@mouthy. I know what you mean, its almost like we are brought up naturally to trust everyone in the congregation and when you leave, I suppose its natural to assume that all ex witnesses are of the same calibre. - hence my post the other day about defining yourself as an ex witness or just who you are...
I am so sorry that a generous nature has been taken advantage of. - (whats the christmas exchange? sounds interesting) - but yes I met someone on here, and we have come to be good friends, we have stayed at each others houses, - she is from London, Im from Manchester, Im off for a visit on thursday, but I know that someone else stayed with her and pretty much used her as a hotel, to see London. - after she went back home her facebook contained some rude comments about the food she had eaten and so on, which my friend had paid for, and it was just so damn ungrateful. - despite her living in the nations capital and being very hospitable, when I went, we didnt go more than a couple of streets, spent most of it very tipsy and had a total jolly old time,
Ive invited her over for xmas, not sure if she can make it yet, but like you, I feel friendship has to be earned its not automatic, but there still are some of us out there that are genuine, and give without expecting, or perhaps more to the point - don't just take without giving back in some way. - but yes you can't assume everyone is that way :D xx- you sound like an excellent lady, with much experience, but take it from a fledgeling, please dont lose all faith in humanity.. xxx