
I remember one other incident by the cobpo or whatever the hell you call them nowadays, he said that a couple in the congregation had been stumbled by something I had told them. I was flabbergasted as I never hardly even speak to them, He said that I had been saying something that could have been taken as apostate. The I remembered my conversation with them, it was over 2 Tim. 3:16 about paul saying that all scripture was inspired. I had asked them what did Paul consider scripture? They of course said the bible, I told them they were wrong and as usual with a lot of dubs didn't know what the hell they were talking about. They of course were in his book study group and went and whined to him.
Reazlizing what had happened I told him what the conversation was about and didn't realize that the bilbe was apostate material, which set him back some, then i told him that they were wrong about Paul talking about the Bible in that particular scripture. He said no I was wrong, well I am a person that after realizing how skewed their beliefs were did some research in the WT's and found one I believe it was in from a 1982 WT. I told him no brother Paul wasn't referring to the Bible because the Bible as we know it today wasn't even around during those times, that Paul was referring to the Septuagint (spelling) and the LXX not the Bible, we then went into the Library and I found the article and showed him the footnote where it said that the early Christians used that. He had a surprised look on his face, the I told him if that Pussy (and that's the word I used) and his wife were at best ignorant and anyone that had been a jehovah witness should have known that, so if he is telling their studies something different he is giving them false information, and you brother should be counseling him and his wife and not taking up my time with nonsense, I then turned and left. Didn't hear anymore about it from the PO. I did confront the whinerand his wife and told them you need to know what you are talking about before you shoot off your mouth.
One thing that did surprise me was that it was obvious the PO didn't have a clue either, often when I would bring up historical info, I would have either him or one of the other elders want to know where I got that information, I told them from the Library in the hall, In fact, I had to take the Library overseer an elder into the Library he was suppose to be responsible for and show him the reprints they had in their, the finished mystery etc. The man didn't have a clue, which is surprising since he had spent most of his life in that congregation.
marrying younger spouses
by ssn587 inmy wife passed away 2 years ago we had been married over 30 years, i have since remarried and my new wife is younger than 3 of my children from my first marriage.
i just wondering if there are any more like me out there.
i stay in excellent shape for my age, work out almost daily eat good and have absolutely no medical problems or at least none i can do anything about, bad knees, but my vitals are excellent, and i am known as the teenage because of them when i have my yearly medical checkup.. so was wondering if there are others out there like me, and what some may think about it, just for the record i am extremely happy once again, and we have a 18 month boy who delights me, have a whole new outlook on fatherhood and child raising.
Moshe I did marry her last year, and I do live off an on n the Philippines I own a house and a farm there. We don't even live there, just need to go up there to make sure things are okay. My first wife was a Filipina and she passed away unexpecdtedly well for me anyway. Her sisters live there free of paying any rent, and i take care of any problems that arise with the property, pay the taxes, maintenance bill etc. Use to even pay for the electrical and water bills for them.
My wife and I also have our own place and I do love the Philippines, its cheaper to live there, the beer is good, what little of it I drink, the weather is great even rainy season. And like you said the medical care is much cheaper than here in the states, however in the states i have virtually 100% free medical and have only used it the last 9/10 years for checkups yearly.
I take good care of myself eat virtually no meat, lots of vegges and fruits and sea creatures. Yeah life is great, my wife is wonderful, and our little son is a joy to behold. When younger was gone from home a lot due to deployments, work, etc etc., now I can spend good amounts of quality of time with both my wife and my son.
Thank all of you for you comments appreciate you taking the time to respond. Life is what it is and after a time, I decided to get busy living life instead of comtemplating a long boring road to finally dying. Life is definitely too short for that and I enjoy it too much, especially freedom from the influence of the borg.
Were You Ever Interrogated By The Elders?
by minimus insome elders enjoy giving the business to the lowly flock thru intimidation.
some love to ask you to enter with them into the "backroom".. of course, there were many that never had run-ins with the shepherds because they were under the radar.. did you ever get interrogatted by the elders and if so, how did it go??
Been interogated at couple of times, one in particular stands out, had, had knee operations both at the same time, was unable to walk, and they were "concerned" so 3 of them come over, and right off the bat one starts asking me killer questions, i.e. do you believe that Jehovah is using the witness, Do you believe they were picked out in 1919, do you believe that Jesus came in 1914. I can't remember the other one, prior to the asshole asking questions I had asked why they were there, if they were so concerned why did they have to come in suits and wearing a tie why couldn't they have just come wearing normal everday clothes, were they in fact counting time?
We got off on a tangent and then the asshole who had asked the 4 questions told me I hadn't answered him, I looked at him and said who are you that i am required to give an account of what I do or don't believe. Why don't you believe what you asked me and if you do where is your proof that what you ask is or isn't true, well that shut him up for a few minutes. Then he goes right back at it,
I answered the 1st question by stating if Jehovah can use an ass he can obviously use the society,
2nd. as far as being picked out in 1919 all I have for proof is their say so and actually that isn't any proof at all, you have to play games with numbers as Russell did mith measurements in the great pyramikd to come to that conclusion, but do I believe they believe it well yes I think they do.
3rd question I told him well the use of an ass should also cover that.
I can't remember the 4th one. I remember asking them about the Finished Mystery if that really was proper food at the proper time? Why is it okay now to have organ transplants but wasn't before, things like that then I asked them did God really give the society wrong information or did just some brothers up there make this up as a means of control.
Then I told the asshole to get the hell out of my house, he left the other two were stunned and said that is no way to treat a brother much less an elder. I told them you and he came here hunting for trouble, you didn't come here to see if I was okayat least he didn't I asked them about the history of the gospels when were they named as such, then I went into the history of the society. It quickly showed all they knew was very very little and almost nothing about the history. I offered to loan them a copy of the finished mystery so that they could see the info published at that time and can come to their own conclusions about who was or wasn't picked to do whatever.
Well they left on that note and I was thinking these assholes have plenty of info to df me but who knows. I don't know what they were concluding, but the following week was the CO's visit, he came with the book study conductor and my wife and I informed him how they acted when they said the were concerned about my meeting attendance and health. Well the CO bless him, got incensed over it asked who it was that came out so I told him. He was a CO I had first met way way back in Florida when my wife had started studying with the jdubs, he remembered us well as my wife made him her special dishes and he liked them evidently as he asked if she had made any recently, well she had do the the fact we knew he was coming so she loaded him and the BS conductor down with them, they left I never heard a word about the visit of the 3 asslickers.
Biggest issue effecting apostates
by joe134cd ini got to thinking today & you know what i think the single biggest issue effecting apostates are.
its they cannot unite and this is what gives the watchtower the upper hand.
what needs to happen (and quite honestly i don't think it will)they all have to come under one common body.
Yes apostate is a label and not a good one as far as the jdubs are concerned. I pointed out to an elder one day, that the congregations are full of apostates in the jdub meaning of the word, he was shocked, well i said, if most came from another religion to being a witness, doesn't that make them apostates since they left what they had first been? He was silent for several minutes and then replied well yes in that way but!!!!!!
So I then said well why aren't you shunning them? I left it at that and we went on to something else. he always looked at me with a jaundiced eye from that time on, and avoided talking with me. I wondered if what i had told him made him really think about how they treated those that left for whatever reason after that.
People who pioneer on government assistance
by ilikecheese ini had a chat with my boyfriend about this, and he said that he knows quite a few pioneers who are capable of working but prefer to pioneer with government assistance.
his thought was, "well, it's kind of bad, but at least they're doing something useful/good with their time.
" i know from reading this board that it's a pretty widespread thing.
My first congregation i attended in souther California, we had 3 sisters who were fully capable of working, on welfare and all three were pioneering. they made no qualms about it, California had a too liberal policy for welfare. They were forever trying to invite themselves over to our house, and pestered my wife about inviting them over for a good meal which she did on a number of occasions. Their last meal at our house they mentioned they were on welfare and it was a great way to get support and at the same time to pioneer. I told the wife afterwards never again are they to come to our house. They are abusing the system and the CA welfare agency didn't seem to give a damn when it was reported to them by another brother and his wife in the cong. so yeah some definitely abuse the opportunity to sit on their ass instead of working to support themselves, and expect the state (the tax payers) to support them while they are out wasting time knocking on not at homes.
Elder left a calling card - what's with that?
by Julia Orwell inhe called me a week or two ago offering 'assistance' and told me he'd pop by some time with 'a packet of biscuits' and i told him to ring before he came so as not to show up unannounced.
we went out yesterday, and this morning i find a little business card-sized calling card obviously printed up on ms word and cut with scissors.
on it is printed, "sorry i missed you," and has his name and number, and the scripture from romans saying something about an interchange of encouragement.. pretty inoccuous right?
Many times they wont take a no in however way it is presented to them, they think they have the right to come and go as "they" wish. Ignore them and if they show up unannounced, tell them you are too busy, and that you have told them in the past to call before coming over to see if it is a good time, and that if you need encouragement from them you will be sure and call them post haste. Probably won't do any good, and maybe you will need a desist order against them to keep them away, believe me that will get their attention.
I found that my 1st wife's passing away was all that I needed to keep them away, I only had one real conversation with an elder afterwards and that was at a Mickey D's. We had coffee and a mostly congenial conversation. He wanted to know why I wasn't coming to the meetings, and I told him why, their complete lack of real love, the abandonment of my family after wife passed away. Another thing I brought up is that i don't know if we have any neverdowells in the congregation such as peds. I then asked him quite frankly how it was that he thought holy spirit could have a ped appointed as an elder and cited the example of a ped from our last congreagation in another state. He stated that the holy spirit did appoint him just as it appointed all elders. So then told him "well you want to know why I won't come back, well thats one of the major reasons is your delusion about holy spirit appointing you and others, and to say that holy spirit appoints peds is living in la la land. We ended our conversation right then and there I just got up walked out and told him have a good life with your self deslusion. Oh I also re-mentioned (word?) that they showed no real love after our family tragedy, and that their love is very conditional and not real love at all.
marrying younger spouses
by ssn587 inmy wife passed away 2 years ago we had been married over 30 years, i have since remarried and my new wife is younger than 3 of my children from my first marriage.
i just wondering if there are any more like me out there.
i stay in excellent shape for my age, work out almost daily eat good and have absolutely no medical problems or at least none i can do anything about, bad knees, but my vitals are excellent, and i am known as the teenage because of them when i have my yearly medical checkup.. so was wondering if there are others out there like me, and what some may think about it, just for the record i am extremely happy once again, and we have a 18 month boy who delights me, have a whole new outlook on fatherhood and child raising.
Thank you Julia. Yes age is just a number, too many people let getting older affect their activities, I go to the gym almost daily, and if not there workout out with the weights here at home, and i mean the iron weights not machines.
marrying younger spouses
by ssn587 inmy wife passed away 2 years ago we had been married over 30 years, i have since remarried and my new wife is younger than 3 of my children from my first marriage.
i just wondering if there are any more like me out there.
i stay in excellent shape for my age, work out almost daily eat good and have absolutely no medical problems or at least none i can do anything about, bad knees, but my vitals are excellent, and i am known as the teenage because of them when i have my yearly medical checkup.. so was wondering if there are others out there like me, and what some may think about it, just for the record i am extremely happy once again, and we have a 18 month boy who delights me, have a whole new outlook on fatherhood and child raising.
My wife passed away 2 years ago we had been married over 30 years, I have since remarried and my new wife is younger than 3 of my children from my first marriage. I just wondering if there are any more like me out there. I stay in excellent shape for my age, work out almost daily eat good and have absolutely no medical problems or at least none I can do anything about, bad knees, but my vitals are excellent, and I am known as the teenage because of them when i have my yearly medical checkup.
So was wondering if there are others out there like me, and what some may think about it, Just for the record i am extremely happy once again, and we have a 18 month boy who delights me, have a whole new outlook on fatherhood and child raising. It's great. Our boy isn't from our marriage but she had been pregnant when I met her. Her former fiance up and left when he found out she was pregnant. She is very very good to me and takes exceptional care of me. She likes most all of the things I like to do, and she is very frugal at the same time. I am over 30 years older than her and she thinks I workout too much, weights, cardio, and working on the farm. I seem to have more energy than most way younger than me and am grateful for that. My family other than my mother live to ripe old ages, father 99 when he passed away, his sisters 100+. So come from a long lived family. Father died of a heart attack while taking stumps out of the ground which says something for a 99 year old.
She thinks the witnesses are crazy to believe and act the way they do. Where we live we never see any jdubs, and i mean never. Her uncle lives very close to us he is 85 spry and works his farm daily. He told me he hasn't seen a jdub out in their area ever.
Any thoughts on marrying someone way younger than you?