Spike - exactly. no lies can be found in the "truth". Lies have been found in the WTS teachings. Remember Rutherford - all by himself invented the idea of "Jehovah's Witnesses", The generation being actual number of years, got rid of bodies of elders, an earthly class of Christians, etc, etc, many of Rutherford's teachings have been abandoned of eventually changed back to Russell's teachings (BOE, Generation) No One today has the right to claim the authority JWs do. It is arrogant and offensive to the Christ that these men are treated as leaders tho they speak of their own initiative not at God's command.
JoinedPosts by allelsefails
The truth is that the reason my wife and I left was bound up with "Making the Truth Our Own"
by gubberningbody inyou get contacted, you come in, you learn the bible their way, then you learn the bible your way and then you leave.. you make the truth your own..
I tried to talk to one my very best friends(a fellow elder) and someone I respect very much. As soon as he figured out what I was talking about he said "You should write the branch." Then told his wife (one of my wife's best friends) that she couldn't come to our house anymore. I haven't heard from him since. Tragic. He's a good guy trapped in something he can't understand and I have nothing but pity for him and those like him. DON'T talk to anyone about "your doubts" If you want ot talk about the subject and see how JWs answer things try the "I was asked this question in service and don't know how to respond" Then you can ask any question you want and the person you ask will feel obligated to help and not think you are an apostate. Good Luck.
The truth is that the reason my wife and I left was bound up with "Making the Truth Our Own"
by gubberningbody inyou get contacted, you come in, you learn the bible their way, then you learn the bible your way and then you leave.. you make the truth your own..
Reniaa - A group making desicions? You mean Russell throwing away his association with groups like Methodists, Adventists, and millerites and deciding only HE in all the world had the right interpretation. The small study group in PA the JWs talk about was him, his dad and mom, and 2 friends of theirs who left the group sometime later. It was all about what ONE man thought. Ditto Rutherford, Knorr, Franz until the 70's made the adjustment of the "Governing Body". Do you think the interpretations of 12 old uneducated white guys in NY is better than mine? Even if they have the best motives in mind they have been tied to their traditional beliefs even when they don't hold to them personally. Let us examine further - Martin Luther - better ideas than the Catholic Church? Calvin? Wycliffe? Arius (who contested the Trinity doctrine)? Jesus - defied the true religion the group of Pharisees and priests? All the prophets who defied the "group" thinking of their day and were willing to speak out against false worship and hypocrisy? Noah - who defied all goup thinking and built an ark? Sorry "Goup" thinking is as likel to be wrong as individual thinking. The God has a personal relationship with each of us and we do not need men to mediate for us. He has always used "a man" to give the truth NEVER an organization.
The Case for Unitarianism
by UnDisfellowshipped in* the bible teaches that there is only one true god, only one person who is almighty god, and this one person is the father.
(see john 17:3; john 5:37, 5:44; john 8:54; isaiah 63:15-16; malachi 1:6; 1st corinthians 8:6; ephesians 4:6).
(john 5:19-20; 5:30; 8:28; 12:49).
Reniaa - Did you read my question? Undisfellowshipped stated it more thoroughly. I don't mind "Jehovah" when the verse is clearly quoting a Hebrew verse with YHWH in it. What about all the others? The list above is a great starting place.
The Case for Unitarianism
by UnDisfellowshipped in* the bible teaches that there is only one true god, only one person who is almighty god, and this one person is the father.
(see john 17:3; john 5:37, 5:44; john 8:54; isaiah 63:15-16; malachi 1:6; 1st corinthians 8:6; ephesians 4:6).
(john 5:19-20; 5:30; 8:28; 12:49).
So ignoring my question makes me feel you are not sincere in approaching a converstion. Please understand - I was not and do not argue against using Jehovah as God's name I always have and probably always will. I am arguing not about imperfect men making mistakes. I'm talking about the DISHONESTY of translating the word of God in a way that cannot be supported by Greek text whole or in part. Please answer the questions. I always try to answer yours and common courtesy would suggest you do the same. -
What do you think about using Jehovah in the Greek scriptures where it is not a quote from the Hebrew? Did you know that this is done many times - especially in Paul's writings?
70 years = 607?
by allelsefails in70 years of captivity?.
i myself have always believed that when archaeology disagreed with the bible the bible must be right.
that is how i dismissed the idea that jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587 bce.
Oh no I can't see the most recent posts. Not even mine. Sucks.
How many lives have been RUINED by the Organization? Experiences?
by BonaFide ini think that some people deserve to be excommunicated, such as pedophiles.
but what about the tens of thousands of others that have their life wrenched out from under them by being disfellowshipped?.
and what about those that have a family member that died because of not receiving a blood transfusion?
Reniaa - you do what site you're on right? We are people who have been skinned and thrown about by pretend shepherds. The WTS and their representatives have done EVERYTHING the pharisees were condemned by Jesus for and much more. Save the self-righteousness for your meetings. Stick to posts where you can do some good arguing the positive side of witness doctrine not personal experience stuff. Many people want to know they are not alone in there suffering at the hands of these men. And they have every right to ask for this help.
The Case for Unitarianism
by UnDisfellowshipped in* the bible teaches that there is only one true god, only one person who is almighty god, and this one person is the father.
(see john 17:3; john 5:37, 5:44; john 8:54; isaiah 63:15-16; malachi 1:6; 1st corinthians 8:6; ephesians 4:6).
(john 5:19-20; 5:30; 8:28; 12:49).
Reniaa - what do you think about using Jehovah in the Greek scriptures where it is not a quote from the Hebrew? Did you know that this is done many times - especially in Paul's writings? I believe the evidence shows that they take liberty with the translation that no honest Christian could accept as proper.
70 years = 607?
by allelsefails in70 years of captivity?.
i myself have always believed that when archaeology disagreed with the bible the bible must be right.
that is how i dismissed the idea that jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587 bce.
Can't scan it tonight, but will do so soon. I'm awaiting another response (they take about 2 months to tell me they're too busy) And when I finally decide to leave (DA) I'll post the entire back and forth for the forum. It is a funny one I wrote the branch - they told me they were too busy ask the elders. The elders took 5 months to talk to me. Found out what my questions were and then wrote to the branch to be told what to do! LOL! I know they got a response more than 2 months ago ,but they still haven't even called me. Oh well.
Watchtower says "Field Service Report NOT a Major Concern!"
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower, june 1st, 2005 issue, pages 14-15:.
"saved, not by works alone, but by undeserved kindness" (study article).
(paragraph 1): "christians [...] realize that in jehovah's service, right motives are more important than personal accomplishments.
I like the quote "not necessary for everlating life". But it is absolutely necessary to how you are viewed in the Cong. AS an elder I recommended a brother be appointed a MS. He was one of the most loving, kind, level headed people I knew. He cared for older ones and young ones, but I was overruled because he didn't report enough time. Nothing even reminded of Christ in that discussion.