Ever wonder WHY Witnesses are so concerned with when the end will come? Other Christian faiths also believe in the coming of Christ, and believe we're even living in the "end time" in a vague sort of way, but don't constantly dwell on Armageddon's timing.
I believe it's because Witnesses don't live a healthy normal life in the here and now, so they're really banking on it coming in their lifetime....literally.
I remember when I was 20 and an active Witness that the idea that I'd have to face aging or retirement never once occurred to me.
My parents were fortunate in that my dad always worked for a big company (a job he got through his advanced education, btw, which they didn't see fit for me or my brother to have...my mom also went to college) and has a decent 401K and a pension plus SS.
But, of course we never thought much of such things back then, to talk out loud or plan on growing old in the current world sounded like you disbelieved Armageddon was coming in your lifetime.
My parents came in in the early 70s, like so many, with this promise of the end coming "soon" or even at a specific date, 1975 and then hints of 2000 being "it". It's now 34 years later and you wonder just how long the WTS can keep tap dancing?
Without iminent Armageddon, just how long can they keep people strung along? I've heard my mother say that "even without it, I still want to live the way God wants us to live" but how does that make a Witness any different than any other Christian sect? Most Christians want to live as they believe God wants them to live! Nothing unique in that desire at all.