I read some of your posts already, surely I still agree with some, but I found one important misconception in your defense of the WTS: you compare them with servants of God in the past, who made also mistakes. However, they never once made a mistake regarding their inspired prophecy or counsel or whatever. They themselves were imperfect, but not what they wrote under inspiration ! Thats the difference, the brothers at the GB are imperfect and make mistakes, this is no problem for me, but their writings is also flawed, and this is a problem, because they claim to be guided by Gods spirit. So in effect they say, everything we write is from God, except those things, which are changed later, these are of human error. This is the same as I would say, everything I do is perfect, only when I do something wrong, Im not perfect...whats the logic there ??
Additionally the writing of the GB is taken by witnesses as coming from God, so it has a tremdous impact in their life. Granted a lot of advice is given in a rather foggy way, pretending to leave matters up to the conscience of the brothers, but others are even disefellowshipping offences (blood for example).