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JoinedPosts by koolaid-man
Most annoying quotes you are going to hear from JW's
by XPeterX insomething like: "would jesus do that/go there?
" i tell them: "would he own a luxurious bmw or mercendes?".
what are some quotes/expressions invented by jw's that really pissed you off?.
Are they now searching book bags as the J.W.s enter the district convention arenas?
by koolaid-man init's been reported that at the district convention of jehovah's witnesses in richmond virginia book bags are being searched!
if this is true, what would the watchtower org.
guns, explosives, apostate literature, recorders, who knows, but if this is taking place, the watchtower org.
It's been reported that at the district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Richmond Virginia book bags are being searched! If this is true, what would the Watchtower org. be looking for? Guns, explosives, apostate literature, recorders, who knows, but if this is taking place, the Watchtower org. is paranoid. David W. will be one of our guests on the six screens of the watchtower conference call today Saturday July 3,2010 at 7p.m.EST.David will be explaining to us what he thinks they were looking for. Also on the call will be "super apostate" Phineas Treptow of the vast apostate army and tell us about a documentary he is filming with help from V. The documentary interviews 100 former J.W.s and maybe you can participate. It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. The lines open at 6:30p.m.EST. So come in early and talk with all of those who have been touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".
The real story on why The Watchtower society lost a Kingdom hall in Bonham ,Texas.!
by koolaid-man inwhat happened in bonham, texas?
: the body of elders and the majority of the congregation decided to leave the watch tower organization.
and with that, they took the kingdom hall.
The program should be up to listen to on Thursday . I will post the link.
The real story on why The Watchtower society lost a Kingdom hall in Bonham ,Texas.!
by koolaid-man inwhat happened in bonham, texas?
: the body of elders and the majority of the congregation decided to leave the watch tower organization.
and with that, they took the kingdom hall.
The whole program will be recorded and in a few days up ..........http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/telenetwork-conferencecalls.html
The real story on why The Watchtower society lost a Kingdom hall in Bonham ,Texas.!
by koolaid-man inwhat happened in bonham, texas?
: the body of elders and the majority of the congregation decided to leave the watch tower organization.
and with that, they took the kingdom hall.
What happened in Bonham, Texas?: The body of elders and the majority of the congregation decided to leave the Watch Tower organization. And with that, they took the Kingdom Hall. The remaining JWs and the Society sued in court to recover the Kingdom Hall.
Nathan Natas commented on this board in 2003 about Bonham............So everybody who was involved in this thing is now dead, or has had their tongues cut out, or for some other reason is entirely incapable of communicating. Or maybe there are no competent reporters in that area of the country who actually know how to string questions together to build a story? Or perhaps these so-called "apostates" are all either lepers or absolutely refuse to discuss their traumatic drama with anyone "from the outside."
The story is still very fragmentary and incomplete. I'd like to know the who, what, where, when and how of the entire affair. How did the schism originate? What were the theological issues, if any? How long did this take to go from start to finish? How many people were affected? In what way? What are they doing now?
The way the story is told so far, it's just like if I "told the story" of the bible by saying, "Some gal ate some fruit."
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is absolutely the most deadly-boring tale that could ever possibly be told. Maybe everyone who was involved is lacking the human gene that makes us want to tell our stories.
I'm sure if we just ignore it or forget it long enough, it will fade from memory, just like the WTS leadership wishes it would.
I find this mildly frustrating.
Tonight Saturday, June 26 at 7p.m.EST the whole story will be told. Former Bonham Texas elder Tony Jones will be on the Dialogue conference call with host Richard Rawe on the six screens telenetwork. It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Lines open at 6:45 p.m. EST. So come in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".
Tribute to Ray Franz conference call now up ... Randy Watters, Barbara and Joe Anderson, James Penton, Ron Fry.
by koolaid-man inthis is a special program in tribute to ray franz, former governing body member.
ray's friends talk about how ray influenced their lives and helped so many people to see the .
falsehoods of the watchtower organization.
T his is a special program in tribute to Ray Franz, former Governing body member . Many of
Ray's friends talk about how Ray influenced their lives and helped so many people to see the
falsehoods of the Watchtower organization. Some of Richard's guests are James Penton,
Randy Watters, , Ron Frye, Barbara and Joe Anderson and many others who were
"touched by Ray". http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/tn-conferencecall-6-12-10.html -
Fox news weighs in on sex offender going to kingdom hall !
by koolaid-man inhttp://video.foxnews.com/v/4250574/does-safety-trump-religious-rights.
TV news clip.... sex offender wants to go to kingdom hall !
by koolaid-man inhttp://www.wmur.com/news/23962823/detail.html.
Author of the book The Bible vs. the Watchtower, Cochise Pendleton...conference call Sun.June 20 2010
by koolaid-man inis jesus christ a creation of god?
john 3:16 "begotten" ... revelation 3:14 "beginning" ... colossians 3:15 "firstborn" ... join me on june 20th at 5p.m.
pst as christianity 101 discusses this very subject.
IS JESUS CHRIST A CREATION OF GOD? John 3:16 "begotten" ... Revelation 3:14 "Beginning" ... Colossians 3:15 "firstborn" ... Join me on June 20th at 5p.m. PST as Christianity 101 discusses this very subject. Who Did Jesus Christ Claim to Be .. Part 2 To get on this conference call dial 712-432-8710 when asked for pin use 9925
This is a great opportunity to ask Biblical questions and hear what many former Jehovah's Witnesses now are doing for spirituality. The time of the program is 8p.m.EST and 5p.m. Pacific time.
The Spanish dilemma now hitting the W.T. org...conference call Saturday June 19,2010
by koolaid-man inthe watchtower organization now finds themselves in a major predicament and a very puzzling situation concerning the spanish j.w.s.
all through the 80s and 90s the org.
put forth great efforts to attract the hispanics.
The Watchtower Organization now finds themselves in a major predicament and a very puzzling situation concerning the Spanish J.W.s. All through the 80s and 90s the org. put forth great efforts to attract the Hispanics. Many English speaking J.W. servants were sent to Spanish speaking congregations to learn to speak the Spanish language and help their servant body. More Spanish literature was printed, and many assemblies and conventions were held for the Spanish only. The W.T.s aggressive recruitment efforts are now backfiring and the org. is finding themselves in a crucial situation. Many Spanish Witnesses are now feeling betrayed by the W.T. and are "packing their bags". The Hispanics are very family oriented and so many are driven by emotion and they will not allow an organization to "split them up" and shun family members for not agreeing with the Watchtower. The org. "smells the trouble ahead" and recently the governing body announced that it is shutting down central American branches. Our scheduled guest on the "six screens of the Watchtower" conference call will be alias Alex who served in Bethel in a South American country and Jose Soto who recently left the Witnesses. You won't believe what is going on in the Spanish congregations including illegal immigration! It's easy to get on the call, no computer is necessary, just dial 712-432 8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our program starts at 7p.m.EST. Our lines open at 6:30 p.m.for the pre-conference program. So dial in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower."