I've never been interrogated for anything I did personally, but when I was regular pioneering (I was about 17, 18 at the time) on one of the days the only service group was about 30 minutes north of the KH, and being a regular pioneer you needed service time. Anyway it was one of those type of deals where in the morning was service and then at 12 was book study (the one for the poor elderly brothers and sisters who can't drive at night), then service after book study.
One day after book study the two elders who are there ask to speak with me and (thank god it was just in the living room and not the bedroom, who knows what would have happened to me) started asking about sister Jones. Now sister Jones was a few years older than me and she was part of the "in" crowd of the other young people in the hall. That group of kids never allowed into their group.
On this day both elders start questioning me about sister Jones. Do you hang out with her? Do you know who does? Have you "heard" anything about sister Jones?...etc...etc. I thought it was really weird and I honestly had no info for the elders because she never talked to me.
Fast forward to a couple months and sister Jones and some of the other kids are df'ed, and some of their parents have become apostate.
Looking back NOW, it all makes perfect sense.